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His heart rate speed up as he turned his eyes slowly towards you when he noticed the familiar faces. He watched you and you only as Gon and Killua watched him. Killua kept his surprise to himself when he noticed both you and Hisoka. Gon however almost blurted your names out causing the troupe members to grow suspicious. Killua covered his friends back by suggesting they knew Shizuku from the arm wrestling tournaments they had when they arrived in the city.

Nobunaga's bloodlust grew from his wallows as he learned of Gons strength in being able to defeat one of the troupe members, in a mere game of arm wrestling.

You watched in disgust as Nobunagas strength beat Gon violently. Your morals and care for the young boys made your throat yearn to speak out against the troupe. Hisokas eyes stayed glued to you and his expression was readable, he was telling you to stay quiet. Hisokas stomach swirled as he watched your discomfort in the manner. He wanted to hold you and be the one to tell you it's okay.

After a few hours of Nobunagas bored actions, interrogation finally stirred the sharp cold air. The troupe questioned them about knowing the "Chain Master" and the boys pled their innocence of not knowing the person in question. Things stirred as movements fired and words spit out. Suddenly the troupe was hoisted around the boys, Hisoka held a card to Killuas neck. Killua hoped to seek alliance with Hisoka but his faced turned to disgust when he tried holding composure as Hisoka dug the card slowly into him. Things were moving so fast in the dwindling hours that Chrollo was away. You wanted him back, you wanted to be by his side. Being with Hisoka stirred familiar emotions, but you still felt lonely without Chrollo.

Nobunaga took Gon and Killua to a room to await Chrollos return because he'd hope the two boys could join the troupe.

You began to walk to the hallway where your room was, but his cold hands grabbed your waist as soon as you turned the corner.

"Y/n did you say anything to them?" Hisoka whispered as he held you gently against the wall.

"No, why? What's going on? Why are they here? Who's the 'Chain Master'? Will you please tell me what's going on?" You begged to him.

"Y/n, I can't." He said sorrowful.

"Hisoka please, you owe me this at least, nobody will tell me anything!" You pleaded with him as a tear ran down your cheek. All this commotion and the involvement of those boys made you uneasy.

He sighed as he wiped the single tear from your cheek with his thumb.

"Y/n you know i'm not really apart of the troupe don't you?" He said slowly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" You asked confusingly.

"You've seen Chrollos tattoo haven't you? Well i'd like to hope you haven't but it seems that isn't true."

"Oh, yeah i've seen it." You said awkwardly as Hisoka still held you pressed against the wall.

"Did I have one? Did you ever see a tattoo on my body while we were together?" He asked slowly.

The question made you fluster as your cheeks grew warm thinking about the time you spent with Hisoka.

"No you don't have a tattoo, but you have a copy of the spider tattoo on one of your texture surprise clothes, I saw it in your drawer once." You responded quickly.

"I'm not apart of the troupe. I'm telling you this because I love you. You need to keep this secret especially from him." His voice sank as his words spoke I Love You.

"Hisoka, why are you asking me to lie to Chrollo? And stop telling me you love me, you don't get to do that anymore." You said defensively.

"Have you even seen his abilities Y/n? Your freighted by my abilities but you've never seen his? Am I correct?" He asked harshly.

"Well I-"

"Answer the question." Hisoka asked as he gripped your cheeks between his hand.


"Then place just a bit of trust in me until you can decide he's not dangerous. Please." He asked gently.

"Fine. That's the only thing you'll get from me Hisoka."

Hisokas eyes rested as his grip against your face loosened. His lips leaned into your forehead and pressed against it softly. His bewitching kiss felt like a claim you'd almost escaped from. The feeling of his lips felt comforting in the sea of discomfort you'd been in ever since Chrollo left. The game felt far from over.

His lips drew back and he looked down at you with his piercing amber eyes.

"Stay in your room until Chrollo comes back." He told you demandingly with a long sigh.

"Why? Where's everyone going?" You asked.

"They're leaving to accompany Chrollo, I have to go somewhere as well. If you don't listen to me and stay here then Phinks will force you." He told you.

"Fine. Do you know when he'll be back?"

"Hopefully later tonight." He told you.

"What do you mean by hopefully?" You hesitated.

"You can't expect certainty in every situation Y/n, you know this." Hisoka said softly to you.

You nodded. His eyes traced your lips, he watched your lips part as you breathed heavily. Silence stood between you two once again as he held you against the wall. His muscles were relaxed and yours had been too. There wasn't any force holding you there, it was just you.

Until his hands let go. His touch was gone. His feet were standing away from you. You couldn't feel the heat radiating off his body. You felt cold without him near.

"Hisoka" you uttered to him. Your eyes looked to him in desire for more heat, he could sense your instant regret after you said his name.

"Save your question my love. You can ask me when I come back, because I promised you i'd always stay."

I was staring at his back now, he walked away from me, for my own well being. God, why can't I forget him. I just want this all to end. When can this shit be over? When can Chrollo and I leave? Come back to me Chrollo.

Author's note: Hey! we've almost his 40k reads so thank you beyond words. I hope your still liking this story, I haven't been updating as much because I've really been struggling with creativity, but it's slowly coming back and i've got a list full of ideas for you guys! It's been around 5 months since I published the first chapter and i've received so much love and support. Thank you guys all so much<3

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now