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The needles poking endless with metal buzz finally ceased against your tainted skin. Phinks stood standing over you, examining the work on your shoulder. His lips curved to a pleasurable beam of satisfaction, he lifted up his phone and took a picture of your bare back. You quickly tugged your shirt down and sat up to peak into the picture, your eyes radiated. You had liked the tattoo much more then you'd anticipated! Soon your worries faded about the beautifully done tattoo being a forwards regret. Phinks had payed the tattoo artist and graced him with a large tip, and the two of you headed back to the car parked a distant walk away.

"So does this mean i'm officially a member?" Your eyes glanced at Phinks and then to your shoulder.


"And now I can actually be involved in things, instead of being cooped up?" You added with curiosity.

"Didn't you just oppose our work only earlier? Asking me if my killings felt impactful...Besides, boss decides what you do and what you don't." He snapped defensively. He felt annoyed of your hypocrisy.

You crossed your arms together and glared at him. You thought about his words, and they angered you, hearing that Chrollos control over you was known. You huffed, "He treats me like a child, like i'm his personal property. I want to feel equal to him, like I did before we came here..."

Phinks was overcome by your vulnerability with him, speaking so heartfelt, hearing your trust. Your words hurt him, he knew what wanting to be free felt like.

"...I know he's in charge of quite literally everyone, but it's different. I felt so happy with him when we first met, like I finally overcame the cycle my life was spinning in. Now it just, just feels, I just, want it to go back." Your sigh had been so heavy that your eyelids fell down with it.

"Just give it time. This will all be over, and i'm sure you both will feel free again." Phinks knew his advice wasn't valuable, but he didn't know any other way to give an ill-fated girl the comfort she needed.

You smiled warmly at him, knowing that he had tried to help, but surely didn't. And his dutiful gesture made its way to a little snug spot in your heart. Even that little attempt made you two as good as friends.

The walk grew quiet, but the streets filled the noise with distractions all around. Suddenly the car you arrived in was in sight, and your pace quickened until you reached the door handle.

"Wait, the place we're going to next is just down the block, leave the car." Phinks pointed ahead as you looked at him puzzled.

"Um, where do we have to go next?" You asked slowly.

"A hotel," His voice strained slightly, "Chrollo will be there."

Your eyes widened instantly, your feet began walking towards the direction Phinks had pointed to momentarily ago.

It only took a few minutes before Phinks noted the hotel entrance. The doors were encased with copper, and stained purple glass. Your eager eyes searched for Chrollo, but promptly noticed the two boys being held with the group.

Damnit, he did it again. Why are they here? Their looking for the Chain-user, Gon and Killua have nothing to do with that, and I've seen them captured twice now?! Chrollo won't tell me anything...But...Hisoka might.

Phinks saw you stare into the glass, lost in thought, distinctly making your face pink. He wondered why you'd been hesitant, until you snapped out of thought.

"What are they doing here?" You flared at him, pointing to the boys behind the glass.

He looked immediately, and was slightly surprised. "I have no clue why their here, let's go find out. Quickly." Phinks yanked your arm to get you inside.

Your strength prevailed as you shrugged your arm fiercely out of his hold. "Wait!" You shouted at him.

"Why? Are we just gonna sit here and watch?"


Your hands folded over the glass to see Paku standing over Killua, his expression seemed all to calm as he began talking with her.

"He's too...calm." You spoke out loud.

"How would you know?" Phinks' tone was unsure.

"I know him, and the other one, before all this." You told him, still staring intently at Killuas body language, until something, or someone familiar, sitting in the lobby, caught your eye.

"How do you kn-"

"It's a setup!" You shouted gripping Phinks arm, running straight for the door.

Your body pushed against the massive spinning doors, your steps were loud, hopefully loud enough to draw his attention. And they did, his dark iris's met instinctively with yours as you threw yourself through the door. The world had stopped for this one quick moment. A moment, you got to see his eyes, those luminous eyes of the one you belonged with. The shades of grey beneath the intricate layers of darkness seemed to twinkle enchantingly. His piercing gaze fixated on you, placing him in unawareness. The breath inside your lungs collapsed upon his sight, fearful and scared, your body desperately seeking his comfort. Your delicate lips shouted his name as a frantic cry, but it seemed to only whisper, and everything in this last moment, went dark.

Authors note: Hi everyone! I hope everyone's enjoying the story still, we are now approaching the end of the canonly written York New City arc, but everything after episode 58 and manga chapter 117 will be creatively inspired! I'm sorry for the less constant updates but I still appreciate my avid readers, thank you! Remember to vote and comment, love you all:)

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now