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You submerged your lips onto Chrollos. Your body welcomed him as he took your waist in his hands and pushed you gently down against the ground. His lips were still locked onto yours as he towered over your body. Each kiss and stroke of his lips were more passionate then the next.

His hands traveled your body slowly like he was tracing over your every line. His fingertips followed your neck down to your collarbone as he brushed them softly over every bone. His lips started following the lines he painted with his fingers. His velvet lips slowly moved from your neck to your collarbone, then his hands slowly lifted your shirt. He took off your shirt and dragged it up your arms as he leaned in for one more kiss on your lips. His mouth traveled back down to your breast once he removed your shirt. His eyes never left yours. He stayed focused on your beautiful eyes as he kissed every inch of your body. Chrollo burned for you as his mouth traveled down between your legs. He held your thighs gently as he caressed you with his tongue. You started letting out soft moans as he dragged his tongue into you. Your body went weak as he focused solely on mapping out all of your tender spots. He saw you squirm when he found these spots. Chrollos face made its way back up to yours and he revealed himself to you. He stroked himself slowly against you until your walls let him in. He inched himself more and more into you. Taking it solely at your pace.

This was different then the sex you had before. This was what sex was supposed to be, full of love, and burning desire. It was different then getting fucked. This was so much more meaningful and it was something you'd only be able to get from someone who could admit they loved you, and we're okay with loving you.

His pace started picking up but he wasn't rough, he held his hand against yours the whole time. His soft fingertips locked between yours. It was pure bliss. He was hitting every spot inside you just right. It was explosive love. It was all you ever wanted, without ever knowing until now.

Your moans grew loud. His grunts did too. The two of you were one in this very moment. It was beautiful and calm. There wasn't a thought in mind other than Chrollo. Then all of the sudden you exploded. The peak had come, you had come. Chrollos strength in his arms broke as he came and he fell onto you. He dug himself under your chin as he laid their with you in euphoria. You finally got your happiness, with this beautiful man, you found love again.

You held the back of his head as he laid on top of you. You brushed his hair slowly, your fingers flushed within his silky black hair.


"Yes?" he said happily

"Thank you" you said as your eyes went glossy,

"Why are you thanking me? there's nothing to thank me for my love" He said as he shifted himself back up and looked into your teary eyes.

"But there is, so much to thank you for, but mostly because, because of how happy I am." You said while smiling at him through your tears of joy.

His heart sinked when he saw your tears, even though you were happy, he took you tightly in his arms. He held on to you with his life. He felt better holding you, he felt like he was protecting you from all the pain.

"I should be thanking you, but let's not, let's just stay happy, happy together" He uttered to you while still holding you tightly.

"Alright" you muttered happily.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now