Comfortable Silence

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You stood there, your body still, frozen, stuck. Your mouth was parted revealing warm air slowly exhaling, thawing the cracks upon your lips.

Your mind was spinning, wondering how he could've found something so useful. The exceedingly small amount of hope you carried during his departure now caused you utter shame. Even now it felt guilty to truly hope. Stirrings of countless possibilities about how this was a dead end, and how pointless it would be to hope cursed your mind. Your eyes drew away from Hisoka, falling down to your feet, head hung low, you asked, "How?"

"By casting it out." He chuckled.

Your eyes bolted towards him, fearfully aggressive your mouth spoke, "Are you kidding with me right now? Cast it out?! What the hell does that mean? If you think i'll humor you you're dead!"

His eyes couldn't betray the awkwardness he felt out of watching your extremely childish outburst. For a second he wanted to laugh again, but he inferred that would lead to a foul mark on his face...

"Someone's become extremely sensitive, remember when you had such a hard time feeling things in the first place? Now look at you, ready to step on anyone to get to him." His hands shot up in the air, mocking your paradoxical attitude.

Your fists balled at your sides, your eyes began to sting, your face was turning red from anger. All you could think of was bashing him in the face, until he said that last phrase. That's not me, I don't step on people...or do I? You looked down to your fists, knuckles bleeding white as your grip grew tighter. He was right, you were acting unstable.

A deep breath drew from your lips, your fists uncurled and your slender fingers fell loosely to your sides, your face returned to its natural blush, and your back straightened to stare at Hisoka blankly.

"I'm not stepping on anyone." You said firmly.

His flaming eyes of rich gold pooled with mixing glows as the sun slowly peaked into his eyes. They stared at you, emptied, but you'd been so engulfed in them. They weren't like Chrollos, his charcoal holes of endlessness, inspiring infinite mystery. Hisokas were unique and lustrous, everything exquisitely drawn, like a god himself etched Hisokas existence. His enchanting stare was loud as they only spoke silence. His face was numb, relaxed, but off-putting. He never blinked, not once

"I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to snap like that. But will you please tell me what you meant?" You spoke softly, hoping not to be dismissed.

His lips remained silent for a long pause, "At dinner, with your hosts..." His voiced was sly as if he knew you hadn't want to do such thing.

Before you could intervene he quickly began towards the door. Your frustration was growing, you hadn't want his plans to be shared with the entirety of a family assassin guild. Your feet become quick, you leaped in front of the door before he had the chance to open it. His beaming eyes grew as you besieged the door in front of him, the corner of his lips curled into his signature grin.

Your frigid chest moved steadily up and down as you took deep breaths. You remained calm, until his hand latched around the door knob, blocking one direction of escape. Then his other palm was placed awfully closed your your neck. His alluring eyes lowered to your lips, your tongue grazed across your lips as you took to bite upon the bottom one. His eyes hadn't moved, and now you couldn't move.

"Hisoka!" You jolted finally, as it had lied on your tongue for what felt like century's.

His eyesight stayed disturbingly direct on your lips. Even as he spoke, "Mhm?"

The pounding in your heart grew loud as he spoke so sultry in such close proximity. His breath was warm and soft, cooling the chills spiking across your chest. This feeling wasn't something you'd felt in awhile, you weren't sure wether you wanted to stray right this second, but you knew you had too.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now