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"Hey look I think she's waking up" Shalnark said.

Chrollo and Phinks both jolted out of their chairs on the far side of the room. Shalnark was standing over you waving his hand above your head. Everything was hazy and your eyes could barley open.

What happened? My head doesn't feel good. Where's Hisoka?

Your eyes bolted awake when your mind called out for Hisoka. Your heart shattered again when he wasn't there, but someone else was. Chrollo was standing right beside you, his eyes were like two empty holes just staring right at you. He reached his hand down to your forehead and felt for your temperature.

"Her fevers gone down..." He said looking up to the rest of the group.

You slowly made your way up to a sitting position while still looking at everyone with confusion.

"Did I lose?" You said cluelessly.

Shalnark and Phinks laughed at your comment, Chrollo even chuckled a little.

"Yeah Y/n my punch sent you flying, sorry though" Phinks said lightheartedly.

"No it's okay i'll get you back someday." you said with a smile. You found yourself happy being around them in this moment, a smile was something uncommon to you now. Maybe they were growing on you?

When you looked around you noticed you were back in Chrollos room laying in his motel room bed, the sun had almost set.

"How long was I out for?"

"Few hours." Shalnark shrugged.

"Your jaw was dislocated but Chrollo reset it luckily." Phinks told you.

You looked up at Chrollo who was still standing over you. He was so blank. It was like he wasn't alive, his mind always pondering away, like he never felt anything. Chrollo was imprisoned in his own mind, constantly seeking to find a purpose, an identity. He was just staring out the window, lost in thought, he didn't even notice you staring starry eyed up at him. His neck was turned and his pale skin outlined his jaw perfectly. The glowing orange from the dying sun laid within his complexion. He was angelic in his own devilish way, like a fallen angel.

"Thank you." You said to Chrollo while his mind was somewhere far away. His attention directed to you almost instantly, he heard your thank you and he smiled at you. He was different then Hisoka, he would hardly ever smile, but when he did it was true. Chrollo on the other hand would pass along smiles like nothing, but there was no emotion behind them, just an empty abyss.

He is so peculiar, I can sense his longing. His longing for just being, he doesn't know how to just be without purpose. I mean that's all that I am after all, his purpose for the next month since he can't stand just being. I get how he feels though, that's why I said yes to him, I needed a new purpose. I needed to escape my thoughts, maybe we're more similar then I thought. I wonder...

"Since Y/n is awake do you guys want to go get dinner? I'm starved" Shalnark asked completely disrupting you from your intense thought.

"Sounds good to me." Phinks said. You looked to see Chrollos response and he nodded in agreement with Shalnark.

"You coming?" Phinks asked.

"Yeah but I'm gonna run back to my room and change first, i'm covered in dirt thanks to you" You said playfully.

You pushed yourself out of the bed and stood up quickly, only for your knees to take quite a tumble. Chrollo was fast. He grabbed your waist just before you hit the ground, your back arched from his icy palms. He pulled you up like you weighed nothing. He placed both his hands on your hips as you got back on your feet.

"Are you okay?" He asked while still holding you stable.

"Maybe i'll skip out on dinner.." You said slowly moving away from his grip and sitting back on the bed.

"I'll stay with you" Chrollo said blankly.

"No I'm fine, go ahead with them!" You insisted.

"They'll be fine without me, well I hope so." Chrollo said sarcastically waving his hand in dismiss towards Phinks and Shalnark.

You smiled at his comment.

"How about I make us some food here?" Chrollo offered.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a hassle" You said, you didn't like having people do things for you, or take care of you. You'd always done enough of that yourself and especially after what happened with Hisoka you didn't want yourself getting used to being 'cared' for.

"Y/n, stop worrying, it's fine." Chrollo said annoyed by your persistence.

You watched him patiently as he started frying up salmon in a pan and chopped away at some vegetables. You couldn't remember the last time you'd had a home cooked meal. Hisoka wasn't much of a chef, neither were you. You both enjoyed take out every night together. This day was distracting but your heart still aches for him, it burned. Your stomach would feel like it was caving in and your heart was still torn apart to shreds. You wondered if it'd ever heal, maybe this will help, maybe you can put him in that past and focus on moving forward, and getting stronger.

Chrollo watched you while your head drifted away, he saw your eyes get glassy.

(Chrollos pov)
I wonder what she's thinking about, or who maybe? She seems to strong willed to be on the verge of tears. Her past still conflicts within her, at least she has a past. She's just a distraction, I shouldn't even care to wonder about her. But then again I find myself doing exactly that, I found myself waiting longingly for her to wake up when she was asleep, I found myself longing to meet her when she first walked in. I contradict myself in so many ways because of her. She makes me...what's the's like she, she makes me, well she makes me feel.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now