Normal People

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By the time you got back to your room you were starved, but your carelessness opted for no food available. You had to go shopping, or else you'd actually starve. Strange concerns and anxieties caused disturb in your course of actions. Recently you've found yourself worried to the idea of seeing him. You didn't think you'd run into Hisoka again today, wouldn't be very likely, but the strange agonizing of your thoughts continued. You counted and shuffled through some bills as you walked down the long hallway. The elevator deceitfully took long to travel up and down the floors, only for you to wait ten minutes. The elevator doors opened to several huge men and in the middle of the elevator were two small looking boys, one had sliver hair and the other black with greenish undertones. How peculiar, they couldn't have of been over 13. Nobody in the elevator looked like the knew each other except for those two boys, they definitely did. Backing up from the elevator while the parade of men flooded out, you took your chances and said hello to the two boys. The boy with the black hair looked up immediately and smiled at you and introduced himself and his friend. However the boy with the sliver hair didn't even take his eyes off the floor. Their aura wasn't yet harnessed by what you could tell, but you knew that when it would be, they would have extraordinary power. Usually you'd be intrigued and want to challenge someone of this stance, but they seemed too pure to desire. They were going to cause a huge change in the world and thus you wouldn't interfere, until you did.

The elevator took another ten minutes to descend to the main floor, it was empty so you sat down in the corner for most of the ride. The last time you'd been out for just a regular shopping trip was forever ago. It felt good to be out with fresh air and around normal people. You'd never want the life they had though, god how boring they have it. Your never satisfied with much in your life now but you know you certainly would've committed if you were as normal as everyone else. But sometimes the reminder that you weren't normal was nice, humbling in a way, gave you a chance to be somewhat grateful for something. It's ironic that you found reminding yourself how above you were from others was a humbling experience.

The shops were bustling and the streets smelled of delicious food. You decided that maybe you'd go grab something from a restaurant and pick up a few snacks for your apartment instead of going home to cook. You had been good at cooking but it was a bit tiring.

You peered through the window in a sandwich shop, and to your surprise you saw those two boys from earlier. They saw you too and the Gon signaled you to come sit with them. It had only been thirty minutes since you last meet them but Gon was especially friendly. You sat down and began talking with them. Killua even started to talk too, he was warming up to you. They told you about how they'd just recently become hunters and they were eager to fight at the 200th floor. You knew they wouldn't make it if they didn't know Nen but you decided not to interfere with destiny and didn't bring it up. The meal was pleasant and the conversation was enjoyable, something to take your mind off Hisoka. Someone was watching your table from afar, someone you wouldn't notice.

After dinner was over you politely said goodbye to the boys. You'd go find some apples before you headed back up to your apartment. The fruit stand was a few blocks away but you could easily cut through the shortcut alleys. The alley was dark and gloomy but nothing that could intimidate you, the smell was ratchet though so you picked up your pace. Jogging through the tiny puddles between
the cracks you tightened your cloak around you as it became chilly. All of the sudden a flash knocked you out, a needle was poking out through the side of your arm, you fell to the ground as soon as you realized you had been poisoned. Before your eyes shut closed you saw a streak of Hisokas eyes locked with yours. His figure faded into pitch blackness as you went out cold.

Hisokas POV:
I wasn't even following her, I wasn't even thinking about her until she barged in on Gon and Killuas lunch. I had been following them because of how excited they had made me in the exams. They were exceptionally ripe, not exactly ripe for picking quite yet. But what the fuck was she doing? What kind of woman walks into a alley way late at night. She could've easily of handled herself if it was just some trash men looking to feel her up. I lost sight of Killua and Gon while I was watching her leave. She was quite exquisite, her figure was heavenly. Since the boys had run off I followed her instead out of boredom. I couldn't sense the aura of anyone in the alley so they must be somewhat skilled with Nen. After watching her dive to the ground I rushed at the man who attacked her, quickly throwing a card into his shoulder. He cried in pain, these particular cries didn't make me excited as they usually would when I inflicted pain upon people, instead I was in a complete state of rage after what this man had done to Y/n. I killed him mercilessly after he refused to tell me who he was, I didn't care that much to take the time to explicitly torture for information.

I picked Y/n up and carried her all the way back to heavens arena, up the elevator and into her room. She was beautiful as she rested, even when she was knocked out by poison. I liked beautiful people, ugly people weren't as exciting. I took my pride in my beauty as well, but I wouldn't go as far as to call me a narcissist. I could easily take advantage of her right now, she was at her most vulnerable. No fun if I played the game like that. I want to see her at her most powerful. She was very impressive and she knew how to toy with me, how to put me in a vulnerable situation as well. If she wasn't the person she was then I would've left her in that alley way, but I knew she would make things exciting for me later on.

Hisoka sat at the end of your bed for the whole night. Just watching you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now