Sudden Betrayal

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"Stay here?! Are you out of your mind? As to think i'd stay here?!"

"..." Hisoka stared expressionlessly down upon you. He seemed so elusive when he pondered. But he hadn't been contemplating his decision, "Y/n, don't make this difficult." His sly lips uncurled from their usually grin as he huffed in exhaustion, showing his disinterest in arguing.

"I'm making this difficult? I'm coming with you, I have too!" You shouted at him with your finger pointed up towards him, provokingly poking his wall like chest.

"I said no. I will not repeat myself. Either I go get him, alone. Or I take you away from here completely, and we never see him again."

Your eyes widened at the revelation of the second possible outcome, you never seeing Chrollo again. It was the farthest thing you'd wished would happen in this perilous situation, but even so, fate worked in funny ways.

Hisoka watched you carefully, waiting for your bitter response. But your return had been calmer, more demanding, in a soft hush voice, "You will take me with you, and we will get him back."

"You just don't quit do you." Hisoka said as his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth in itching annoyance.

"I'll do it myself then." You stared dead on to him in rebellion.

"You are really something Y/n, but that's not going to work with me." Hisoka was bombarded with relentless desire to plaster your defying lips against his. 'How can she be so damn in love with him. It's so annoying. But that look in her eyes, it's not going away no matter what I do, her determination will undermine us all.'

"You can't stop me Hisoka."

He looked at you confusingly, almost appalled by how serious you actually were about 'stopping him'. "Oh but I can."

You could sense his growing seriousness, and his loss of patience. You didn't know what kind of cheap trick that frustrating magician would pull. "Hisoka, I don't want your help anymore, leave, I'll do this myself."

Hisokas eyes stayed glued to yours in the most bone-chilling stare. Until he bursted out into laughter, psycho, manic laughing. All because of your idiotic lines to get rid of him.

You stared back at him in complete bewilderment, never had you felt so offended by such a menacing laugh. Hisokas words somehow always managed to tie your intestines in knots. Your lips felt frozen until he spoke again.

His face drew back from the sarcastic laughter, into his serious stare, never followed by something remotely plausible. "You have to know i'm doing this all for your sake, your safety as well. You think it's smart to go out there alone? Face the chain-user alone? Who'd kill you in an instant by the way. You'd probably stray from this childish idea if you had seen Uvos deranged dead body."

"The Chain-user won't kill me." You stated blankly. Hisokas eyes immediately changed to confusion, shutting down your ridiculous statement again.

"You don't think he'll kill you? You were never this stupid at Heavens Arena, he's blinding you Y/n." Hisokas voice grew intensely loud, his words stung, and infuriated you.

"I'm stupid now?! I was smart at Heavens Arena?! I was doomed the moment I met you, Hisoka. I was stupid back then, stupid for loving you you! Stupid for not going after you! Stupid for letting you leave! But i'm not making that mistake again, i'm getting him back. I'd be stupid if I didn't."

Hisoka kept silent, watching you so intently.

You continued, "And the Chain-user? He won't kill me. You won't let that happen...because you won't let me die. I guess that's the one good thing about you back. So Hisoka, if the Chain-user kills me, it'll be your fault, and I don't think that's what you want." Your voice shredded him viciously, he saw through your intents, your manipulation, and he almost couldn't believe it. Hisoka cursed himself as he watched you back him into a corner, he didn't think you were capable of such threats, but he acknowledged his own stupidity by putting this past you. His eyes also ignited, falling more vulnerable to your commands, he recognized you as the girl you'd been at Heavens Arena, and he fell more dazedly in love with you.

But he still cared only for your safety.

"I genuinely despise how in love with you I am."

Your eyes widened, his velvet voice whispers those words so gently, so suddenly. He certainly always left you in heart-ridden shock. You stood frozen to his stomach churning words, and suddenly Hisokas eye contact broke. He swiftly swung down and grabbed your slender legs, throwing you over his shoulder.

"Hisoka! Put me down!!" You screamed at him, pounding his backside with your fists.

"You made me do this. You'll thank me one day." He spoke nonchalantly while he walked to the bathroom.

"No! No! No no no! Hisoka if you do this, i'll never forgive you, i'll never ever, not even my dead body will forgive you." Your shrieks and threats each singlehandedly stabbed Hisoka deeper and deeper into his heart, solely consumed by the thought of you. Each threat of everlasting curses twisted that dagger further into him. He'd managed to get you in the bathroom, he could only hear your screams behind the door, and your rattling of the handle. His sorrow-filled eyes shut gently as he twisted the lock on the door, and he sighed of regret. He wanted so desperately to obey your every command, as long as you loved him solely. But he sank, knowing that'd likely never happen.

Hisoka kept walking, out of the bedroom door, and through the main room of the base. He walked with shame, and sadness. He knew he was about to bear a horrendous pain, the pain of returning your lover back to you, the lover that was not him.

Phinks and Kortopi suddenly appeared from the shadows. "What is all that screaming? Is Y/ n alright? Did you do something to her?" Phinks halted Hisoka, his tone grew serious, he cared for you, Hisoka could tell.

"She's fine, I had to lock her in the bathroom so she wouldn't slither her way out of here to look for Chrollo and get herself killed." Hisoka told Phinks, he nodded, "Thats probably best, he would've done the same." Hisoka felt almost insulted by the prideful Phinks, boasting a compliment of his boss. Hisokas felt his jaw grind as he irritatedly walked away towards his car.

Hisoka flipped out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, found Kurapika, and dialed."Where are you?"

Phinks continued walking towards your bedroom, he glanced Kortopi still following him, "Let me go alone." He whispered to Kortopi who nodded gently.

Phinks opened the cold metal doorknob slowly, trying not to make a noise. He held a white envelope in his hands, with your name on it. He heard your weeping and screaming and stayed silent, his feet carried no noise with each step towards the bathroom door. He gently leaned down and slid the letter underneath the door.

You sat in the corner, leaning against the tub, with your knees pressed against your chest. The cripple noise of paper drew your attention to the ground where it had appeared. You stood up swiftly, and grabbed the note. Before opening it you ran to the door, pounding and screaming. "Who's there? I know someone's there! Let me out please, please i'm begging you." You heard no answer, nothing but silence except for the fierce rattle of the door knob you'd been shaking.

You cried in defeat after several minutes of pounding, until you drifted back over to that note. You picked it up, the white paper felt soft against the top of your thumb. The sticky residue stuck to your nail as you gently opened the mysterious envelope. You straightened the vertically folded note, and immediately recognized the delicate, sophisticated hand writing. You took a sharp breath before you began,

Dear Y/n,
By now I'm most likely not with you, for I have read the future and know where I am presently. I'm sorry things have occurred this way, but I must be most upfront with my goodbye to you. You have indulged me in such gracious distraction, for that I thank thee. But as must all things do, our time is ending. You will never see me again and I hope your fragile heart moves on, I ask kindly that you continue with your life, because you were nothing but a distraction. It was foolish of me to have brought you here in the first place, it was foolish of me to offer you a place among the Troupe, for infatuation had blinded me. I misleadingly plead love to you, for it had been fleeting. I hope you will not ponder on this goodbye for long, don't waste even more of your time chasing this illusion of love i've casted you in. You were... an experience, i'll never forget. But as I said, our time is fleeting, and a childish part of me thought I actually loved you. I've never truly felt anything before, and its still strange to think I actually let myself believe you made me feel something. I'm sorry for this collection of misfortunate events I've put you in. I meant to do this goodbye in person, but you now know why it is by hand. Also, if you are so kind, leave the necklace with the ring on the dresser. Goodbye.


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now