Keep You Right Here...

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His face wasn't there, but someone else's.

As everything sinked into realization your eyes started pouring. He was gone again.

Chrollos face went puzzled as you sobbed while in his arms.

"Y/n, why are you crying?" he asked as he brushed your tasseled hair back.

You looked up at him, your eyesight was blurred but you still stared deep into his eyes. For once in his life Chrollo sensed pain, he felt it burn within your broken eyes looking up at him. He gripped your bare shoulder tighter and pulled you closer. He held you as you cried. He felt your tears run down his bare chest. He mourned your mysterious loss with you. He didn't know what had happened while you passed out but he felt it, he felt it.

He pet the back of your hair slowly while you continued sobbing in his comfort.

"What happened?" You uttered quietly, your question was almost unheard by the cries.

"Over exhaust, we worked you too hard, i'm sorry." He said with remorse.

You took yourself back. Leaning away from Chrollo, you looked down at your hands.

"How long was I out?" you asked him.

"About five minutes, I yelled out to Shalnark and Phinks and they rushed back." He told you.

"Fi-five? That's it?" You said with shocked eyes.

"Yes" Chrollo said hesitatingly.

It felt felt like so much longer. It was a taste of my dreadful hope all over again. I really convinced myself he was right here again..right here again with me. Why couldn't he of stayed, Why?

You drifted away. You stared at your skin imaging his chilling touch.

"Y/n it looked like you'd seen a ghost when you woke" Phinks commented while standing behind Chrollo.

"I did..." You whispered. You thought out loud, but only loud enough for Chrollo to hear, you hadn't realized this though.

"Did you say something?" Phinks said from afar with a confused but worried expression.

"Let's head back." Chrollo demanded so you wouldn't have to answer. He reached out his thumb to your cheek and softly wiped your tears away. The warmth of his touch made you leap into a half seconds calmness. Until it faded away.

"B-but you said I had to stay here?" You said to him with as much courage as you could stir up.

"No Y/n, not tonight..." He said solemnly as he took your hands into his. The two of you stood up together slowly.

"C'mon let's head back." He said as he brushed the strand of hair back from your face.

You looked down and nodded.

Phinks slid the barn door open as you and Chrollo walked out side by side. The darkness of night had blanketed the sky. The only light was the dim glows of the city far off in the distance. The city and the stars. You looked up at the stars, the stars you'd had wished upon so many times. You stared and watched, while you did, Chrollo watched you. He saw the reflection of them in your eyes.

Her starry eyes. Filled with a sea of them, but so empty at the same time. How ironic.

Chrollo thought back to the first time he looked into your eyes. His mind drew a blank to them. All he could see in your eyes was mystery. A consuming mystery. Enough to make someone obsessed with finding the answer to the void in your eyes that were so imbued with life and suffering all at once. Chrollo fell curse to those eyes of yours.

The walk continued in silence down the dirt road. The cold air stroked against your skin. You drew your eyes down from the sky and looked over to Chrollo, who hadn't took his eyes off you. Once he noticed you staring back at him he smiled that empty smile of his. You touched his shoulder with the back of your hand.

"Chrollo your freezing" You said to him.

He looked to your hand pressed against his shoulder and clasped your hand in his.

"You are too" He said as he brought your hand cupped in his to his mouth. He blew his warm breath into your cold hand.

You just kept staring at him. He put his own needs before you. He was starting to live for you, just like he had for his secret troupe, just like he had his whole life. This night you managed to figure a piece of him out. He didn't know who he was, he lost himself deeper every time he lived for someone else, he was fading more while he slowly started living for you. Chrollo Lucilfer. A name without meaning.


But when you said his name, it became something. The sound of his name spread with your voice. Putting it into existence through you.

"What is it?" He said to you after hearing his name blankly out of your mouth.

"Oh,well, thank you" You said to him drawing back from your thoughts. You hadn't realized what you just done, but your heart did.

Authors note: Thank you all for 20k reads, it's absolutely insane. I really hope you like this story so far. I'm so thankful for all the comments and votes. Let me know what you thought of this chapter:)

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now