True Reunion

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You sat in the empty room and cried silently. Your body was in flames and your soul was screaming from the pain. The silence made your screams louder. You sat alone, trapped with your mind. You sat alone trapped with the silent screams.

Chrollo walked with Phinks into a separate room as the troupe stood around staring at Chrollo in shock. Hisoka sat in a chair in the corner as Machi stitched his bleeding wound. Hisokas bloodlust grew as Chrollo walked into the room. They both desperately wanted to slaughter each other, because of you.

"One of you needs to explain what the hell just happened back there!" Machi yelled at both Chrollo and Hisoka as she still attended to his wound.

"Why is she here?" Hisokas tone had never been more serious.

"I brought her here." Chrollo stated calmly even though his bloodlust remained ominously present.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Why did you leave her? Did you see the look on her face when she saw you? What did you do to her?" Chrollo said loudly as his fist curled to his side.

"I left her so she wouldn't follow me here, so she'd be safe from all of you, but you brought her here. You selfish bastard." Hisoka spat as he yelled at Chrollo.

"Like she'd ever be safe with someone like you." Chrollo remarked at him.

Hisokas face grew red as he jumped out of his chair. Machi threw her hand around his arm and pulled him back as he tried lunging at Chrollo.

"You need to put that distraction of a girl to the side for a moment." Nobugana said to them. Hisoka and Chrollos eyes both shot angrily towards him.

"He's right, listen to him for a second Chrollo." Shalnark said as he placed his hand on Chrollos shoulder.

"The troupe is the top priority right now, not you two fighting over a girl" Nobugana said as the rest of the troupe nodded in agreement. Hisoka and Chrollo both disagreed entirely in their minds.

"The two of you need to figure this out if we're going to get our jobs done. Especially you Chrollo, you're our leader" Pakunoda said firmly. Chrollo took her words to heart as he nodded hesitantly. His head turned back to Hisokas glaring eyes.

"I'll kill you if you try anything Hisoka, I won't hesitate." Chrollo said in all seriousness.

"I'll keep my distance, on one condition." Hisoka said as Machi finished tightening his stitches.

"Let me speak to her, now, alone." Hisoka demanded. Chrollos eyes sparked with rage as Hisoka watched him with dead eyes.


"Boss, he's only asking for one thing. You need to at least somewhat take it into account if you want this conflict to end." Shalnark said to Chrollo.

"Do. A. Coin flip..." Feitan suggested from the other corner.

Hisoka nodded.

"Heads" Chrollo spoke.

"Tails then." Hisoka said with a slight grin.

Feitan flipped the coin. His hand revealed tails as the winner.

"Go, you have 5 minutes." Chrollo said to Hisoka with glaring eyes. Hisoka got up and ran to the doorway that Chrollo stood in.

"If you touch her, you'll die." Chrollo said as he gripped Hisokas arm before he walked out.

Hisoka tugged his arm away and continued towards the room.

He reached the doorway with you on the other side. His fingertips were placed against the doorknob. His stomach knotted as he slowly twisted open the door.

Your head jolted up as you heard the creaking of the door. Your eyes expected to meet with Chrollos, but instead they faced his.

"Y/n" Hisoka said as he closed the door behind him. His heart was racing as his eyes gazed your skin.

"Tell me. Tell me why you left, and tell me why you have that caring look on your face, you don't have a care in your heart." Your words pierced Hisoka deeply as he stopped and faced you.

"Don't say that again" Hisoka said as he raised his voice towards you. He slowly sat at the end of the bed as you pushed yourself away in hatred.

"Do you want to know why I left?" Hisoka said as his head turned towards you.

You nodded silently as he moved closer to you. Hisoka now sat only a few inches away and his hand was placed down near yours. His fingertips begged for your touch to intertwine them.

"It was because I love you. Im sorry I didn't get the chance to say it back. My worst regret was turning my back on you that day Y/n."

"This place is dangerous Y/n, these people, Chrollo, are dangerous."

"Don't say his name. You could've stayed. Your excuses are pointless. We both know you don't mean a word you say Hisoka." Your eyes went dry as his surprising words sent chills down your spine.

He's lying to me, he has to be. But, those words, from his lips, Does he really mean that? Why is Hisoka so concerned for my safety? He never regraded it when he wanted to kill me, so why now? What don't I know?

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked.

Your eyes turned away from his as you looked to the ground.

Suddenly Hisokas movements maneuvered
into your lips. His soft lips hit yours passionately as he took in another hit. He caused relapse for the both of you as his mouth caressed yours. Tears ran down your cheeks suddenly as you remembered his lips. The feeling was missed, and your heart still yearned for his lips. Your head took over as you grabbed his collar and pushed him away.

His face was still close to yours as he stared down at your lips. Your breathing was heavy. The pounding of your heart was loud and the air filling your deep breaths howled. Your mouth craved his touch back. Your head told you no, your heart wasn't sure, but the fire in your body begged. Your hand held him close, but not to your lips. You eyes scanned his carved jaw and his piercing eyes.The adrenaline rushed through your shaking body. The air in between the two of you was hot as your breath mingled. You closed your eyes and pulled him in as your lips crashed into his.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now