Signs Ahead

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The sun was bright the next morning. You heard his heartbeat as you woke up entangled in his arms while your head laid on his pale chest. His skin was so warm, the heat comforted you from the chilly morning breeze that seeped in through the tiny crack in the window. You tilted your head slowly up and saw Chrollos face peacefully sleeping. His jaw was stretched as his face laid against the pillow. His dark hair was messy but complimented his structure perfectly. Your hand sat on his stomach and it slowly slid off of him as you tried your best to quietly get up off the bed. His dark gray eyes opened immediately and watched you turn back and realize he was awake. He smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You said as you sat back down on the bed.

"No it's okay" He yawned and stretched his defined arms. He reached his hand out to yours as it sat on the white bed sheets. He slid his fingers into yours as he slowly lifted himself up. He stared longingly into your eyes, his face reached closer to yours. He leaned in and kissed you. His lips felt like a morning buzz and you were mesmerized.

"How'd you sleep?" Chrollo asked as his lips drew back from yours.

"Better than I have in awhile" You smiled back to him.

"Good i'm glad, do you mind telling me what the date is?" he said gloomy.

"It's August 29th" you said hesitatingly.

"God we're leaving tomorrow night" Chrollo said anxiously as he rubbed his palm against his forehead.

"Why do you say it like that?" You asked without trying to pry.

"It's just stressful, this job is big Y/n, and the troupe is a lot to handle, I don't want to put you under stress either."

"Hey look at me, stop worrying about me, I'll be fine." You said as you cupped his face with your hands. You kissed his forehead gently.

You got off the bed and started changing while Chrollo watched your figure move. He got up quickly as you started undressing. He moved behind you and grabbed your shirt and pulled it up and off your head. He started kissing your neck while you laughed from the tickle. He started laughing along with you as he continued teasing your neck with his tongue. He started pressing himself closer to you.

"Cmon we've got stuff to do today, we don't have a lot of time for this" You said stopping yourself before giving into him, again.

"Your right, but-"

"No buts, Cmon" You told Chrollo in a playful tone.

He turned around from you and chuckled to himself as he threw his shirt on. You got dressed quickly and the two of you headed out the door.

"Let's head over to the boys room and get them for breakfast" Chrollo said to you.

"What are we gonna tell them?" You asked.

"They'll figure it out" Chrollo smirked as he grabbed your hand tightly as the two of you headed down the hallway.

The two of you arrived at Phinks and Shalnarks door quickly. Chrollo raised his fist and knocked eagerly. Phinks opened the door shirtless wearing track pants. He started laughing.

"I was wondering where you stayed last night, looks like I know the answer, Shalnark come take a look at this" Phinks laughed playfully in Chrollo and yours faces. Chrollos grip grew tight but his expression stayed unbothered. You stroked your thumb against the back of his as your fingers were still locked to each other.

"This was obvious Phinks, God sometimes your a real hassle" Shalnark said as he looked you and Chrollo up and down in the doorway. Phinks' face grew red from Shalnarks usual attitude towards Phinks. He was kind to everyone else but hated putting up with Phinks.

"Get dressed Phinks" Chrollo stated annoyed but looked expressionless.

"Alright, alright" Phinks turned around and threw his hand up in the air. Demands aggravated Phinks but he was probably one of the most loyal people to Chrollo.

After Phinks was in the other room changing, Chrollo turned to you and placed his hand gently on your shoulder.

"I'm sending you to train with him today? is that alright with you?" Chrollo asked.

"I mean even though we're sleeping together your still my teacher, so I guess no matter how intolerable he might be I still have to take orders" You smirked at him.

"Correct" He said as he chuckled softly to himself. He was always impressed by your dirty comments and smart comebacks.

Chrollo leaned in and kissed you hardly. His passionate lips brushed against yours. He pulled away and as soon as Phinks walked back into the main room. Chrollos lips left you begging for more, begging for all of him.

"You two done or?" Phinks said standing in the doorway facing you.

"Phinks shut up for once" You said as Phinks walked out the door way past Chrollo and started walking with you. The two of you headed down the hallway and out the tavern. Chrollo walked in to the room to talk with Shalnark.

"We're leaving tomorrow night, but I presume you already know that?" Chrollo said to Shalnark as he sat down in the arm chair.

"I figured so, oh well, hopefully this job won't take up to much time" He said as he handed Chrollo a cup of tea and sat down in the seat across from him.

"What do I do about her?" Chrollo asked with his eyes down.

"What do you mean? Do you not enjoy her? I thought she'd be coming along, especially after seeing how much she's progressed in her training, psychically and mentally." Shalnark responded.

"No, no you got it wrong, she's just so conflicting, I know she can handle herself but I really truly do have something to lose now, something that would kill me to lose. She's my weakness, but I will only confide in you with this Shalnark. The troupe will go on without me, or you, or any of the other members, but it's conflicting when now, Im scared to risk myself, because I refuse to lose her" Chrollo explains.

"That's love boss, never thought you of anyone would get to know it. No offense" Shalnark said as he sipped his tea.

You and Phinks walked down the dirt path until you got a little ways more from the town.

"I really don't know how you did what you did to the boss" Phinks turned to you to say.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You responded defensively.

"Nothing bad, but I guess you made him care."

"I didn't do that, he already cares about you, and the rest of the troupe." You responded confused.

"That's not entirely true." Phinks looked at you.

"He cares about the troupe, not the individuals, which no one would hold against him because we all realized this when we joined. His legacy was the troupe, but not the members in it. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about us, but he knows it'll be fine no matter what happens, no matter who dies." Phinks continued to explain.

"Now I'm confused, how did I make him care then?" You asked cluelessly.

"Not sure, but you did, and I think he might actually love you" Phinks turned and made a barfing gesture after saying that to you.

You shoved his shoulder forcefully and he held his ground and laughed.

"C'mon enough messing around, we're doing close combat training today and tomorrow we leave." Phinks said to you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now