Wicked Game

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You walked onto the ship with Hisoka by your side, trailing towards the assigned room. He was easily carrying the few bags you had brought. You were expecting a dank room, nothing special, but Hisoka couldn't get this smirk off his face the closer you approached the room.

The red door labeled "146" was in sight, the same one that had matched the key in between Hisokas fingers.

As you walked in, like any other person with eyes, you couldn't help but notice the ornate glamour of the room. It was spectacular. White columns decorated the foyer. Lamps clasped to the wall hung with a soft glow. The floor was shining quartz. You turned to Hisoka, "What kind of ship is this?"

"It's not for the public. It's demographic includes, the rich and famous." He said with his lips curled. He couldn't help but get a little cocky over the way your face had been astounded by the room.

You turned to him, "So our exorcist isn't some random nobody are they?"

"Nope, its been pretty easy to track him through his countless headlines in the media."

"Do people know he's an exorcist? Is it like public knowledge or something?"

He huffed in annoyance, "Do you know how much easier it would've been to find him if it was public knowledge?"

You stared at him as he gave his snarky remark.

"Interestingly, our exorcist doesn't even know he is one. That's why this whole expedition might take awhile." Hisoka sighed.

"What? What the fuck are we doing then? Hisoka if you don't tell me everything you're planning right now, i'm getting off thi-"

"Calm down my love." He cut you off.

Your heart burned hearing that phrase. "My love" was what you had yearned to hear every waking moment before you met Chrollo.

You sucked in a raspy breath, "You can't say that."

"Why not?" Hisokas voice became stern, his expression blank, but behind those golden eyes was anger.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now. Just please tell me what is going on, why we're here." You said in a calm manner.

He just walked off, clenching his fists. He stormed into the other room and slammed the door. Maybe it was better that he removed himself from the situation, you thought to yourself. Until you heard the sound of crashing items. Great, he's having a temper tantrum.

You sighed heavily, preparing yourself for the delightful (more like dreaded) conversation that you were about to have. You walked over to the door slowly throughout the midst of the sounds of glass shattering. You opened the brass door knob. Hisoka was just standing there staring at the wall with a trashed room surrounding him. His jaw was clenched. If you listened closely you could probably hear his teeth grinding together. Instead you approached, your shoes crushing broken shards of a light bulb.

"You know we're going to have to pay for these damages right?" You said lightly, trying to make an utterly failing joking remark.

He stayed silent.

You reached out for his forearm. He jerked away as he felt your fingertips brush against his arm. He turned around to you, staring stoically. His expression was trying to show resentment, but it just couldn't, Hisoka knew this, and so did you.

"I know how hard this is." You said apologetically.

"No. You really don't." He said harshly.

"Really Hisoka? Tell me why, me, out of all people, don't know how painful this is." You scolded back to him.

"You don't know shit. You've never had to bear witness to the person you love more than anything that ever existed love someone else. You've never had to hold yourself back from touching their skin just to regain a little bit of warmth in this cold desolate fucking world. You've never had to force yourself to leave the person you love just to protect them, only to find them in the hands of the viper himself. Don't act like you know how I feel."

Your eyes were filled with tears. You hated the position you had put him in. You hadn't fully accepted the commit his feelings towards you still held, you kept trying to ignore them but they were there. In plain sight, right in front of you. So were your feelings, shrouded by anger, but still there was love.

"Hisoka you left me. You left me alone. I was in love with you. Infatuated when I first laid eyes on you. I didn't ask for your protection, I just wanted you. If you hadn't left, I'd be with you, I wouldn't of meet Chrollo and I'd be with you." You cried out to him.

"No you wouldn't be with me. Chrollo left you, and here I am and you're not really here with me are you?" He said blankly.

"No I guess I'm not." You responded coldly.

He huffed and rolled his eyes as he walked past you out into the front room.

"Our goal is to find him. Your job is too seduce him back here, if that doesn't work, I'll use force. And remember don't mention anything about any kind of exorcisms. You should probably change too, your outfit wont do any 'seducing'. His picture is on the table." He yelled out before he completely left the room.

You were so angry at him. But you couldn't help but think about what he said. He left for good reason, but that doesn't excuse anything. On the other hand, Chrollo left without sparing you a glance, but he was forced too, only after he wrote to you belittling everything you thought you had with him.

Authors note: Hey all! I updated! Summer has finally arrived so I'll try and get some chapters out. This was kind of slow and not my best writing, but I hope you enjoyed it. Our characters moral ground is shifting, and our journey is getting exciting! Who do you think was really in the right for leaving? Thanks for all the support! Longer chapters will be out soon.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now