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The person stepped out from the black abyss. The moonlight shined on the man as your fears were confirmed. Your palm started dripping blood from your nails digging violently into your skin. Your body went limp from the overwhelming pain. The world stopped revolving for this fateful second. The world stopped when the impossible happened. The world stopped when you were staring Hisoka in the eyes again.

Hisoka stood there as all of his pain floated back up when he saw the love of his life staring directly at him, in the place he left her so she wouldn't end up.

Chrollo saw the blood start to drip from your fist. He rushed off the raised ground, but before he could reach you, you had darted faster than anyone thought possible towards Hisoka.

You couldn't breathe as you ran. There was a sickening feeling in your stomach as you ran closer and closer to him. You closed your eyes, your fist curled even tighter, causing more blood to flood out as you ran. Your instincts went feral as your arm swung, and your fist hit Hisokas face. The emotions running inside him made him open to your punch. His heart had stopped when he felt your touch again, but he snapped out of it as he hit the ground. He couldn't bear to turn his eyes towards you and face you after walking away. He sat there in defeat as his mouth filled with blood. His cough sent blood scattering all over the concrete floor.

Chrollo ran into the space between you and Hisoka. He looked at you and saw your eyes fill with tears, and the realization sank in. 'H, For Hisoka? No, not him, her dream, her pain, and he did this to her?' Chrollos stomach twisted at the thought and he tried refusing the idea. His face grew red with anger.

"IS HE 'H'?" Chrollo screamed at you.

You couldn't breathe, you couldn't look Chrollo in the eye, you just watched Hisoka. Your body was enraged at the fact he wouldn't look at you, he didn't have the guts to face you. He wasn't turning away now, he had no right not to face you after the pain he put you through. You wanted to fall to your knees as your heart spilt into two. You stood there watching him as tears streamed down your face. You blurted your thoughts at him.

"Wh-why won't you look at me?" You choked out while completely ignoring Chrollo.

"Y/N ANSWER ME!" Chrollo shouted fearfully at you again.


A loud silence fell onto the room as everyone's ears heard the aching pain within your scream.

Hisoka's bones shivered as he heard his name come from your lips. His face finally looked back up from the ground. His heart shattered as his eyes met with your tears. His guilt sank in and hollowed out his body. He smiled just a bit when you screamed at him, his memories of your voice started coming back. He wanted to die when he couldn't remember the sound of your voice.

Hisoka got up from the ground and regained his stance. His back arched straight as he wiped the blood from his lips.

Hisoka's POV:
Why is she here? Why are you here Y/n? Your not supposed to be here, it's not safe. Your supposed to be free from me Y/n, not here like a bird trapped in a cage. You're supposed to be free Y/n. This isn't why I had to let go of you go, why did it turn out this way. Why is she here? Why is he standing in front of her? Chrollo and Y/n? Nope, not possible. She wouldn't, would she? Why is he staring at her like that? She's not your's Chrollo. I loved her more than life itself. And here she is, I left at dusk and now I'm meeting her at dawn. I want to run to her. All I wanted to do was say those words back to you, I wish I never turned my back to you Y/n, I wanted to say it back.

"Y/n," He said again.

Chrollos eyes shot towards Hisoka. Your name coming off Hisokas lips, while he looked at you like that, enraged Chrollo. His eyes went blind with redness as he pushed Hisokas back against the nearest wall and held a dagger to his throat. This idea would've excited Hisoka, but not with you here. His eyes didn't even look into Chrollos, they kept staring into yours. His love for you turned him into a different person, he never thought he'd see your eyes again, the eyes he woke up to every morning. He daydreamed about your hands against his face, about your hands running through his hair, while Chrollo pressed the dagger gently into his throat.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now