"Want" vs "Need"

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It's been five days since that morning with Hisoka, I haven't left my room since. I want him more, I want to embrace all of him, I want to have him fully. I'm to afraid to fucking step outside because what if that's not what he wants, he doesn't feel, I didn't feel until now and I don't know how to stop feeling. I've never not gotten what i've wanted and I want him, but I won't have him if he doesn't feel the same. I've never ever been put in a more vulnerable situation, i've never had to worry about being rejected. He just drives me now, he's all I can think about, when he says my name I lose my mind. This isn't in love, I've never fallen in love before but this isn't it and I know it, or maybe I just won't let myself admit that it is. No Y/n it's not love!

The doorbell rang.

You jumped up and ran to the peephole, it was Hisoka. You looked like a mess. You started unchanging as quickly as you could and grabbed something somewhat decent to throw on. Hisoka kept ringing.

"One sec i'm changing!" you said cluelessly not realizing Hisoka wouldn't respect your privacy, especially while you were changing.

"Y/n it's not like I haven't seen you naked, i'm coming in." He stated indigently. Before you could open your mouth to tell him no the door cut you off. There he was, beautiful as ever, standing there staring you down while you were fumbling trying to put your pants on. You fell straight on your ass with your pants halfway on and you sat there topless. Holding your breast with your arm covering them, you started cursing Hisoka off as your face flushed with embarrassment. He started laughing at the creases in your forehead and the little pout you huffed.

"Whats so fucking funny Hisoka?" you asked in rage.

"The face your making is absolutely hysterical, it's almost cute" he said while still chuckling.

"Almost?" you asked with even more anger.

Hisokas chuckling fueled back to his normal expression, which most of the time was entirely nothing, it's always been hard to read. "Where have you been Y/n?"

"None of your business" you said cruelly. You couldn't figure out why you had been being so mean when you were just arguing with yourself about wanting him so badly.

He got up and towered over you. He squatted down to your face and grabbed it roughly, your jaw felt tense and your cheeks inflated within the places he wasn't holding so hard.

"Everything my toy does is my business, dont forget it" He said as he threw your face back from his grip.

"If you must know I was taking some time to myself the last few days, I stayed in and that's all, can you turn around now that I answered your question?" you said almost afraid at the coarseness you just saw from him.

"As you wish, but you shouldn't shy away from me seeing you, you are mine now after all." Hisoka whispered.

"Yeah whatever Hisoka" you said in annoyance as you finished getting dressed.

"This isn't a joke Y/n, you gave in, and you seem to need some clarity on what that means, meet me for dinner tonight and I'll show you. Oh and wear this." he said as he tossed another gift box on your bed.

Like usual Hisoka walked out of your apartment before you could even respond to his command which you took as a request instead. You wouldn't break that easy and he had to know that.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now