Battle Ground

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Chrollo fell back slowly onto the chair, his position became relaxed and he smirked diligently. He was still contemplating his decision with you, he wonder if you'd really prove worthy? This was a chance he was surprisingly willing to take, he wouldn't of even thought about it if it wasn't for his allure to you when you first walked in the bar.

"You think that girl left in the time we were gone" Phinks asked shalnark as they walked back into the tavern.

"Perhaps, but we've only been gone 20 minutes so I doubt it" Shalnark responded. They proceeded up the stairs still conversing.

"Hopefully, she'd be fun to get my ha-" Phinks stopped mid sentence as he opened the door to see you sitting straight across from Chrollo.

You looked over to Phinks with annoyance because you knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Would you like to finish your sentence Phinks?" Chrollo asked blankly. You rolled your eyes and looked back into Chrollos eyes. He seemed annoyed by Phinks comment as well because his eyes looked back into yours and somehow told you "Sorry".

"Boss uh i'm okay heh" Phinks said embarrassingly.

"Ha your so smooth Phinks" Shalnark laughed. Phinks shot him back a deadly glare. Shalnark continued laughing as he walked over to you to introduce himself.

"Hi my names Shalnark, this is Phinks but I think you figured that one out" Shalnark said kindly. He seemed funny, very smart too.

"This is Y/n" Chrollo cut you off before you could even open your mouth to introduce yourself on your own. You shot him the same look as you shot Phinks, you didn't like a man doing things you could completely do on your own. Chrollo noticed your expression but failed to understand it, it was like nobody had ever faced him up before. Was this guy really that scary?

"We've made a deal, Y/n and I, we've decided that she will chose one of you two to fight and if she wins then she won't be of any use to train. If whichever one of you she picks wins, we train her for a month, if I decide I want her in the troupe by the end of that month, this deal consents her to join as the 14th member" Chrollo explained to Phinks and Shalnark, it seemed like the deal wasn't part of the plan they had for approaching you.

Phinks looked at Shalnark with surprise to see how the situation ended up like this. He knew this was far from something the boss would care enough to do, even take all the initiative for. They both could sense the bosses interest in you.

"Y/n" Chrollo said softly.

"Yeah?" You said stiffening your back straight and shifting your attention back to him.

"Chose one" Chrollo demanded.

Hm, well Shalnark definitely looked weaker but Phinks we definitely an asshole. But it would be rude to chose Shalnark on physical appearance, he probably can fight better then i'd expect. Even if their strength is what their boss claims them to have, I'll give my all towards that perverted looking gym teacher. Besides if I really do end up staying with them for a month i'd want Shalnark as a friend.

"I want him" You said with a smirk while pointing your finger slowly towards Phinks.

His eyes grew in size and his bloodlust seeped out. Chrollo looked somewhat surprised at your choice and let out a little chuckle as he noticed Phinks quick response.

"Well at least you have taste, but don't worry i'll take it easy on you" Phinks said arrogantly.

You huffed at him and turned your face back to Chrollos.

"When do we start?"

"Now shall we?" Chrollo asked.

You and phinks both nodded your heads and proceeded out the door behind Chrollo and Shalnark. They walked out behind the town into a flat. The sandy ground was hard and crippled, no green in sight. You started walking across from where Phinks placed his stance.

"You ready?" Phinks asked with a grin.

"Oh you bet I am" You respond. The heat from the naked sun was intense, you took off your jacket and threw it to the side. Phinks' expression grew.

The both of you stared intently while in stance, waiting for who would make the first move. It'd been awhile since you used your Nen technique, so you were a bit worried about how much Nen you could summon up. You started channeling your Nen through your body, your aura doubled in size.

It was time to make a move.

You picked up your arms and used all your speed to run towards Phinks. You drew your hand back to make it look like you'd been aiming for a punch, you were gonna use your legs. Running full speed at Phinks, he caught the attention of your hand and assumed a punch forthcoming. He put his fists up in defense and was shocked by your sudden kick to his knees. His eyes grew with rage as he fell backwards onto his ass. You got down on top of him and punched him with all your strength.

Phinks went into fury and grabbed your neck with his right arm. His physical strength was not anticipated and your gut went into a frenzy. He threw your whole body to the side and you flew at least 100 feet straight onto your backside.

You opened your eyes and adjusted yourself back up. He was darting straight towards you, fast as lighting.

"Now or never Y/n" His voice, No no no, not at a time like this, why was he back in your head. NO!

Everything went red in your eyes as Hisoka flooded back into your mind. You channeled the built up rage.

Phinks stopped suddenly, he looked around and fumbled over his steps. His eyesight was gone. You lunged to him and swung a left hook right on his jaw.

"Did you fucking blind me?" Phinks shouted looking no where near to where you had be standing.

"Maybe" You said teasingly.

Phinks grunted and thought quickly about what to do.

(Phinks pov)
Her footsteps were silent so there was no point in basing my attacks off her sound. What else do I use to see? Wait of course.
Gyo was the only thing.

Phinks face halted and grinned, he employed Gyo into his eyes and could see your whole outline of Nen. This was a flaw of your Nen that you failed to ever notice because you've never met anyone quick enough to think of using Gyo. Phinks was fast, he made his way straight to you while he was still blind.

Phinks was faster then light with his hand to hand combat. His punches were hard to dodge. even when he was blind. He wasn't even channeling any nen into the punches but they were still stronger then yours. The right side of your jaw was open, Phinks couldn't psychically see your blind spot, so his guess was just luck.

His punch was something you feared as you fell backwards with a crushed jaw. He won. You were blacked out into the sun dried dirt.

Authors note: Give me some feedback on this chapter cause i'm not too sure I did a decent job with writing out the fight scene. It's one of the more difficult things for me to write but if you could decently visualize it then I did my job. Make sure to comment and vote!! love you all, thank you for over 5k reads!!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now