Stage 4

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TW: ED, detailed language explaining MC's body! do not read if easily triggered!

Everything from this point on will NOT follow the hxh manga!

There is a time skip. The previous chapter took place on September 10th.

Dear Diary,

The days haven't quickened their pace. Today is November 22nd. My thoughts still stir, my heart still sits in strife. My head dotes toying with me, conjuring images of you, reiterating your name. I know I'll most likely never see them again, but it's comforting to write about them. The sounds, their lips, the agony. Every repeating day. I want to die without you. The pain is unbearable as the sound of your voice withers from memory. I wish I had never met you that night. I wish everything to be different. I wish to die.
The air is different, it's winds doesn't flow the same without you here. There's no one for their dances to graciously carry as they walk. There's no one here. I wish you were. I've only ever wished for you. Maybe it's that cursed word that has captivated my hope you'll truly love me someday. I wish. I hope you'll read this diary one day, all I can inscribe about is you, but diary's are supposed to revolve around my life. I conjecture it makes sense then, when all I ever had was you...

Coldness. Cold water. Wet drops. Dripping down your fa-

"Illumi?! What the hell? Why couldn't you of woken me up normally?" You yelled with a disturbing snappy tone as your body weakly jolted from the bed.

"You wouldn't have woken up, you would've curled back to sleep and stayed there for at least ten more hours." His look was unrelentingly blank. "He's arriving today, he's been gone longer then he had promised."

Your jaw clenched in nervousness. A distant gloss overlay your solicitous eyes as they remained low from Illumis blackening orbs. Hisoka was returning, after a long month. Illumi, feeling no guilt, would linger until reaction arose, only to satisfy his greed of human distraught. His words and actions were disturbingly blank but irritating, if only you'd had enough strength to straighten your shoulders and accept the revelation.

A harsh sigh evaded your chest, "Do you know when he'll be here?" You asked coldly.

"An hour, maybe less." He teased with unavailable emotion.

Silence creeped through the dust swirling around in the air at the Zoldycks manor. The victorian guest room you had become acquainted with was anachronistic compared to the modern assassin family headquarters. The cherry stained squares of glass bordering the vast, but only window, seemed to create a new shade of red throughout the hours of the daytime while the earth cycled the sun. The shelves of books all had wet sand colored pages from aging, the print was intrusively small. The curtains looked as if originally plum, but soon bathed with bright blood, creating the most fascinating of color.

The silence was abruptly stopped (if your racing heartbeat had not already caused the break) as Illumi glided out of the room, his footsteps hushed, except the metallic rattle of the doorknob. The news was anything but exhilarating, although you wished to leave, his return meant something had been unveiled; failure or victory. The day he left, Hisoka had enacted his promise of all promises, to find Chrollo. His promise was first rejected by you, seeing as Chrollo didn't seem to ever want to see you again. But that changed after you'd been informed of the situation that night with the Chain User. Chrollo could not speak with you, or he'd die, he physically could not be in your presence or he would give in to death, apparently. These words had been told to Hisoka from Chrollo that night, but interpretation was up for debate, in fact it had been from the day since he told you. However it seemed that keeping this from you would help Hisokas aching cause, but he told you, adding more to his agony, making his words seem trustworthy. That's how you came to accept this journey, hoping to seek truth. Hisoka intentions for helping you differed from "finding truth", he simply wanted to slaughter Chrollo, eagerly, he implied. This was something you convinced you could relief later on. All that was left was to listen to the news he'd hopefully brought back.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now