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When Hisoka whispered this to you everything seemed to fall perfectly into place. Your entire world shifted when he told you it was okay, it was okay to feel, it was okay to love, it was finally okay.

You stared into Hisokas eyes with utter disbelief of the peacefulness you felt reside within you, this feeling was foreign. You leaned up and locked lips with Hisoka, this kiss wasn't like the normal ones he received from you and this he could tell. This kiss was filled with actual love, something the two of you both had never gotten from someone else. This kiss was an act of love. You loved him, and you finally admitted it.

Hisokas eyes were open as he felt the passion of this singular kiss, he had realized the seriousness of the situation he had put you in. He's mind receded back with guilt, but his heart on the other hand, completely shattered into thousands of pieces.

Hisokas body became a war zone within itself as he tried to pull himself away from this kiss, but he couldn't bring himself too, he didn't know if this was selfishness or if it was the right thing to do. Would pulling away from this confession of love hurt you even more? Or would the sting that he indeed did accept this kiss and still left be more hurtful?

The seconds passed and rushed both of your minds with thoughts, you pulled back gently and opened your eyes to meet with Hisokas. The golden specks met with your eyes, this was his true response and it was something any person could read through his eyes. He had loved you just as much, that's why he had to leave.

True smiles exchanged between the two of you as you walked to your seats, hand in hand. The rush of this weight being lifted off your chest was more exciting then anything you ever felt, everything was finally perfect. After all the bad throughout your life you had finally reached the good, something you never thought possible, but it was here, finally. The puzzle pieces fell into place.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now