Perfect Storm

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Around 2 months later...

Hisokas POV:
Waking up to her everyday these past two months was a gift like no other, her absorbing aura was extreme pleasure, and soon it will all end. I've never done anything that didn't further my own gain except for this, this was purely for her. Or am I doing this for me? Is this selfish or selfless? There was no clear distinction between the two for me, i'm afraid there never will be. My match against Gon is in two days, Y/n still hasn't found out yet. I've kept her distracted from the advertisements for the fight, but soon enough she'll know.

The waking moments have been the most enjoyable things you've ever experienced, you've truly fallen deep in love. You and Hisoka haven't expressed those words to each other but it's become quite apparent that you both feel that way.

It felt unreal to be so happy, you haven't had a single doubt or panic about things ending, your ever so racing mind seemed to have calmed while being with him. You've put yourself in the most vulnerable situation without even realizing, your doubts from the beginning should've steered you away from him, but emotions took over. A recipe for disaster.

You and Hisoka had just woken up, sprawled into each other as usual. The blinds were shut, the sunlight was creeping in through the sides hitting your sleepy eyes, Hisokas figure blocked out the tiny rays of sun as his shirtless torso leaned to sit up. The sunlight gleamed a golden lining over his pale skin, his shadow was dark. It seemed every time you looked at his menacing figure you fell deeper in this godforsaken, dark hole of love you dug yourself into. Your world was so soon about to be crushed.

You shifted yourself up onto the bed and said "Do you want me to go run and get some breakfast? i'm starving"

"No no i'll do it, you stay here" Hisoka said as he leaned into your forehead pressing his lips to it, he offered to go out himself to keep you from seeing the advertisements everywhere.

You looked up and smiled. Hisoka got up and started changing into his usual outfit, which he had many pairs of.

"I'll be back soon" He said carelessly as he strode out the door.

You sat on the bed just basking in the happiness you finally reached. Then there was a knock on the door.

You got up quickly and walked to the door, you didn't even bother to look through the peephole, it was Gon. He was standing there looking at you shockingly as you were standing with just a blanket wrapped around you at Hisokas door.

"Is this Hisokas room?" Gon gulped hoping that he'd have of gotten the room wrong.

"Yeah" you said with a saddening shame when you saw Gons shocked face.

"Oh well is he here?" Gon said cheerfully trying to cover his disbelief as he sensed your tone change.

"No but he will be shortly, you could come in and wait if you'd like, or I could pass on a message for you if that works better for your schedule?" You told him politely.

"I just wanted to find out if Hisoka was coming tomorrow night" Gon said with ease.

"Wait coming where?" You asked with a bit of suspicion.

"To our fight, it's scheduled for tomorrow, two months ago he gave in to my challenge to fight him, I've been preparing ever since" Gon said with excitement about his new abilities!

Your heart sank into a deep rage and your eyes flared up to the wall behind Gon across the hallway. Everything was red.

Hisokas fighting Gon?!? He's a twelve year old boy what the fuck is he thinking!!?! He's had this planned for two whole fucking months too?!! Wonder what the fuck else he's been hiding from me?!

Completely overcome with rage you blanked on the fact that Gon was still standing in front of you waiting awkwardly for some sort of response.

"Y/n?" Gon said.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second, but I'll make sure to tell Hisoka to show up tomorrow" You said with rage across your lips as you uttered those words out.

"Alright Thank you!" Gon said as he excused himself.

As soon as you closed the door you went into a frenzy, you grabbed every piece of clothing, absolutely everything that was yours and packed it all into a duffle bag, completely distraught you walked back to your room and sobbed into your pillows. You left Hisokas room trashed and stormed away as quickly as possible before he got back. Once Hisoka arrived back his apartment, he unexpectedly found his door wide open. Startled, he dropped the food and ran into the room as fast as possible to see if you were okay. To his complete shock he found all your belongings gone along with you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now