Just a Phase of Excitement

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The fight was over and the arena fled out. You started your way back to your room, it was midday by now and you had become quite hungry. Opponents stared you down after watching your frightening performance, they wouldn't let their fear of you show. Some others congratulated you on your work in the arena. People praise fights like that because fighting is art, each battle was like a new canvas. Sloppy bad fighting won't ever be appreciated, while a masterpiece of tactics will be. The art of fighting, the art of nen perhaps.

The hallway to your room was empty like it had been the first time you arrived at the 200th floor. The winding hallway was bleak with no charm, beige walls and scent of bitter vanilla. You walked with ease taking in the constant feeling of boredom this hallway represented, that of never being enough with small excitements every now and then, the hallway was your path of life, bleak and boring, the doors and rooms were small phases of excitement that ended up always bringing you back to the hallway. Your life was filled with rage and boredom, any revenge you've taken part of was exciting until it was boring. You couldn't ever escape the feeling of longing for something different. Hisoka was different. You didn't want to lose him solely for the excitement that aroused from being even near him. But then again, he made you feel something else from the excitement, almost like you cared for him and was actually afraid of what losing him would mean. Was it Hisoka you longed for or was it the feeling he gave you? Can this feeling only occur from him or was it possible to feel it from someone else?

Your mind lingered off, thinking and questioning yourself, never letting yourself fully feel. Hisoka made you want to put everything out. The hallway seemed to go on forever. Time goes slower when your feeling any negative emotions but the universe seems to speed up the time when your finally feeling something good. The smell suddenly changed, it wasn't of the bitter vanilla anymore, it was bubblegum, sweet savory bubblegum with a hint of sandalwood. You could recognize this smell from miles away. Hisoka was striding behind you a bit ways back, you knew he was there but didn't bother to turn to look. He knew this too and picked up his pace. Soon he was so close behind you, you could feel his aura on your skin. Having enough of this silly pursuit you stopped a swung around to see purple smoke filling the air, but no Hisoka. Annoyed at the fact that he clearly disappeared you swung yourself back around. Your face smashed into Hisokas chest not realizing he had appeared in front of you. Backing away and adjust your nose since it was seemingly smashed.

What the fuck!! Great look what you did, you slammed right into him and busted your face. God Y/n your such a airhead.

Your eyes bolted up in a glare at Hisoka and your forehead smushed into angry lines. He made a face, a sarcastic sorry face at you provoking you more.

"You seriously couldn't have appeared a few steps back? Like seriously Hisoka I smashed my face into you."

"Your adorable" he said with a smirk.

"God what do you want Hisoka?"

"Well let's see my dear, I want many things of which you already know of, such I could name would be you, Y/n. I want you all to myself and maybe someday i'll get to kill you. Ah that would be fun wouldn't it." Hisoka said as he placed his cold finger underneath my chin forcing my eyes to his.

"Hisoka, you won't kill me, i'll kill you, only after I break you" you said purposely letting your bloodlust out.

"Oh Y/n your such a tease, look what your doing to me" His eyes traveled down to his bulge were he directed me to look. Wow.

"I saw you today, watching me fight."

"Ah yes, you did well, Yaban didn't seem like much of a suited match for you. Someone stronger who's willing to fight you perhaps?" He said hinting at his ultimate goal of fighting you.

"Our time will come Hisoka. Let's not rush it, I want to savor your ultimate demise" You said surprisingly confidently.

"My ultimate demise? Oh Y/n you talk to much." He said this smoothly. He reached down and passionately kissed your mouth as soon as you tried to respond in your defense. His hands on your face were chilling but his lips and mouth were warm. Climatic.

Hisoka slowly pulled his lips from you and walked graciously away down the opposite side of the hall. You took a deep breath before you began walking again, he noticed this and smirked cheerfully. He purely wanted you, not for love and companionship, but for excitement and sex. You were a door in the hallway for him, a small time of excitement which ultimately lead back to boredom.That's all you were. He was so much more to you though but you wouldn't admit it to yourself. Your bottled up emotions would once again get the best of you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now