Turning Page

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3 weeks had passed since things started looking up for you. The days grew shorter, the training grew harder. Hisoka faded. Chrollo became apparent. You missed Hisoka, and it's not like you'd never not, but Chrollo, well he made you smile more. Everyday you smiled, it was either from Shalnark making fun of Phinks, or Phinks embarrassing himself, or sometimes it would be Chrollos warmth towards you.

Training was supposed to last one more week, and then it would be up to Chrollo to determine if you'd stay. You wanted to stay, you weren't lonely anymore, you had actual friends. Everything was changing for you in the best way possible.

Last night you and Chrollo had drinks after training. Even though it had been just you two it was friendly. Constant eyes and flirting had been between you two for the past 3 weeks but you never acted on it. You wanted too. He told you to come meet him at the barn today for training early.

You got ready as you usually would and jogged to the barn. It was about 5 am but you wouldn't mind if you had been earlier than expected.

The air was a bit chilly since it was so early. It was still august so the sun was warming you up quickly. Your pace and speed had drastically improved. Chrollo and you would work on speed tactics, fighting tactics and nen. He also started assigning you books to read even though they weren't for things like training. You thought he only told you to read them so he could have someone to talk about the books he liked with. Which he did...Most of your conversations had been about books.

You made it to the barn and to your surprise Chrollo was actually there. You jogged over to his handsome figure leaning against the barn door.

"Am I late?" You said with a playful smile.

"No, your earlier then I expected you to be" He said with ease.

Your cheeks were awfully red from the chilly breeze blowing against you while you ran. Chrollo noticed and placed his hand on your cheek. You looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"Your so cold" He said chuckling at you with his hand still against your face. You snuggled the side of your face into his warm hand.

"Your so warm" you said playful as you kept his hand to your face. It felt nice and you weren't going to lie about being uncomfortably cold.

"Let's head inside" He said while turning to open the barn doors and hide his blushing cheeks.

The two of you headed inside and laying out on the ground was a few buckets of water and dirt.

"Um Chrollo"

"Yes?" He said while turning to look at you.

"What's with the dirt pile?" you asked him confusingly.

"We're going to try a new Nen technique today, I have a theory of a valuable technique that might work with your abilities." Chrollo smirked towards you.

"Wait are you serious!?" you jumped with excitement.

"Yes, I know we've been struggling to find something that might work but I think this one will" He said smiling at you. It made him happy to see how excited you had gotten.

"Okay let's start i'm gonna get this I promise" you said eagerly.

"I believe you Y/n" Chrollo said gently.

Chrollo sat down in front of the pales of water and you sat down right next to him.

"So, since you're a manipulator, and your ability goes as far as controlling molecules within someone's brain, disabling senses, I thought you'd be able to manipulate molecules in another form. Water has molecules, minerals have molecules, the earth is made of molecules. If you can control water molecules you can draw your weapon from the sky if you wanted to, you could draw it from the ground. You could draw it from anywhere. This technique would eliminate the weakness to your main ability, since you have to touch them to inflict the Nen. With water you won't have too, theirs more layers but let's just see if this is even possible first." He explained to your longing eyes.

"Okay how should I start?" you asked determined.

"Start by dipping your hand in the water" Chrollo said.

"Okay now what?" you asked.

"Take your hand out and channel your Nen into your wet hand, see if you can move it into the molecules" He told you slowly.

"Hey hey look I think it's working" You said slowly as tiny drops of water lifted off your hand and danced slowly around your now dry hand.

"Now try aiming it back into the bucket" He said excitedly as his theory was working.

You focused the direction of your Nen and tried flowing it towards the bucket. Luckily enough it worked. The water droplets placed themselves slowly into the bucket.

"IT WORKED" You shouted and you looked to Chrollo, he smiled at you and you got lost in it. You jumped into his arms and hugged him.

You caught yourself after you jumped into him. You moved back quickly.

"Sorry, I got to excited." you told him, Yiu felt embarrassed but Chrollo looked at you blankly, and then he leaned into you. Your lips touched. His soft lips caressed yours as he slid his tongue into your mouth. He kissed you once more softly as he brought himself back from you. You stared up into his eyes, completely, perfectly, and incandescently happy. Your eyes told your story straight into his.

You reached your hand to the side of his face, you leaned in just as he did. This time you kissed him back, passionately, your warm breath mingled with his and your tongues moved gracefully around eachother. This kiss by itself was climatic.

You drew your lips away but leaned your forehead into his. You stared at his lips while still holding onto his face softly, you stroked your fingers slowly against his cheek as you spoke,

"Chrollo" you whispered.

"What is it?" he asked fearfully, he thought this moment he's longed for for so long was going to come to an end.

"I think, well I-I, I think I lov-" you tried to say but his lips locked into yours once more. After another slow passionate kiss, his silence broke. His eyes softened and his worries faded.

"I've never known this feeling before I met you, it's felt like we've spent a million years together, but it's only been a few weeks. I didn't think I had a soul until it became so drawn to you. There's so many things you don't know, but there's something I want to say first, For awhile I would've said "i think" but now I can wholeheartedly say, I know I love you. Body and soul I'm in love with you." He admitted.

A tear ran down your cheek. You were so tired from hiding your emotions and not embracing them. You were so scared to realize love brewing within you after thinking you could never love again. But now, well now, you got an "i love you" back. You didn't get a back facing away from you, you didn't get abandoned. You convinced yourself that Chrollo was the right thing, and maybe you were right. In this moment you pictured two hands, one hand was Chrollos and the other was Hisokas. Both reached out to you.

It was time to take a leap of faith...

In this image, you reached out your hand, and placed it in, placed it in Chrollos.

Authors note: (I know it's seem like Y/n chose Chrollo but we haven't even gotten to the main climax of the book so don't be afraid if you think this is how it's gonna end, Yes she's choosing Chrollo for the time being but September 1st hasn't arrived quite yet;)

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now