The Drowning Incident

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After leaving Hioska seemingly unbothered by your trick, you frustratedly tried to sleep. You had your match tomorrow Y/n. Focus on that. Your head throbbed as your heavy eyelids finally overcome your racing thoughts. To sleep you had fallen, the one place you could escape.

Beams of blinding sunlight woke your soundly asleep eyes. The sun had risen higher. You were late. You knew the sunlight shouldn't have reached all the way to your eye yet. It should've still been shining on the floor. You turned your semi-conscious body into its side to glimpse the alarm clock that didn't seem plausible.

It's fucking 11 am? Why didn't I wake up? Hisoka couldn't have worn me out that bad last night?

You got up and your legs went numb. Your knees fell to the rigid carpet. Wow, I guess he really put strength into it last night. You chuckled amusingly down at your jelly legs as your hands pushed against the floor.

After slowly getting up, you walked to your kitchen to make up a pot of coffee. You desperately needed the energy. You watched as the brewer sounded; the smell lingered softly as the dark liquid began falling throughout the pot. The thoughts that raced through you had finally become distracted by the simple act of making coffee. The distraction ceased as your doorbell rang.

Hesitantly, you walked over to the door and looked through the peephole to see nobody there. Suspicious, you opened the door and stuck your head out looking both ways, still nobody was there. There was a black box with a red bow tie sitting on the ground right beneath you. The scent reeked of Hisokas scent of sweet bubblegum vanilla with a hint of sandalwood. His smell was so delicate and feminine with the most masculine frame, it seemed almost impossible to combine those two, but that's what he was, impossible.

Picking up the box and setting it on your bed you slowly untied the bow and lifted the top of the box up. It was the outfit he had gifted you from yesterday, the one you purposely left in the arena. The folded note sitting on top of the clothes said,

Wear this for your fight today instead, i'm dying to see you in it.


You honestly didn't want to refuse because of how breathtaking the outfit was.

"Just cause I wear clothes doesn't mean i'm giving into to him, right?" You thought out loud.

You hopped in the shower and relaxed yourself after the eventful evening you had with Hisoka. You weren't worried about the match with a practically nobody, but Hisoka made EVERYTHING stressful for you the past few days.

Why am I thinking about him? he's nothing. He's a psycho freak that's all. But if that's all he is, why can't I keep him out of my thoughts? Why do chills run down my spine every time he says my name? Why do I get excited when I smell his scent? What the fuck is wrong with you Y/n? I can't be falling for him, I won't. Just focus. Breathe.

Keep intact your ultimate goal Y/n. You came to heavens arena for a reason.

Your body ran down against the wet shower wall until you sat on the shower floor, digging your nails into your palms. Thinking about Hisoka made your blood boil, but you somehow couldn't ignore the fact that you wanted him. You wanted this terrible person, worse then you, who probably wouldn't of cared about you at all if it weren't for your nerve. Tears started running down your face.

You hadn't cried since you were 8 when your mother died. You couldn't stand yourself for crying about Hisoka now. The tears stopped as your soft hands ran roughly against your reddened eyes. You stared intensely as the fog painted across the glass, watching through blindly. The steam poured out of the glass shower door right as you stepped out. The small bathroom started fogging up and the mirror was blurry. Your eyes conjured shadowy outlines of Hisoka. You shook your head aggressively and snapped out of it.

"Focus Y/n" You heard Hisokas voice tell you. Quickly darting around, spooked by his voice you saw no one there.

Great now i'm seeing AND hearing him?!

You cleared the foggy mirror with your hand. Your eyes stared emptily back at you while clearing the infinite fog. Your mind slowed before taking in a deep breathe and letting it out to calm your nerves. Your heartbeat finally ceased from its anxious spasms. You'd never felt this feeling towards anyone. It had always been that you either didn't care enough to feel or you had been filled with rage, you'd never caught yourself wanting someone who put you in a complete rage. This was new to you, new never turned out good for you.

You brushed your teeth and braided your hair to the usual side braid you always did. You didn't need makeup, but you never bragged about your beauty, you never even liked to use mirrors either. Your cares had always been empty, only looking out for yourself. The rush of new emotions stressed you out, you just wanted to shut your brain off, go numb for a little while. It was ironic because you had always craved emotions while you were empty, but now as your shell finally felt, you craved to be empty once more.

The outfit Hisoka gifted you was perfect. Matching your bust, hips, and perfectly accentuating every curve. You felt confident, this made you smile, the smile drifted as you thought of Hisoka. This wasn't a happy feeling, it was a feeling of you desperately wanting to get rid of him but you knew you would NEVER be able to bring yourself too.

You needed to breathe, this was all to much for you. You threw your arms up and fell on the bed.

I need him, but I don't want him. I don't know what this is, I can't get my words out and my mind won't shut up. I feel like i'm drowning but if I reach for the surface I wouldn't be able to live without him, and if I fell to the ocean floor and stayed with Hisoka I would actually die. My choices are so fucking limited. I've barely felt anything my whole fucking life, and now I do? Whats fucking wrong with me?!

Your thoughts caused relentless unrest for you as your body fell unnerved.

What if I see him while fighting? i'll surely pass out.

You got off the bed with the mindset of taking action and walked to your sink to splash water in your face. Reassuring yourself that you got this, you were you, you weren't going to be tamed by a clown.

Time to go.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now