The Ways of Luck

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I need to get out of this room. What if he's out there? I don't know if I can face him. Deep breathes Y/n, I can do this. It doesn't matter if I see him or not. I'll be fine.

Your breathing was deep as you slowly turned the cold metal handle and opened the door, facing an empty hallway. You didn't like the forbidding feeling of hallways, hallways that lead you to your fate, and no other road to take except forward. Your footsteps were quiet, but they shoveled the gravel with them. The falling bits of broken rock from your shoes made your presences notable to whoever awaited you. It all depended on who stayed or went.

As the entrance to the main room was approaching, you heard one quiet voice and one loud voice talking from afar. As you reached the corner you peeked around to see who you could notice. The voices came from Franklin and that quiet girl Shizuku who sat upon the far side of the fallen rocks. Anyone else in the room was invisible to your eyes, but you sensed others, not him though.

Your mind grew panicked, you needed to get out of this warehouse. You thought about your options, incorporating the idea that Chrollo told them not to let you leave. Your lungs begged you for fresh air.

I've got to get to the roof at least. If I get caught sneaking past them up to the roof I'll seem as untrustworthy as ever. This is such a drag. I'm not a friendly person, I don't want to hang out with these people, not that I think badly of them. It's just not me, I'm here for Chrollo.

Let's take a bet then.

Your feet grew completely silent as you took a leap and dashed to the doorway across the hallway you'd been standing in. You had been so fast that the only noise left was a rush of cold air that wasn't noticed by the rest.

You made your way up to the roof quickly unsuspecting of the one following you.

The air was crisp and cool. The sun was high up in the air shining it's warm rays on your skin despite the chilly breeze. You soaked up the sun you'd missed, and for a moment you felt calm. Until a presence around was noticed all to late.

Motion itself slowed as your eyes began to shift. A single card came rushing rapidly past you, but it crossed your eyesight, the card read joker on top as it flew by. As the card traveled past your turning head the world fell back into its sudden rushes.

He stood against the closed door. His malicious stance never looked better as he shuffled the cards within his familiar fingers. His amber eyes lit up to meet yours from across the rooftop.

A silence stood between you too, the only noise was the whistle of the wind. Until he spoke.

"I didn't mean to intrude."

"You did. What do you want?" You asked anxiously.

You stood there motionlessly glaring towards him as he started silently walking towards you. His steps became closer and your own feet stepped you backwards.

"Your tone, it sounds just like his." He snickered as he got closer. Suddenly your feet came to a halt as they hit the edge of the building. Cornered, he kept approaching you, until his body towered above yours.

"Mhm No, I take that back, your tone could never sound like his." He said as he faced you closely.

"Why is that?" You sneered towards him while practically hanging over the railing away from him.

"Because I make you nervous" He smirked as he placed his hand over yours that gripped the railing. He was so close, your eyes unconsciously watched his face in front of yours, and shamefully savored his touch.

The silence ended as your mind snapped back to reality.

"Tch, you don't make me nervous, just looking at you enrages me." You shoved his chest back and escaped from against the railing.

"Ah, that explains why your face is so red." Hisoka chuckled as he said to your backside.

The both of you knew it wasn't rage that made your face fluster, but you'd never admit that.

"Cut the shit Hisoka, what do you want?" You turned back around and faced him.

"We both know what I want, but that's not why I came." He said honestly.

"Then why did you?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." Hisoka told you.

"You came to see if I was okay? You almost threw a card at my head but you came to see if I was okay?" You yelled to him.

"It was just to get your attention" He chuckled embarrassingly as he scratched the back of his head.

"Whatever. You got my attention, and I don't need your worries about if i'm okay or not, so stop acting like you care about me." You said angrily towards him.

"What in the world makes you think i'm 'acting' huh?" He said defensively back to you.

"Oh I could name a lot of reasons if you'd want me too. But to put it simply, you left me. You have zero rights to care about me."

"Y/n why can't you understand that I left you to protect you from here. I'm still trying to find a way to protect you now. After this stupid job was done I was going to search the world until I could find you again." He responded pleadingly.

"This stupid fucking job, what's so important to the both of you about it?" You asked.

"Everything is important about it, and things only escalate it now that your involved." Hisoka said seriously.

"What do you mean?" You asked hesitatingly.

"It's not for you to know, not right now anyways."

"You jackasses, why can't anyone just tell me what's going on!" You protested to him.

"Y/n we're both trying to keep you safe. Except I'm trying to keep you safe from him, and he's trying desperately to keep you safe from himself. If you refuse to trust me then don't trust anyone."

"Hisoka wait!" You said to him as he started turning around.

"Come on, the others just got back, do not say a word once we're down there." He said as he grabbed your wrist.

You followed him down the stairs cautiously but stayed silent.

Once you reached downstairs Hisoka leaned into your ear and whispered "Come out of this door in 5 minutes and sit down silently."

You nodded and Hisoka walked into the main room, taking seat upon one of the rocks.

Five minutes later you walked out from the door and sat down on a rock that wasn't in the pile that the other troupe members, including Hisoka, had been sitting on.

The doors to the warehouse opened and closed loudly. Out from the hallway came a barricade of the remaining troupe members. Pakunoda descended from behind the members that accompanied her and held onto two boys shoulders. The light from the stained glass window casted a shadowing silhouette over their faces. Your eyes narrowed as they arrived in the main room. A wave of surprise emerged from your eyes as you recognized the two boys.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now