Side Effects

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Authors note: (this is a full smut chapter, if your not comfortable reading this then I advise you to stop now, if you've been waiting for this then happy fucking reading, hope you enjoy!!)

You wake up the next morning to absolutely nothing, you were desperately hoping that Hisoka might've been next to you, it was disappointing when he couldn't come last night. You got up and showered, the water was blasting hot but the pain was nice, it severed as a distraction from Hisokas body flashing around images in your head, the feeling was consuming, how could you manage to get something so perfect out of your head. Your jaw clenched together tightly while your head swirled with scenarios of what Hisoka might do to you the next time you saw him. The anxiety built up and your teeth were on the verge of chipping from clenching them so hard. Hisoka had this power over you and you couldn't tell wether he was poison or not.

Hisoka had a fight today against somebody named Kastro, this worried you slightly since you knew how tough Kastro actually was. You had been dying to see him but was it to soon to rush to him? You didn't care at this point, he was consuming you and you needed release.You got dressed and rushed over to Hisokas room, while you were walking down the hallway you wondered if he'd even be there, it was only about 3 p.m. You looked up Hisokas fight time and it was scheduled for 8 tonight so you had plenty of time. You didn't actually know what you were going to his room for, you just desperately needed to see him.

Your back stiffened straight as you reached Hisokas door. You slowly reached your hand to the sliver door knob, it was icy cold and it sent chills all through you. Goosebumps covered your arms and before you could even knock Hisoka opened the door. His poker face was on as he hid the surprise of you showing up at his apartment to himself.

"Y/n" he said slowly.

Before you knew it you had slammed your lips into his, you pushed him to the nearest wall you could find. You vigorously kissed him and took full control, he kissed back just as hard, his tongue warmed your mouth and his lips were as soft as silk. You started gripping his jaw, you just kept going barley letting up to catch your breath. Soon enough you had to pull back, your oxygen was completely cut off from locking your lips with Hisoka so forcefully. As you released your lips to take a deep inhale, Hisokas eyes shot open. He let out a grim chuckle as he choked your neck and threw you to the bed, your head slammed into the soft sheets that smelled like heaven. Your body grew hot and your arousal took over, apparently so did Hisokas since you were now trapped under his weight as he started clinging his wet lips to your neck. You could feel the sores start formulating in a trail down your neck, Hisokas mouth was locked to your collarbone as he kept sucking, once his mark was made he moved his way down, once he reached your breasts he ripped apart your bra with his animal instincts. Your finger tips were running through his hair while you were arching your back every-time he put his teeth into the intimate sucking all over your body.

Hisoka travelled down in between your legs. He suckled at your thighs, taking his time, working his way up to your most vulnerable place. He teeth interlocked with the strap of your underwear, dragging it down your legs slowly, only looking at you when your panties had been completely discarded onto the floor. His hand scooped your ankle up to his invigorating lips. He left soft kisses on your calf, resting your ankle upon his shoulder. His lips traveled back to your thigh, and his hands reached up to your breasts. He planted sensual kisses all around your clit, teasing you as he knitted your breasts in his hand. Finally he tongue planted itself inside you, swirling and dancing his tongue. Your hands gripped onto his slim tresses of hair, hold his head like a horses reign. Every flick was like a new sensation, driving you to limits you'd never dreamed of. Your breathes grew shaky as the burning desire in your legs was heating to unspeakable limits. His eyes flickered up, he saw you clenching, biting down on your lip, holding make moans. His tongue stopped. Your eyes opened. "Do you want me to keep going?" He questioned, his voice was melting into your ears.

You shook your head yes.

"I need to hear you say it." He demanded.

Your heart pumped fast. You spoke hushed but high-pitched. "Keep going"

"Louder!" He said as his grip on your breasts grew tighter.

"Please!" You shouted in desperation.

He smirked and dipped his head back down. His tongue was back in action, better each time. The limits were reached, but he didn't care. You were so close, he kept going. Driving you to so close to climax he stopped, but you weren't upset. He dragged his tongue all the way back up to your mouth. The sensation was vulgar, his mouth was already being so rough, what more could he do? You were about to find out. You manage to take off his pants while he was consuming your face with his mouth, he stopped for half a second and looked down at his dick that had already been exposed for him. He rose his head up slightly and smirked, without a second thought he rushed himself into you, the flinch you made as he stuck his dick all the way into you was indescribable.

Hisoka was pounding the absolute shit out of you, your hands were on his back, his muscles were so perfectly defined, your nails dug into him and he moaned with delight, he kept thrusting, your moans had been so loud that at least everyone in the hallway could hear you too. Soon enough the wooden posts holding the bed up shattered into splinters all over the ground. Nothing phased him as he just kept going. He was close, you could see it in his eyes, soon enough Hisokas large veiny hands were wrapped around your throat once again, both of them wrapping tightly around your trachea squeezing into the point of no return, and with one final thrust Hisoka exploded into you, filling you with every part of himself. He threw his head back into the most erotic moan you had ever heard. You could feel the juices that he kept locked inside you leak onto your thighs. He collapsed into your breasts and laid there like you were a pillow.

"Hisoka?" You moaned softly.

"Yes my goddess?" He said pleased.

"I give in." You let out shamelessly. A huge weight lifted off your chest as you said this, you felt complete laying there with Hisoka, for once you felt happy.

Hisoka looked you at you and smiled, he smiled that real smile you had seen only once before, except this time it didn't go away. Hisoka leaned into your lips and kissed you gently.

Hisoka recovered all his strength immediately and lifted you up and swung you over his shoulders. You and him were both completely undressed and he carried you to the bathroom, while he walked past the mirror and you saw the blood leaking down from the scratch marks you gave him on his back. He set you down on the bathroom sink, he grabbed your face roughly and held it close to his lips, he commanded "Get in with me"

Hisoka released your cheeks and your head swung back almost hard enough to break the glass. You smirked while watching the masterpiece on his back shift as he walked to turn on the shower. His muscles moved so perfectly, he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen. The water started steaming as it hit his body when he stepped in. You pushed yourself off the counter while struggling to walk after what just happened between your legs. As you stepped in Hisoka grabbed your waist and started kissing your shoulder as the water rushed down your skin. You pushed yourself closer to him as he did this, you still wanted more even after all the pleasure he had just given you. Still holding your waist Hisoka twisted your wrist around to your backside and pushed your front side against the wet glass shower door.

"Your so much fucking work Y/n, you still want more don't you?" he whispered harshly into your ear.

Hisoka shoved your harder into the glass when you stayed silent "Answer me"

"I want more" you moaned while rolling your eyes back.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now