Call It Forgiveness?

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What am I doing? Why? Because I love him still? But I love Chrollo.

Your lips pulled back from Hisokas. Your foreheads sat against each other as you both gasped for air. His cold hand slid against your face as he kept watching your wet lips. His lips clawed slowly back towards yours. You turned your head to the side before they could hit you. A single tear drop slid off your cheekbone.

"You have to go." You said calmly as your heart ached with selfishness.

"Please Y/n." He begged as he clasped your hand in his. This moment was his last attempt. Just like yours had been when you sat on your knees in that hallway, begging.

"Hisoka, go." Your voice cracked as you uttered the words out.

Hisokas heart shattered as he heard his voice walking away from you. 'But I don't' his mind whispered as you said the equivalent. He loved you enough to understand, he loved you enough to know to listen to you. He wanted to guide you to happiness, wether it'd be with him or Chrollo. He wanted you, and he wouldn't stop until he had you, but he knew, if it was time to let go he would. Your heartbeat told him that the time to let go wasn't near. He wouldn't give up.

His hand laid over yours. Then it slowly slid away, edging away from your touch. Hisoka now stood up at the edge of the bed. His back arched straight as he walked to the door. His hand laid on the doorknob as he stopped and turned around.

"I'll never leave you again." He said as he left the room. His words carved deep as you knew in your heart he meant them.

The door shut as you caught one last glimpse of Hisokas backside.

Out of the room, Hisoka started walking to the exit of the building. Chrollo walked past him. The world fell slow as Hisokas and Chrollos eyes met in pure hatred for each other. Hisoka grinned as he licked your taste from his lips and continued walking past.

Chrollo headed for the room you'd been in. He walked into the room blankly and changed. Strands of black hair hanged down from his slick back after his violent outburst at Hisoka. You watched his muscles move in shadow in the darkly lit room. No words were spoken between you too as he changed. He walked over to you, shirtless, and sat on the edge of the bed.

His back arched and his head hung down. He sighed when he couldn't move his eyes up to look at yours.

"Are you alright?" He said frustratedly.

"I'm fine." You said calmly.

"Don't lie, I'm trying to be here, I know it hurt to see him, but you have to understand-"

"I get it, it's hard for you too, it's not like we knew this would happen. But, I'm alright." You said blankly to him.

"Tch, it's not about me. I just want you to be okay. I don't want to see you hurt."

"See me hurt? Okay Chrollo." You said infuriated with his words. Your eyes bolted down to the blue bruises up and down your arm from his crushing grip. Even now he wasn't acting himself, he felt unhinged.

"Y/n, I didn't mean, it was an accident. It'll never happen again, I swear I didn't know how much strength I was using in the moment. I'm so sorry" He said regretfully. His heart sank as Hisokas words rushed through his head.

Chrollos POV
'I left her to keep her safe from you' Tch, that bastard. I can keep her safe, but, I hurt her. I didn't mean too, but I still did, my rage overcame me. Hisoka was right. This, this isn't, this isn't what was supposed to happen. I don't deserve her.

Your mind cursed itself with guilt as your stomach went empty.

I kissed Hisoka, I'm with Chrollo, and now I'm yelling at him over something I know he didn't mean to do. God what's wrong with me? I'm so stupid, I can't keep playing these games. It seems like most of the time I'm the one fucking starting these games. I'm in this stupid game. I'm not good for him, look what I made him do, because of me. He stabbed him, he went insane and violent because of me. Chrollo deserves better, and Hisoka, deserves someone like me. A lying, pathetic, weak, cheater. Ha, I say these terrible things about Hisoka in my head, yet my lips already miss his, how fucking conflicting. Chrollo. I'm sorry. I want to be enough for you, because you make me breath. Hisoka makes me suffocate under water. You make me feel better Chrollo.

You crawled over next to Chrollo. He looked up at you desperately as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sat in his lap, hugging him tightly. He felt your few tears drip down his skin as you clung to him. He embraced you back, he kissed your head and stroked your hair. He held you as you cried, he stayed and cared for you. His warmth coddled you until you fell asleep. His eyes were there when you woke up the next morning. He stayed.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now