Games Begin

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A thought. One thought spewed into motivation.The silence in the world around you was unnoticed by the chaos churning away in your mind. A persons thoughts are chaos, until they drive those thoughts into reality. Chasing their dreams until they reach the horizon.

And like that, you snapped back, ready to run.

Your blood flowed through your veins with fire as your yearning for change grew louder throughout your head. You took deep breathes as you laid in Chrollos arms.

"Come with me" You told Chrollo as you unwrapped his arm that laid around your waist. You took his hand in yours as you got up off the bed. He felt bits of relief to see you emerge out of bed, but he noticed a difference in your aura. It reminded him of when you first met, except less painful.

You led him into the bathroom and closed the door slowly. He stood there expressionless as you let go of his silk hands. You looked at him with starvation, trying your hardest to be who you used to be. Your hand reached down to the top of his pants, your fingers creeped softly below the fabric that laid over his lower waist. You suddenly pulled him closer and crashed your lips into his. His velvet lips passionately pressed against yours as his tongue danced within your mouth. Chrollos hands swiftly reached down and grabbed your thighs, hoisting you around his waist. Your legs wrapped around him as he pressed you against the wall with his towering body. Rush filled his nerves as he felt your touch again. His lips drew back as he finally managed to undo your bra with his hands while his body held you so hard against the wall. His serious grey eyes gazed against your exposed body, his mind mustered terrible ideas driven by desire. He was quick to acknowledge these thoughts as his mind drew back to reality regretfully. To his surprise, he looked up at you to see the same look across your eyes, a look that yearned for his desires.

Chrollo discredited his regret in this very moment. Finally able to have you and your menacing aura.

He drew his pants down instantly and pulled your underwear down as well. He drove himself into you without warning, raising your backside roughly against the ridged walls. The excruciating pleasure made your entire body freeze. Chrollo stared at you in satisfaction as he grew completely in power of you. He felt ecstatic as he controlled every rough stroke that went into you. He felt intoxicated as he violently left marks across your neck. He stared into your eyes as you reached your limit. He hid his shocking delights behind his expressionless face as he kept going knowing your permitted limit was gone.

His strokes stopped as he lifted you back from against the wall and walked out into the bedroom. You rested your head on his shoulders as he carried you back. You couldn't stop panting, your body was shaking. He laid you down on your backside gently and finally took himself out of you. You laid there, naked and weak gasping for air as he walked to the dresser and changed.

After your breathing finally settled you sat slowly up and wrapped the white silk blanket around your hot skin. Your mood had never felt better. Chrollo sat down on the bed and watched you tussle the blankets as you covered yourself.

"Did you just use me for sex?" He asked jokingly but seriously all at once.

"Ha, I should be asking you that after what happened in there just now." You breathed heavily.

"Well you haven't touched me or talked to me in days, not that it matters, but you seem fine now."

"Yeah I think I am, but it wasn't you fucking the shit out of me to make that happen, I just wanted it." You shrugged to him.

"Glad to hear it, I guess" He said confusingly.

"So, what's the plan now? I don't think I should stay in here any longer."

"I've gotta go somewhere for a few days, not anywhere far, just to the city, but you can't come with." He said blankly.

"Why not?" You snapped fiercely.

"You know why." He said annoyed.

"You think I can't protect myself huh?"

"No that's not what I think, but I won't put you in any danger. None."

"So your going to be in danger? I want to come with!" You yelled to him.

"You really underestimate me. I won't be in any danger." Chrollo responded harshly.

"Fine, I don't care." You said as you turned your face away from his.

"Don't go breaking my heart Y/n." He snickered to you.

"I'll be here, doing whatever." You rolled your eyes at him.

"I'll be back, I promise." He spoke genuinely.

"Mhm" You muttered.

Chrollo grabbed the underneath of your chin gently and twisted your face to his, he pulled your lips into his for a proclaiming kiss. It only took one blink for Chrollos lips to be away from yours, watching his backside walk out the door.

Chrollo walked out of the bedroom and headed down the hallway that lead to the main warehouse room. The troupe gathered around as he gave orders upon his dismissal. Hisoka payed no attention to him and watched the hallway waiting to see you follow behind.

When the troupe dispersed Chrollo walked over to Hisoka as he leaned against he wall shuffling cards. His faced hadn't unchanged his mischievous smirk.

"So I guess it didn't work." He chuckled while staring down at his cards. His body sank with guilt and disappointment behind his scheming smile.

"No, it did."

Hisokas eyes lifted from the cards. He let a relieved blush slip from his disguised expressions.

"Don't speak to her." Chrollo said immediately as he noticed Hisokas slip.

"Okay" Hisoka said in a lying high toned voice.

Hisokas POV
He's seriously leaving her here? Without his presence? Huh, how stupid. Does he really feel that his relationship with her is stronger than ours? She was my peace before she was his. It'll always be that way. She drives me now, she always will. Nothing will change that.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now