Two As One

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You and Chrollo darted up to the your room. The two of you blissfully ran all rain soaked through the tavern, laughing at all the stares. The bartender from before just sat back and smiled even though the two of you left mud tracks all on the floor.

The two of you quickly rushed to open the door and you leaned your back against the door and slammed it shut when you got inside. Chrollo towered over you as your back arched your hips towards him as you stood against the splinted wooden door. Chrollos eyes grew large, and so did something else. His eyes meet with yours as you bit your lip. The two of you where on a high like nothing before.

Chrollo sensed your aching for him. He pushed himself vigorously onto you. His lips pressed hard against yours. His kiss was rough, but you yearned for it. His hands started slowly taking off your top as he pressed your arms onto the door. Once your shirt had been fully removed Chrollos grip fastened around your two wrists. He held them above your head while he continued kissing you. Your body took into itself and your hips pushed themselves onto to Chrollos. His eyes grew hungrier as you moved yourself against him. He suddenly grabbed your neck with his free hand while his other was occupied with holding your wrists tightly up against the door. His hands were cold and wet, but his lips were soft and warm as he continued caressing your mouth with his tongue.

His grip around your neck grew tighter as he whispered softly into your ear, "Get on your knees"

You smirked in compliance. This was a different side to Chrollo, but it wasn't a bad one.

He dragged your arms down slowly as you got on your knees. He adjusted his grip on your wrists still holding them above your head. Chrollo undid his pants and revealed himself
to your embracing throat. He grabbed the side of your face, tucking his thumb straight behind your jaw and using his other fingers to force your mouth forwards. You had zero complaints and opened your mouth for him. He wanted control, so he took it. You only had your mouth to use, no hands, so you traced every nerve spot with your tongue. Chrollos breathing was getting strained, his grip against your face got harder. Chrollo started pushing himself into your mouth, practically face fucking you, but your eyes stayed tied to his. His nose started to scrunch and his eyes closed shut as he let out into your mouth. His skin grew warm and his heart was racing. His hand around your wrists pulled you tightly back up to a standing position. His eyes were locked onto yours, and then you sallowed, and grinned.

Chrollo wasn't done yet, and neither were you. Chrollos hand released from your wrists and he grabbed your hips and hoisted you over his shoulder. He walked over to the bed and threw you down forcefully onto it. He leaned over to your exposed chest laying against the white sheets and started kissing your breasts. His trail of markings started making their way down your stomach until he reached your hips and saw your soaking wet pants still on. He dragged them down quickly until he was standing back up and taking them off your ankles. He stood at the edge of the bed, towering over you, and he grabbed the back of your knees and yanked them close to him. He lifted your legs apart and stuck himself in you. The feeling was indescribably climatic. His strokes were fast but still hit every spot perfectly inside you. Your legs were wrapped around his backside as you laid back on the bed. Soon enough Chrollo slid his hands underneath the arch way your back created from pleasure and he lifted you up. His hands gripping your ass as your legs clinged to him as he stayed deep inside you. Chrollo walked over to the wall and pressed your back against it once more. His strokes started up again as he held you up. The pure euphoria was like a drug as he pushed deeper inside you each time. His grunts and moans reached into yours ears as he made out with your neck while still hoisting you up. His strength and speed and talent drove your mind crazy.

"Chrollo I'm gonna-"

"Not yet" He cut you off as he picked up his pace faster.


"Not yet" He said again while getting even rougher and quicker. He was pounding the shit out of you. His strained voice made you know he was about to come. Then you did and so did he.

"Chrollo!" You let out with a high pitched moan after the two of you reached peak climax.

This man, is too, fucking, good.

Your mind exploding into a high after you had come, goosebumps flooded your body and he stared at you in success. Chrollo took you back to the bed and slowly pulled himself out of you. He leaned in and kissed you softly.

"Let's go take a bath" Chrollo suggested as he reached his hand out to yours.

You grabbed it and followed him into the bathroom where he started running a bath. You leaned against the wall in a robe as he leaned his perfectly toned back down to turn the hot water on. He finished and looked back to you staring him down. He leaned back forward and turned to step over to you.

"What are you blushing at?" He asked as he stroked his soft thumb against your red cheek.

"What do you think?" You said sweetly towards him, he smiled as his finger traveled under your chin. He pointed your mouth up and kissed your lips happily.

Chrollos lips drew back as he noticed the filled bath tub. He undid the sole towel he wore and stepped into the bath tub and sat down leaning back. His head turned towards you and his hand opened.

"Join me"

You headed over to the bathtub and slid the silk rob of your shoulders. Chrollo watched the lavender silk robe drop down slowly exposing your body. His cheeks grew flushed, but he still reached out his hand to yours. You took his hand and stepped slowly into the bathtub. You sat down, leaning against Chrollos pale chest in the hot water. His hands started massaging your shoulders as he dragged hot water against your tired back.

"God, your good" You said to Chrollo as he rubbed every knot from your stressed back.

"At what? Massaging?" He said innocently.

"That and other things" You said deviously. Chrollo looked down and chuckled slightly at your comments like usual.

Chrollos hands released from your back as he started kissing your strained shoulder. Your neck stretched to the other side of where his lips were caressing.


"Hm?" Chrollo said as his head turned up towards you.

"I don't mean to bring this up but should I be worried? About the other members? Or the job?"

Chrollo took a deep sigh as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer into him.

"No, nobody will touch you or have a problem with you as long as I say so. And the job, well the job is one of our biggest, but we'll be okay. If anything I can promise you that you'll be okay."

"You? Why aren't you including yourself in that sentence Chrollo?" Your face grew red but this time you weren't blushing.

"I'll be fine, my priority is you though" He told you.

"Do you promise?" You asked him worriedly

"Yes" He said reassuringly.

The two of you finished your relaxing bath. You had already been tired from training and now you were beyond your breaking point of exhaustion after what Chrollo did. The two of you hopped comfortably into bed, only wearing undergarments. He hugged you from the side as he kissed your shoulder blade after telling you goodnight. You sat in thought before you faded to sleep.

Tomorrow we leave, the next day we meet with the rest of the members. They'll hate me for sleeping with their boss. Maybe they won't, i'm not sure. Ugh, I need to stop being so worried, I've moved on, Im happy, I have Chrollo. What could possibly go wrong Y/n?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now