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"Why is she sobbing like this Illumi?" Hisoka sneered to him. Your fists took hold of his shirt as you held yourself against his steel chest.

Your jaw clenched at the words you knew you had to explain."It-it's Chro-Chrollo" You muttered while choking on your cries.

"Y/n what are you talking about?" Hisokas hands took hold of your burning cheeks as he tilted your reddened eyes up to his.

"He's dead!" You head fell down as his hands still held you up. Your words felt like daggers to say out loud.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hisoka he's dead..."

"Y/n he's not dea-"

"I saw it on the news, he tur-turned on the news, and I-I saw it all, his de-dead body" You whispered as your hands started to tremble.

"It was a fake body, he used them for the entire troupe, most likely to steer the 'Chain user' away." Illumi chimed in.

Hisokas glare grew with rampage, "Why the fuck would you let her see the news? You fucking maniac!"

"Wha-what are you saying?" You head turned instantly to look into Illumi's dark eyes searching for a light of hope in his response.

"He's not dead. The body was a fake, like I had just said before." He responded irritably.

You look up to Hisokas eyes for a conformation to what he was saying. His amber eyes gave you the answer you wanted to desperately to hear. His pupils dilated once his realization of how much you really loved Chrollo sank in.

"He's alive Y/n, you don't need to worry." Hisoka said with a large sigh as he stroked his thumb underneath your eyes to stop the falling tears.

"Take me back Hisoka." You pleaded to him completely unaware that his intention was the absolute opposite.

"No." He said as you noticed his expression changed slightly back to the Hisoka you once knew.


"No, i'm not taking you back yet, not before we talk, and you listen." He said seriously.

What's he doing here if he's not here to take me back? And why was he talking to that guy like he knew him? What's going on?

"Was this...your doing?" You asked hesitantly.

His eyes glowed giving you once again a clear answer. Betrayal ensued beneath your skin, sending chills everywhere. It was hard to say you forgave Hisoka, but your heart occasionally flickered with comfort instead of pain when you were with him. Now he wasn't any different, and this you determined straight then and there. But were you right?

"Y/n you saw what he did tonight didn't you? how he massacred a building full of people, burning the streets, kidnapping a teenage girl? I wasn't going to let you stay there, not after this, he's pushed his limit this time, he's about to fall into something I don't want you around him for. Have you noticed any slight changes in behavior since you both arrived here?"

Your hands met with his wrists as you flung your face from his hold. "A teenage girl? Fall into something? Hisoka I don't know what your talking about, I want to go back!" You yelled at him in disarray.

"Y/n listen to me. Just please think for a second." His grip shook your shoulders as he pleaded for your ears.

"I can't think of anything Hisoka, you know why? Because your wrong." You said fiercely to him.

"Then go back. See what happens. Wait to tell him about this little night we had. Wait and see, but remember my fucking words Y/n." He said as he got up and walked away from you. His silhouette stood in the doorway as he singled Illumi to uncuff you.

Your eyes stared at his backside in rage. Illumi motioned you to follow behind Hisoka as he walked downstairs from what seemed to be a big hotel in the city. You'd been kidnapped with no clue of where you'd been but your guess what right to say it was a hotel.

You followed Hisoka to the car out of the lobby as Illumi stayed back.

The car interior was black and leather. The windows were tinted and you sat in the passenger seat with your knees facing towards the door, refusing to look at Hisoka.

The car was overcome with silence for some time. Your thoughts pondered away with rage and disorder.

What had he been talking about? Have I noticed anything? What did he mean by that? Why is Hisoka so fearful of Chrollo?

"Hisoka" You whispered lightly.

He remained silently and cold towards you. The turmoil prancing like wild horses throughout your head wouldn't stop unless you could get your questions answered.

You turned to him, his eyes slowly gazed upon you. Your lips parted and your fumbled tongue was about to vocalize your uncertainty's, until you noticed his striking eyes examining you. His glowering state held your lips in place. Stiffness settled over you as his eyes slowly traced the outline of your neck turned to him, they moved upwards to observe your clenched jaw, then to your soft cheekbones that reflected the colored lights of the living city. His eyes fell mesmerized to you constantly, he wished to the heavens that your face would be rising to the sun with him every day. You couldn't look away from his entrancing stare, the stare you had found yourself lost in far long ago. Your body couldn't stop trembling from his unnerving look. His eyes dashed intently to your lips as your breathing grew deeper, your cheeks started to flush a rose color as memories rushed back into the front of head. For some odd reason you couldn't look away, even though you'd been enraged with him, even though his seeking eyes brought nothing but discomfort, that small burning fire deep within your racing heart wouldn't let you turn away. Those winding crossroads had been met once again.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now