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"Chrollo where are you?!"

Your head spun in the darkness, this void felt like death. It was sinister, and you couldn't find him. Your screams fell silent, you'd still been paralyzed by his gaze, which left excruciating pain filling your insides. Your feet couldn't move, everything was black, your mind was black, you couldn't see anything, you suddenly couldn't remember the taste of his lips, the sound of his voice, the feeling of his touch. Everything seemed to disappear, until a voice called out, confirming the diss-appearance.

"Where's the boss?" Shizuku cried out in the midsts of the panicked troupe.

The lights flickered back on, releasing you from your trance, as well as confirming the missing sight of Chrollo. The two captives, defeated in their escape plan, stood searching wondrously for the Phantom Troupes leader as well.

Your body felt like it was going to erupt as you leaped forward towards the group, grabbing Killua by his collar. His arms were ripped away from Machis hold on him. Your strength training with Phinks allowed the arrogant young assassin continuous disarray by your alarming actions.

"Where did he go?!" You shouted viciously at him. His eyes glazed over with shocking fear of your screech.

"Let him go!" Phinks said as he ran behind you, forcefully tugging your waist and arm away from the struggling Killua.

"There's something on the wall! Hold him Shizuku!" Nobugana stated aloud. You stopped struggling in Phinks' grip and allowed him your full attention. "Paku are you alright?" Machi asked, interrupting Nobuganas discovery. "Those kids, broke my left hand and a molar!" Machis eyes widened down at Killua back in her grip, "We underestimated them."

Paku began with concern, "Those kids they-"

"Wait!" Nobugana halted. "Pakunoda...this is for you."

You watched the interaction unfold with unshakable suspense. Pakus eyes lit with shock as she glanced the crinkled page, her gaze darted all around the room in thought. She would not speak, knowing if she did, her friend would die. The pause was ominous, sparkling sweat drops fell against her appointed cheekbones, her thin eyebrows were scarily arched, her plum lips quivered. Her thoughts spewed into theories and pre-disposed plans, she had mapped all she could put in this long pause.

Nobugana perceived your labored wrestling to keep yourself calm, waiting for Pakunodas response. He was falling into sudden derangement as well, "Paku."

There was no answer, but her large eyes kept still, staring ahead on the note.

"Paku!" He shouted, drawing her attention to his perturbed stare.

His mind was made the instant she looked to him.

"Don't say a word, got it?" He calmly demanded. Beads of nervous sweat fell as she nodded to him.

Why did he say that?! Where did he go? I need to know what that note says. Damn you Nobugana!

"Who took him?! What does the note say?!" Your voice shrieked at them. Your passionate, chilling, cold, sad screams fell onto deaf ears.

"The Chain-user took him, you will not ask any further questions if you want to see him again, alive." Nobugana spoke with composure. His sudden demands of leadership angered you directly. "Get her out of here." He spoke again, Phinks agreed as his hands suddenly snaked around your hips, lifting you over his shoulder. He carried you out the brass doors, but you remained frozen, going over everything that had been said.

All you felt was frustration. You felt insignificant, useless...worthless. What could you do in wake of such a mess? Your spiraling emotions felt all to similar, like this had happened before. The cycle of your creeping heartache continued, as you faced the fear of losing yet another person. These emotions were anything but foreign, the cruelty and angst. Wicked illusion writhed themselves onto the forsaken slate of your mind. The image of Chrollos dead body, like the fake you'd already seen, came back. Must I lose you? Or have I already?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now