Wide Awake

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Everything's black. My fingertips, have something, something soft on them. Open yours eyes Y/n. Open them. Why is everything black?

Your eyes slowly peel open.

Where am I? It's so bright. The sun is right in my eyes.

Your eyes fully open, your gripping these soft white bedsheets.

Where am I? No, I know this place. Where is it?

You look to your side and instantly jump back in fear. The rumbling wakes him up.

"Goodmorning darling" He says slowly.

Your breathing gets heavy and your face crosses with fear and confusion. He notices. He reaches out to you and you lean away.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He says worriedly.

"Yo-you aren't su-supposed to b-be here" You managed to get out. Your hands were trembling and your lungs were shaking, your breathing was heavy.

"Baby what do you mean? What happened?" He reached out to grab your hand and you swiftly moved it away.

"Y-you, you, left, me" You said while completely breaking down in tears.

He jumped up quicker then ever and held you as tight as he could. His warm bare chest squeezed against you. Your tears fell down his defined shoulders. He held you tighter when he felt your tears fall.

"I wouldn't ever leave you Y/n, your mine and i'm yours" He whispered to you while running his hands through your hair. It sounded so familiar.

"Th-that's what you, you s-said. and y-you left a-and, I, I wa-wanted to, die" You uttered out covered in cries.

"No my beautiful it was just a dream, it was just a really bad dream." He whispered into your ear.

"A dr-dream?" You said looking up into his dense amber eyes.

"Yes my love, just a dream" he said so reassuringly. His arms got looser around you. You hugged him back tightly, practically jumping into his lap.

"Don't let me go just yet" you said to him. His face was so sad looking when he saw how distraught you had been. He hugged you back tighter, and he wasn't planning on letting go.

"You're sure it was just a dream r-right?" You said to him after a few more minutes of him holding you.

"Yes, i'm right here, your with me now, it was just a nasty dream" He said while looking deep into your hysterical watery eyes.

He leaned back a bit and cupped your face within his hands. His warm lips moved into yours and it felt absolute. His mouth moved so passionately across yours. Both of your heart
beats went into sync as his gently kiss calmed your racing mind.

He sensed your calmness as he saw your nails unclench from your palms. He grabbed your hand and opened your fists up slowly, he looked down at the red nail marks you pushed into your skin and his eyes went sympathetic. He drug his fingertips across the inside of your open palm, he slowly brought your hand up to his mouth and started gently kissing the tips of your fingers. He held your hand softly while he did this for your comfort.

"Hisoka" you said slowly. Your eyes drifted up to the ceiling like you were praying silently to some ominous place up above.

"What is it my love?" he said putting your hand up to his cheeks and snuggling into it.

"You won't leave me again right?" you asked him like you had been requesting a miracle. He was confused by your dramatic questions but he was so worrisome at the same time.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now