Where Does The Good Go?

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The night past quickly. Your mind swirled thoughts of both Hisoka and Chrollo. That one kiss changed it all. Something was brewing within you.

You fell asleep soon after Chrollo ran away. You didn't have enough energy to stress over having to see Chrollo tomorrow morning. You decided that you wouldn't bring up the kiss unless he did first, and with that you went to sleep soundly.

Dawn struck through your window brightly, you woke up along with the rest of the world. You sat up and watched the sun slowly rise from the horizon. You smiled as the world lit up by that warm orange color. You took a deep gulp and pushed yourself off your bed.

Today's going to be a good day! i'm going to work my ass off, i'm going to be okay. I'm okay.

You smiled as your affirmations boosted your motivation. Today was going to be a good one, and right there, you decided that everyday would be a good day. It was time to let your walls down, they had been up for so long because you convinced yourself they kept you safe, but it was quite the opposite.

You got dressed in a tight cropped black long sleeve shirt, and threw on tight black leggings. Today you'd train your ass off so you thought it better to look good while doing it. You put your hair into the same usual braid, keeping it down just made it harder to fight. Hair was a pain.

You opened the fridge in the tiny kitchen in your room and grabbed a bottle of water. Then you grabbed an apple and headed out for the door.

Today was going to be a good day!

You kept repeating it to yourself. Yesterday was hard, one of the hardest days you've had. You were drowning again, but this time you had to learn how to swim. You wouldn't let yourself drown without a fight this time. This was your driving redemption for yourself. You wanted to prove yourself worthy for nobody except you.

You headed down the hallway and went straight to Chrollos room.

This is gonna be awkward...No...Y/n no. This won't be awkward unless you make it that way. It's fine. I got this!

You took a deep breath and knocked on the rigid wooden door... no one answered.

You knocked again. You heard a jolt come from within Chrollos room. Your mind went puzzled. Then he opened the door. Naked. Your eyes bolted up and down as you stood in-front of Chrollo with nothing but a towel wrapped around his...well you know. His jet black hair was glossy and slicked straight back.

He. Is. So. Fucking. Hot. His body was even more perfect when it was bare and dripping with water. Holy shit. This is a good start to my morning. Wait. What the fuck is that?

Your eyes stared at the cross tattooed across his forehead. Chrollo had usually worn a band around his head. He had a tattoo? Of a cross no less? What in the actual weird.

"Uh Hi?" Chrollo said awkwardly as he lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head.

"Hi, um sorry I came by maybe too early? s-sorry." you said shyly.

"No it's fine your on time, I uh didn't get much sleep last night, I slept in pretty late this morning." He said embarrassingly. Chrollo was hoping you wouldn't read to much into what he said about not sleeping last night. He stayed up thinking only about you, about the different ways he could've handled that situation, his mind even wondered to what more could've happened last night if he hadn't left and his imagination went crazy.

"Oh do you want me to come back later then?" you said comfortingly.

"No come in." He blurted out quickly. He spread out his hand while he opened the door wider for you.

"Alright" you walked in and placed yourself on the couch on the far side of the room. You sat for a second and just stared at Chrollos, still, naked body. He totally forgot he was only wearing a towel and noticed as soon as your eyes became obvious when you were looking directly at the towel. In your head you weren't actually looking at the towel, you were trying to look at what was underneath.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go change" He blushed when he noticed where your eyes had been. Your head snapped as soon as his sentence finished and you looked back up to Chrollos face. You brought your focus back and smiled with a warm nod.

As Chrollo departed into the bathroom you hit yourself on the head as you cursed yourself in embarrassment. Chrollo totally saw you staring directly as his junk. You let out a sigh and tried to shake off the embarrassing feeling.

Chrollo came out of the bathroom dressed in a grey t-shirt and black pants. His band was back on over his forehead. He headed towards you and sat down on the arm chair facing slight towards the couch. He smiled at you, but your curious little feet got up and took his headband off. He looked up at your hand hold his band confusingly.

"Why'd you do that?" He said to you while you were standing in front of him looking at his tattoo.

"Cause I wanted to see your tattoo. I've been wondering why you wear that headband. Now I know" You said childishly.

"Well you saw it, so give the headband back" He said as he reached for your wrist. You drew your hand higher up dodging his attempt to get it back. Chrollo stood up swiftly and pushed you onto the couch behind you. The back of your knees hit the cushions and your butt fell flat down onto the couch. Chrollo grabbed you me wrist that was high up in the air. He stocked his knee in between your legs and smirked down at you as his fingers slowly trailed up your palm to grab the band.

You smirked right back at him.

He moved his hand down but didn't take his knee away. He adjusted the headband back on while still being inches away from you. His hair got a little messed up so you reached your hand up to fix it.

"What are you trying to do now?" He asked as he grabbed your wrist before your hand made it past his chin.

"Your hair got messed up, I was trying to fix it." Chrollo let go of your hand and let you fix his lose strands of hair. The position you two had been in would've been an intense one, but today your attitude was different.

"Thanks" He said as he back away from you and sat back down in the chair.

"No problem, but I like you without the headband. The tattoos cool." You said cheerfully to him.

"You think so?" He chuckled in disbelief.

"Yeah, but I mean you look good both ways don't get me wrong" You said flustered.

"Haha, thanks Y/n" That was the first time you'd heard Chrollo genuinely laugh at something. He found your flustered blushing cute.

You smiled back to him.

"Should we head out and go grab the boys?" Chrollo said as he reached his palm out for yours. You nodded and placed your hand in his.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now