Phinks' Idea

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The moon was still shining brightly. Your heartbeat was still fast. His voice was still there, but you kept moving forward. Evans county was in sight, maybe five more minutes walking distance. You'd spend the night there and leave bright and early to York New, that was it, nothing extra.

Nobody was out when you stepped past the welcome sign into the singular street the county had. The only place with the street lights on was a tavern. You made your way over precociously, you'd been on high alert every since that ambush in the alley way, you didn't have Hisoka here to save you if it happened again. When you left heavens arena you very much thought about putting yourself in danger, seeing if somehow he'd show up to save you, these thoughts depended on the disbelief your mind still had about Hisoka never loving you, or so he said.

Before walking up the steps into the tavern, you used Zetsu to make your presence concealed. The swing doors opened with a loud slow creak, the shred of the doors turned everyone's attention toward the newcomer arriving in town. You walked in with your eyes straight, you didn't make any eye contact with anyone. The tavern was filled with men, staying out and drowning themselves with beer instead of being home with their families. You thought it was pathetic, your father was absent after your mother died. The man that created you was the first to break you heart, how cruel the world was.

The men stared you up and down, there urge for a young woman grew with their excessive drunkenness. You walked straight on to the bar. You sat right at the empty seat in the middle, the bar was mostly empty but the tables surrounding were filled. The bartender was a young looking man, he had brown hair and soft big blue eyes, his kindness could've been sensed by anyone.

"Hi-i" He said chokingly.

You looked up and gave him a small smile.

"What can i get you?" He straightened out after sensing your complete disinterest

Well at least he has some wits, maybe he'd be a good man for you, better then I was.

Hisokas voice entered your mind intrusively once again. You eyes were zoned out into the wall full of liquor behind the bartender, your eyes shot into an evil glare. Everything went red when you heard him. The bartender took a step back slowly when he got chills from your intense facial expression.

Wake up

This time your voice took over and snapped you out of your rage and brought you back to reality. You shook your head and looked up to the startled bartender.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second, what did you say?" You chuckled trying to distract him from all the bloodlust Hisokas stupid voice made you let out.

"N-no worries, what can I get you to drink?" He asked with less fear.

"Jack on the rocks" You said, the least you could do was treat yourself a bit by drowning out your mind away from Hisoka.

The bartender turned away to get started on your drink and you waited patiently for him to finish.You decided maybe it would be smart to be aware of your surroundings, so you scoped out. The men directly behind you had barely any nen radiating off them, which meant they weren't a threat. The only thing you noticed was the 3 men sitting in the back, you couldn't get a read on them at all, absolutely nothing was there. Your deductible reasoning lead you to believe those men were using Zetsu, same as you. The booth was pressed up against the wall with three seating sides, the taverns roof caved in overhead of the booth, so the man sitting in the middle seat was completely covered in a shadow. The two men on the sides were pretty visible, nothing stood out very much though, one of them was wearing a track suit with a jagged forehead filled with glare lines. The other was a blonde boy with a bowl cut, he seemed so young to be sitting with the angry looking aged man in the track suit. You wished you could get a look at the man in the shadows but you directed your eyes away as the younger looking boy meet you in eye contact.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now