Last time?

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It wasn't the next morning, but you had gotten your wish. Your eyes opened slowly as a smile grew across your face, you'd fallen asleep right on Hisokas chest, the side of your face was pressed against his snow like skin and his defined abs. Hisoka grunted as he shifted up slowly to see that you had finally woke up. He had waken up about an hour ago and he had time to spare so he let you sleep without disturbance. He watched you as you slept.

Hisokas pov
It was fascinating to watch her sleep, she had such pain and rage within her that she eventually she became numb. She reminded me of myself, except I don't wish for her to become like me. I wanted to watch her fall to her knees and beg my for mercy before I kill her when I first met her. The image of her begging me for her life was intoxicating, that's why I kept pushing her to fight me. But now I find myself wanting to hold her, protect her from everything else in the world, she made me feel something i've never felt before, therefore earned her my protection, I wasn't going to lose such a precious toy. She looked so peaceful while she slept.

You shifted yourself up into a sitting posture and rubbed your eyes, your hair had still been somewhat wet from the shower with Hisoka, his was as well, it had usually be slicked up but right now it was loose and dangling, he looked nice. His makeup had been gone, washed off from the shower. You glanced out the window and saw it had been dark out, you turned to the alarm clock and noticed it was 7:45. Hisoka had a big match in only 15 minutes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" you asked angrily.

"This is the type of tone I get for trying to be nice and let you sleep peacefully? Remind me not to do it again" he said bluntly

"I didn't mean it like that... I just was worried you'd miss your match" you grumbled.

"Well I will if I don't get there in the next 15 minutes, get dressed I've got a ticket waiting for you." he commanded.

You looked down to notice you had fallen asleep completely naked, once you realized this your face drew back with embarrassment. Hisoka saw this expression and smirked. He got up and was completely nude too, you watched his entire naked backside move gently and flex while he got dressed in his usual apparel. You got up as well and threw on the clothes you came in this morning. Hisoka took your hand and strode with you out the door. There wasn't anyone in the hallway to see your public display which was a plus because you wouldn't let people see you with Hisoka. It made you look weak and like you needed his protection, which you knew it didn't.

Hisoka leaned in and kissed your temple while taking the elevator to the fighting arena. He was being surprisingly kind but wasn't letting to much emotion show. This warmed you as you felt like it might actually be possible to love someone like Hisoka, and that he might actually love you back. Once the elevators opened Hisoka grabbed your waist and said "Wish me luck"

"Good luck, not that you'll need it" you said flirtatiously, Hisoka smiled with excitement when you said that. It seemed like he had never had someone cheer for him like that, you never had that either after your mother passed away but giving that feeling to Hisoka made you warm inside. Was this happiness?

You gave your ticket to the booth and someone directed you to your front row seat. Kastro made immediate eye contact with you and was entranced by your beauty. Hisoka came onto the arena and Kastro still hadn't released eye contact with you, Hisoka immediately noticed this and drew Kastros attention away. Hisoka didn't want to make it obvious he knew you, or cared for you so he refrained from killing Kastro right then and there for looking at you. Refraining from this was especially hard as Hisokas blood boiled, he never liked disrespect, especially when it came to his toys. Hisoka channeled this rage in his fight with Kastro. Thing started out interestingly as you watched, until Kastro became doubled. You studied him and figured out his nen technique before Hisoka seemed to realize. This excited you because you knew Hisoka would love to talk about his win after the match. You practically jinxed it. You had just been completely confident in Hisokas ability to win until you saw his arm get completely taken off. Your face went into a shock and Hisoka noticed this from the corner of his eyes. He became excited at this. Soon enough into the fight both of Hisokas arms had be taken off until one magically came back. You saw through Hisokas nen trick instantly realizing both his arms were actually gone, the second one was merely a distraction to catch Kastro off guard. Which in fact worked after Hisoka threw his playing cards directly into Kastros real body as he was defenseless.

You got stuck in the thousands of people leaving the arena and it took you long to swim through the crowds, it took you at least an hour to make your way back up to Hisokas with all the commotion. While you were walking down the hallway, close to Hisokas room you sensed two very strong auras, one you could identify as his but the other was someone else. You used Zetsu to conceal yourself as you approached the room to listen and figure out who he had been with. This reminded you of the first time you met Hisoka, you overheard some conversation about September 1st and York New city. It never crossed your mind to ask Hisoka about that conversation and you probably wouldn't ever ask. As the voices grew clearer you could definitely tell it was a girl in the room with him.

A fucking girl! I was in his bed less than 2 hours ago!! God was he seriously this delusional. I know you didn't just fall for a fucking cheater Y/n. Wait is he cheating? I mean I would've thought we were exclusive but what if he doesn't think that. That's an understandable reason. What... Wait he's fucking cheating that's not a reasonable reason at all Y/n what are you thinking!?!?

You listened in complete rage to the conversation. All you could hear was them talking about his fight, she saw through his nen tricks just the same as you had. So she was smart? Possibly powerful? You heard her footsteps head towards the door but then they suddenly stopped, she had turned back around to say what she was really here for and something about someone expecting Hisoka somewhere for the "biggest thing yet". That's all you could catch before you darted down the hallway to avoid being seen. You peaked around the corner at the girl leaving his room. She had pink hair and wasn't that cute looking in your opinion. After she made her way down your blasted into Hisokas room in a fit of fury.

"Ah Y/n I was wondering where you were" Hisoka said as he saw you storm in, he was caught completely off guard when you slapped him in the face and held your side arm against his chest using all your strength to hold him there.

"Who the fuck was that girl just now Hisoka?" you said screaming at him.

"She was a friend" he said unfazed.

"A friend? Seriously am I supposed to believe that? Let me guess what kind of friend, A toy? Is she one of your fucking toys like me Hisoka?" you said blind fully enraged.

"She's a friend who had special abilities called Nen stitches, she can heal and put back together injured body parts, like both of my arms for example" As he said while glancing down at his arms that were fully put back together. You didn't even notice his arms in perfect condition again. You let go of him and you drew your face back down in humiliation of the outburst of jealousy you took out on Hisoka.

"I'm sorry, that was an overreaction. I-I don't know what came over me" you said with fear of Hisoka completely leaving you from the childish outburst.

Hisoka pulled your hair back behind your ear and hugged you tightly.

"I'm not mad Y/n your mine and i'm yours, that's how it is from now on." Hisoka almost uttered a cry while he said this to you. Sadly Hisoka knew he would have to leave and accompany the Phantom troupe, he had been hoping that you wouldn't have grown so attached in hopes of setting off and coming back to you, but after the outburst he just saw he knew you wouldn't leave his side that easy, he didn't want you to leave but he had to keep you safe, you wouldn't be safe with the phantom troupe. Hisoka hugged you tightly knowing he wouldn't be able to hold you like this soon to come.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now