The teapot

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You found your way to your private room. The bed was freshly made and the room smelled of lemon. You smiled knowing that you finally get peace after the slightly embarrassing encounter with Hisoka.

The comforter felt like a cloud as your plummeting body fell backward onto the bed, your angst seemingly drifted until your mind thought of those piercing amber eyes.

He was divine, his jaw was carved from the heavens and his amber eyes were plucked from hell. His body was elegant with every curve being perfectly suited. His lips were soft but his skin ran cold and pale. His aristocratic frame and exotic color palette were thrilling to behold. He was Ethereal. I've never seen a man so mystifying. I want to beat him, I won't be his trophy but he will be mine. His power was wicked but exquisite all at the same time, I knew this wasn't all of it and I was yearning for more.

"Hisoka" his name sounded snake-like as it slithered slowly off your tongue. I'm still burning in fury, I asked for more and he rejected me after his indentured attempt. He infuriated me, honestly, but even more truthfully, I couldn't tell why I wanted more.

No, I won't feed into him like a drug, it won't turn out well for me and you know it Y/n.

Soon enough your contrasting thoughts tugged at your heavy lids finally resting.

The week passed by and you hadn't seen Hisoka at all. Your pride wouldn't concede to acknowledge you were disappointed by this.

Your first match was coming up and it would be against whichever man won today's match. Out of preparation, even though you knew you wouldn't need it, you purchased a single ticket to watch the match. The man who won struck down his opponent using an aura-charged battle hammer. He was an Enhancer, he wouldn't be able to match your Nen abilities.

A sudden whisper into your right ear said "I can't wait to see you fight, my toy"

The hot breath ran down your body, sending chills down your spine. You flung around and nobody was there. His hypnotizing presence held your running thoughts and trembling body frozen in place.

The announcer held up the winner's hand and people flooded out of the arena. You scanned the arena with engulfing flames behind your eyes searching to find him. As the crowd dispersed you found no remnants of Hisoka. You sat there until the arena was empty, craving the slightest bit of solitude as long as you could.

"Come join me down here" Hisoka yelled. Your eyes darted to the echoing voice in the empty arena. Your peace had been disrupted by the arrogant man and his arrogant commands. Although displeased with the man standing far off in the center of the arena you couldn't help but feel a slight glimmer of thrill. You scanned him intently before deciding what to do. He was on the concrete fighting spot holding his right hand on his hip and using his left to signal you down.

"I don't want a fight, not yet anyway." You yelled calmly with confidence laced between your parted lips.

"I would prefer to have an audience to watch you fall anyways, we won't be fighting today, just come down here!" He said eccentrically.

Your body rose from the unfolded seat. Your subconscious seemed to take control of this action seeing as your level head had no intention of walking towards him. His eyebrow lifted as he saw you abruptly stand, his lips curved into a possessive smirk. There was no going back now.

You gulped as you approached the raised pit. Your shoulders became so firm from his enticing stare. Once your foolish feet reached the bottom of the area Hisoka walked over to you and reached out his arm for you to grab and hoist yourself up. His cold touch against your forearm sent undeniable chills against your velvet skin. As the two of you walked to the center Hisokas upturned smirk directed towards you, "Do you trust me Y/n?"

"Undoubtedly no." You said with cold haste in your soft mellow voice.

"Humor me Y/n"

"Fine" you replied.

Hisoka slowly began circling you as he slipped his finger up your chest and around your neck until he was standing behind you. His cold palms covered your eyes and you heard a snap in the air. Slowly removing his hands Hisoka said "Ta-da!"

In front of you was a set of clothes dressed upon a warn-out beige mannequin.

The set consisted of a long black leather coat layered over a black satin corset and black leather shorts. The shoes stood out to you the most. They were black heeled boots with a chain layered over the top.

"You'll wear this when we fight, how do you like it?" He snickered with his bright eyes looking hungrily towards you.

"It's decent, but who said I agreed to fight you? I sure as hell didn't" you said purposely trying to provoke him.

His right hand snaked around your waist and pulled you forcefully against him. His body stood behind you and his warm sinister breath seeped deep into the skin uncovered from your shoulder. His left finger began tracing upwards against your exposed arm until it reached the shoulder he was breathing so lustfully against. "You will fight me Y/n, you will give in to me, just watch" He snickered coldly into your left ear. His warm breath against your sensitive earlobes caused a sudden shudder which Hisoka felt from your body against his hard build.

You swallowed the unnerved pit that sat in your throat. Clusters of remarks ran through your head. You finally vocalized your risky actions. "You keep getting confused Hisoka, I will not give into you. It makes perfect sense you think that though, you are a self-absorbed prick after all". His grin faded and his face became expressionless. Still, in blistering proximity, he began to whisper, "I can't wait to end you Y/n"

Hisoka's confining grip against your lower stomach slid slowly away as he turned back around to descend the risen ground, perfectly jumping down from the cement placement and striding out the door.

"Please do take my gift with you," he said walking out the door, flinging his hand up.

The nerve this psychopath has, he's worse than me.

Filled with utmost rage you cursed your blind-full attempts of thrill and lust. You stomped back to your room with your fists curled into tight balls at your sides. When you got back to your room you started a pot of tea on the stove to calm your forsaken nerves. In an attempt to get his lingering scent off you, you started getting undressed until you were down to your bra and panties. The teapot whistled loudly.

Why is that going off already? I set the heat on low it should've at least taken five more minutes.

Running to the kitchen you find the stove on high and turn it down immediately, you grab the pot and set it on the counter. Releasing your breath you turn to the side to see Hisoka fidgeting with a card at your table staring you up and down.

"What the fuck Hisoka?!" You shouted as you attempted to turn around quickly to conceal yourself only for it to backfire by revealing more to him. His eyes traced the defining curve of your hips as you stomped and yelled in frustration. His allure to you grew when his eyes marked every detail of the places in your body he wanted to proclaim with his lips.

"You left your door unlocked, anybody could've walked in and murdered you Y/n. Your lucky it's just me" He grinned as he tilted his head onto his hand to perceive you from another angle.

You felt his intense stare burning into your backside. Your body formulated around to face him in his gawking presence. "That doesn't give you the right to just walk in. What do you want Hisoka?"

"Well, I want you. Not just in battle Y/n but right now, right here on this table." Hisoka spoke so decisively like he was commanding it. His piercing eyes set ablaze a fiery pit silenced in yours. The temptation of every nature crept transparently into your stare.

I hate you Hisoka.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now