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His striking gaze finally adverted back to the road ahead. The hypnotizing glance only lasted a few seconds, but the rapid heartbeat sending vibrations all throughout you seemed to last an hour. As his spell washed over, your hands began to regain control and the trembling stopped. You didn't know wether to speak or stay silent, but you desperately needed your answers. The control his amber eyes had over you determined even more so that your questions needed to be answered. And so, still breathing heavily, you spoke, "Why are you doing all this?"

A few seconds passed before anything was said. Hisokas grip on the steering wheel tighten, his chest felt like it was on fire. Why won't she get it? I haven't stopped loving her, and I never will, that's why i'm doing this.

"Hisoka-" Your plead for answers was cut off by his loud sigh, his eyes didn't leave the road ahead but his peripheral vision watched your eyes study him in hopes to speak. He glanced your anxious fists that pressed hardly against your soft slender thighs. "You've become inept" He said sternly. "Can you really not tell why I've done all this?" He continued sarcastically, his irate smirk lingered down into a frustrated chuckle. It would be a lie to claim he hadn't frightened you.

You sat in silence, lost at what to say. Words slid onto your tongue, enraged remarks flurried throughout your addled head. You couldn't bring yourself to vocalize anything, you just froze, hoping he would continue and answer the only question you managed to release.

"I didn't ever get the chance to say it back. If only I had that day, if only I had turned around and ran to you like my heart so desperately told me too. But I didn't, now this is all I can do." He spoke lowly. His breathing quickened as Hisoka felt his heart fall from his caging chest.

You watched him intently while processing the words he spoke. Lingering doubts slid prominent across your throbbing mind. You never believed his pleas that told you he still loved you. Your mind shut out his boggling words time and time again since you've come here. But now you decided it wasn't time to be ignorant, and the everlasting fog across your mind cleared.

"What should I do?"

Hisokas head shot towards you in bewilderment. He looked hesitantly at you, wondering what in the world you had meant. You hadn't known what else to say, you hadn't known what else to do, all you wanted was a guiding light in the dark turmoil surrounding you. You didn't know where to go to escape, you didn't know if you had to go alone, but you didn't know who would be at your side if you didn't. The world always spun when you were around one of them, when will it stop?

"I can't answer that question. My answer would only be a reflection of what I want." Hisoka spoke blankly as his gaze redirected back to the road ahead of him. The road had finally approached the abandoned buildings in the forgotten lands of the city. Everything was silent in the void of broken stone, the only sound was the gravel falling from the small indents of the tires patterns. The quiet noise from the small falling rocks drew all your attention, your subconscious trying desperately to redirect your overwhelming amount of thinking about what lies ahead.

The car came to a screeching halt. "Wait inside until he returns" Hisoka said almost expressionless if it wasn't for the sneer at his presence. His hands stayed tight on the wheel until his breathing could calm. He wasn't planning on accompanying you inside, so you nodded lowly as you lifted your fingers around the cold handle. Your body lifted stiffly out of the leather seat. Once your body fully stood out of the car your gaze meet his sculptured features. Your eyes followed his tight jaw moving there way down to his frustrated sneer. His upset-ness lingered with his slow moving eyes towards yours. As they met for one final second your unnerved instincts slammed the heavy door. His eyes stayed on you as he watched your fists curl to your sides while you walked to the entrance of the dreaded building ahead. Your body fought a strong urge to look behind and glimpse him once more. You couldn't deny your overcoming temptations, so you glanced behind your shoulders. Only to find the windows tinted black. Your head urged you not to look but you did, only for no glimpse to be gained. Your curled fingers dug deeply into your palms with consternation and angst, praying that he hadn't caught your sinful stare. Temptation worked in sly ways as Hisoka obviously noticed your eyes turn behind your constrained shoulders. Cursing yourself in an embarrassing manner you continued ahead until the entrance way was out of sight. You paced to your room and slammed the prison doors behind you.

Your aching body plummeted onto the bed, your mind tried to disparate the thoughts soaring throughout your anxious mind. These hopes of distraction faded as a familiar scent seeped up your nostrils. A scent so comforting but seemed so distant due to complications. Your mind took you through your memories of the places you knew this meaningful scent. The warmth of his chest soothed your aches from only memory. But the foreboding guilt of your heartstrings pulling slightly in Hisokas presence disassociated the remainder of Chrollos warming memory. Your evil conscious dispersed the scene witnessed today throughout your overbearing mind. Hisokas words flooded back to life.

"Y/n you saw what he did tonight didn't you? how he massacred a building full of people, burning the streets, kidnapping a teenage girl? I wasn't going to let you stay there, not after this, he's pushed his limit this time, he's about to fall into something I don't want you around him for. Have you noticed any slight changes in behavior since you both arrived here?" His words recited perfectly in your mind.

What had he been talking about? Was he lying? I doubt that, huh, 'I doubt that'. The fact that I can even say that so remorselessly about Chrollo tells me my truth. I've never felt so clueless. What am I supposed to do? Why can't anyone tell me? why can't anyone give me an answer?

"What am I supposed to do?" You whispered out into the open air hoping to find an answer. You'd already wished to much upon the great sky above. What could you do now?

You sat there and studied the question blankly. The answer seemed as if it was the farthest thing possible, ironically impossible. How could such a simple submissive question be such a bitch to find the answer to?

"What am I supposed to do?" You screamed into existence amongst the silent plane around you. Your exhausted conscious fell into your soft hands as your tears ran down the slip in your twitching fingers. It seemed as if enough could happen for absolutely everyone to arrive at their breaking point, but ever so slightly, temptation and risk crept up on the unfolding of fate. Only seemingly out to doom your caving world.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now