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The days past smoothly, for the past week you had waken up at Hisokas side. You two stayed at his place mostly, he had a certain love for his apartment at heavens arena, he liked having a somewhat home. He wouldn't of wanted an actual home though, he was always moving through his life, searching and finding but never pleased. He was just like you, but now you began to realize that you really were pleased, you didn't want this phase to end, you could never get bored of this, ever.

You had spent most of your days working out and splurging on expensive sushi. It was modern and exciting, you didn't want to feel normal now that you finally had something with someone that was normal. A real relationship within itself was almost too normal for the both of you. Except there were certain moments that extinguished this feeling, moments like seeing his amber eyes in the sun as you woke up next to his warm body, like when he grips your thigh while sitting next to him, and times when he holds you. Hugs were normal for any loving family, being held close by someone you loved wasn't something that normal people appreciated. But people like you and Hisoka were so very grateful for this way of touch since it wasn't bestowed to you upon growing up. Hisoka didn't share much of his past and that was okay for you, you didn't want to indulge him in yours either.

You kept your hopes leveled trying not to get them too high just in case Hisoka turned out differently.

Today you woke up with Hisokas head on your chest, in his sleep he would hold you. He'd never do it consciously because it showed weakness, wanting to be held by a woman. You enjoyed this though, you'd run your fingers through his silky bright colored hair. He held you tighter when he was dreaming, you wanted to read his mind but you still never could. His eyes slowly fluttered open when the alarm went off, you tried reaching over to turn it off and let him sleep but it there was no point, once he was awake he wouldn't fall back asleep. He grumbled in annoyance and grabbed the alarm clock and threw it against the wall, you let out a loud laugh when he did this.

"It's not funny, I was having quite a good dream" Hisoka said blankly.

"I'm sorry but it is almost 11 o'clock anyways, you had to get up at some point"

"Ugh I hate the mornings" Hisoka said as he turned his head into his pillow, he was by far the crankiest in the morning. You leaned over and started kissing his back shoulder as he groaned about not being able to fall back asleep.

"We have somewhere to go today" Hisoka uttered while his face was still smashed into his pillow.

"Where?" you asked suspiciously

"We're going to watch Gon fight, he has a match today and I want to see his improvement"

"Improvement? You know him?" you said confused.

"Yes, he and I met at the hunter exams only a few months ago before I came here."

"You're a hunter?!" you exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes Y/n, I got bored and took it last year for fun, but then I failed for killing the instructor, he was quite annoying, so I went back this year hoping for a better outcome" Hisoka said while glaring at you for making him further explain his reasons for the hunter exam.

"Oh, well when are we going to the match?" you asked slowly. Hisoka seemed to be in a very bad mood today and you didn't feel like antagonizing him anymore.

"Soon" he said irritated with your questions.

You got up out of bed and Hisoka lifted his head and asked "Where are you going?"

"The shower" you said blankly, Hisokas eyes lit up slightly and his unusually uplifting grin came onto his face.

"Can I join you?" He asked, even though no matter what you said he'd come anyways.

You smiled and started walking into the bathroom while lifting up your shirt. You were only in your bra and underwear at this point and you reached inside the glass doors to turn on the shower. You quickly undressed and got in before Hisoka even reached the bathroom. Once he walked in you leaned your back against the glass and arched forward, you stuck your finger out and singled him to come in. Hisoka undressed as quick as possible and ran into the shower, he picked you up and held you against the wall while sticking himself inside you, he was aggressively biting your neck and it tickled you slightly, so each time you laughed he bit down harder. He kept thrusting himself into you harder and harder, your hand slammed against the fogged over glass door and your trembling hand marked the site of absolute passion you and Hisoka had been engaging in. The hot water ran down his chiseled face and body, he was flawless even when he was banging the shit out of you.

Once Hisoka released himself into you, you could barley stand up straight. He held your waist as he washed you until you could balance on your own. Then of course (once you were able to stand) you returned the favor, it seemed that he almost liked this more then the sex, he secretly loved you washing him down, but like usual, he would never admit it.

It was always surprising you how Hisokas mood changes so quickly. Only 15 minutes ago he was acting as if he wanted to destroy you, and now after basically destroying you in a different sense he was ecstatically happy.

Once you both got out of the shower you help Hisoka blow dry his hair because he didn't like it wet and messy like it was. He was too tall for you to even reach the top of his head so you made kneel, once again his pride wouldn't let him admit that he liked having you help him with things like this. Thinking about all the things he liked that he pretended to hate made you smile, butterfly's fluttered through you. You had met Hisoka with dark and grim feelings for him, now he made you warm. Being with him was internally conflicting in all the worst and best ways.

2 hours passed by quick. You were practically pushing Hisoka out the door because he wouldn't stop messing with his hair, he liked having his appearance on point. The two of you strode down the hall and too the elevator. Once the elevator had reached the fighting arena, everyones eyes darted to you and Hisoka walking out together, Hisoka pulled you closer to him so he could display you as his, you rushed to push him away out of the discomfort of people seeing you as weak but when you looked up at him he mouthed "It's okay" like he knew exactly what you were thinking.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now