...Where The Line Is

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The tiny lit town was desolate by the time you all had arrived. Words were spoken between the group but only light conversation. The four of you walked into the tavern and found it mostly empty except for a few of the town drunks. Phinks laughed at the drunken man begging the bartender for more after last call. You all headed for the stairs up to the motel rooms.

"Let me walk you to your room" Chrollo said while following behind you. The boys looked confused at Chrollo and he waved them off causally.

You were still tender after everything that had happened but you nodded in agreement to his suggestion.

The two of you walked to your door. You opened the door swiftly and leaned on to it as Chrollo set his mighty arms above you on the top of the doorway. He just stared and smiled that still empty smile of his.

"Are you sure your alright Y/n?" he asked you while still standing in your doorway.

"Yeah i'll be alright" You said doubtfully.

"Well in that case, Goodnight Y/n" Chrollo said while lifting his arm off the top of the doorway. His towering body soon stood slowly back.

"Goodnight Chrollo" You said to him before your eyes disconnected.

You shut the door when he turned away and walked into the bathroom.

You sighed and set your hands down on the sink counter. You stared deeply into the mirror. Then his voice in your ear whispered. It was back. His damn voice was back. Your breathing started getting heavy and fast.

No no no Hisoka. I want to be alone. Your gone so leave me alone!

You shouted at your thoughts of him. Then an idea came, another act of desperation.

You ran out back to the door and opened the lock as quickly as you could. You ran in the hallway and saw Chrollo had walked down the end of it. He was almost gone, but he wasn't. He heard your heavy breathing from afar and turned around as fast as ever. He ran too you.

"Y/n what happened? What is it?" He said as he gripped your shoulders because you wouldn't calm down.

Still no answer, just your hyperventilating after him.

"Hey, look at me, look in my eyes, it's okay. Just breathe" He said as he moved your face to his. His big grey eyes consumed your thoughts. Your breathing slowed. He breathed slowly alongside you.

"I'm sorry" You said to him.

"Don't apologize Y/n, now tell me what happened?" He said while staring deep into your fearful eyes.

"Not-nothing, I ju-just don't want to be alone" You mumbled with your eyes looking down away from his.

His expression saddened and he lifted your chin with his finger.

"You don't have to be alone" He said reassuringly.

You faced lightened immediately, like you had been saved. He was confused by how happy you'd just become because all he was doing was the bare minimum. But it made you happy and you smiled warmly at him. Then he did, and for once while looking into his eyes while he smiled, you felt warm. It hadn't been empty just now, it hadn't been a mimicry of your emotions, but instead it was Chrollos own form of empathy, his own emotions that were reflecting from yours.

"Cmon let's go inside" He said as he placed his hand on your back and lead you into your room.

You sat down at the end of the bed and stared at him as he sat down on the chair in the corner.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now