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You and Chrollo sat soundly and ate away the bad tavern food. He put the food on his tab and tipped the nice waiter from before. The waiter picked up on the newfound relationship, he sat and washed glasses from behind the bar and smiled at the strange travelers who found love.

"Let me walk you up to your room." Chrollo said to you.

You smiled and nodded. The two of you headed up the stairs. You walked side by side through the shabby hallway. The back of your hands briskly stroked against each other, the slight touch was always mesmerizing. He stared at you as you twisted the room key into the old wooden door.

Once you walked into the room you turned around to see him standing patiently outside the door waiting for a goodnight.

"Stay with me tonight..." You hadn't sounded completely confident, but your body ached for him, for his warmth close to you.

He nodded and walked into the room closing the door behind him. He headed straight towards you, gliding slowly, he gently placed his arms around you and took you into him. Without saying a word he held you peacefully. It was his calm, you were his calm. He ran his fingers through the back of your hair while still holding you tightly. His velvet lips pressed against your forehead.

"It's okay."

His words sent chills throughout your body, goosebumps lifted all over your arms.

Its okay, the words that seemed so distant. Now they were here, coming from his lips, while he held you close. Those words drew flashbacks, pain sinked into your gut when you felt those forsaken words spoke yet again by someone you loved. You took a deep sigh.

"Its time to let go of me Y/n." His voice came back into your head. Hisokas voice.

"Its okay now my love." His voice spoke again to you. A sharp pain struck you.

"Let go." His voice said one last time. His voice in your head was kind, a voice that cared for your happiness, but that wasn't the Hisoka you knew, he didn't love you, he left you for nothing.

Chrollo let go of you and looked down to your lips, he hadn't noticed your shattered eyes, but he kissed you anyways. He kissed you softly, his lips pressed against yours. Your mind faded from Hisoka for a second. The goosebumps receded.

Chrollos lips drew back away from yours, then you took them back, giving yourself to him with nothing but a kiss. A kiss to ease your mind, to think clearly.

"Go change, you must be tired from all that training today." Chrollo suggested gently.

You nodded and headed into the bathroom. You walked in and had one look in the mirror and broke down. Tears flooded throughout your eyes but you cried in absolute silence, you'd only hurt yourself more if you hurt Chrollo. It was the last thing you'd ever want to do, you truly did love him and every peculiar thing about him. You stared deep into your eyes that streamed quiet falling tears against the counter top. Hisokas words echoed in your head.

I-I still love him, I can't ever stop loving you Hisoka, but I love him too, must I really let you go? For Chrollo I will, what's the point in hoping for something that'll never come, when I truly have everything I need right here. Am I selfish for still loving you? Am I really that pathetic? Constantly wishing for your hand pulling me out from the water? ...your hand. But that's not what I chose did I? I didn't choose your hand...I chose his.

You stared blankly at the shut door, that had Chrollo waiting on the other side.

Where do I go from here? Hisoka? Where do I go?

"Through that door my love. Be happy." His voice told you.

Everything around fell silent, the tears stopped. His voice was right. It was time to let go.

You wiped your tears and looked back in the mirror. For once Hisoka was right, everything must come to an end.

You set your hand quietly against the wooden doorknob, the doorway into Chrollo. From this moment on Hisokas voice must die out from your head. The sound of his voice will fade away from your memory. This hurt to think about but it was what must be done, for Chrollo and yourself. You took a long deep breath and opened the door. The wooden door opened slowly and revealed Chrollo sitting on your bed, shirtless, smiling at you.

You walked over and sat directly next to him at the end of the bed. You set your head down on his bare shoulder and took his hands into yours. You fidgeted with his fingers as his bare chest warmed your body, sending your worries away.

Chrollo looked down at you playing with his hands in yours. He chuckled and turned to you and grabbed your waist. He picked you up and threw you on the side of the bed playfully. You laughed back at him when he did this. His body towered over you, his hands pressed against the bed sheets, holding himself above you. You placed your hand on his chest, his collarbone flexed as his shoulder blades rose. He leaned down and started kissing your neck, progressing to your chest, then to your stomach, then his head sat between your thighs. He smiled before he drew your sleep shorts down.

"All I want is you." He said.

Before you could respond back Chrollos mouth had kissed you softly causing your back to arch. He kept going, dragging his tongue all around your insides. His tongue flicked against every perfect spot, your face came to a scrunch as he drove you crazy. Soon enough Chrollo stuck his fingers into you. You sucked in your stomach as your back rose completely up from the bed. Chrollo started pacing his fingers faster and faster in and out of you while still softly kissing the rest. Your hand grabbed the back of his black hair as his kissing became rougher and his multiple fingers got faster. Your thighs started shaking as you pressed them against the side of Chrollos head. He gripped your thigh with the hand that wasn't being used inside you. He held it down against the bed sheet as it continued to shake. His eyes looked to yours for a quick second, he could smirk with his, and that's exactly what he was doing. He was pushing you to the extreme, slowing his tongue every time you were close to coming. His fingers accelerated. You were so close, nothing was on your mind except for Chrollo. Your breathing grew loud as you let out his name. Your eyes rolled back and your back arched even further out. You let yourself out onto him. He drew back and watched you squirm into an orgasm. He applauded himself quietly within his head. Once your breath let out and your back settled to the bed sheets Chrollo came closer and kissed you passionately. Then he let out an exhausted sigh as he fell back onto the side of the bed next to you. He turned to side with sleepy eyes and grabbed your waist and pulled himself against you. His warm breath let out against your neck as the two of you entangled each other into sleep.

"How was it?" he whispered forwardly.

"Best i've ever had."

Chrollo chuckled with a smirk plastered against his face. He pressed himself closer to you and he dug his head into the pillow and closed his eyes. You sat there in bliss until you drifted slowly to sleep.

He was right. It was time to let go.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now