Branded with Blood

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We watched as Gon fought against Riehlvelt. Hisoka watched intensely, I knew he had been quite interested in Gons growth so I didn't mind the attention Hisoka paid to Gon. My thoughts were eating me alive sitting there and staring at the concrete floor of the arena. I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to Gon after my realization of my true feelings. I still felt vulnerable but it was okay, just like Hisoka said it was okay, feeling vulnerable was a habit of mine and I had never felt happiness like this so i'm going to accept the following feeling of vulnerability. I was scared to get hurt, I sat there and prayed that I wouldn't. I just kept replaying what he told me, it's okay.

You tapped Hisoka on the shoulder which made him direct all of his attention towards you.

"I think i'm gonna go back upstairs, I feel kinda out of it" you said with complete honesty after all the emotions that had been running through you at this moment that left you feeling indisposed.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked with care in his eyes.

"No stay here, somebody has to congratulate Gon for me after he wins" you said warmly.

"Alright but call me if you need too" He said as leaned over to kiss your forehead.

His soft lips felt reassuring on your head, your mind went calm. You got up and walked down the aisle, once you reached the stairs you turned back and smiled, he was still watching you, you thought he would've brought his attention back to the climatic fight happening in front of him, but he didn't, he was still watching you.

Your chest was beating as you reached the apartment alone. You ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, you started bawling tears. Small screams let out as you gripped the counter tops, your teeth went tender from biting down so hard, your jaw clenched, your knees felt weak. The rush of fear and anxiety flooded through you like nothing before, you couldn't loose this. You were sobbing your eyes out because you couldn't lose him, you felt as if you couldn't live without him. You were drowning again.

Meanwhile after Gon had defeated Riehlvelt, Hisoka walked down to the opponent's exits and waited for Gon. Hisoka had a goal and he pushed his mind to think about something other then you for once, even though nothing was more important to him now then you were. Hisoka finally accepted Gons long awaited challenge. Gon agrees to Hisoka letting him set terms but he insists the fight won't take place for two more months. Hisoka agreed to the terms because it meant more time with you, he knew it was selfish but he did love you, and this was in fact all for you.

You settled down and washed your face so that by the time Hisoka came back he wouldn't notice the tear stains or your puffy eyes. It was taking long for him to arrive back so you eventually dozed off.

Hisoka opened the door quietly, he had a feeling you were asleep and to no surprise, he was right. You were out cold, his prominent presence could usually awaken you easily. Hisoka got undressed and got under the covers and held you in his arms, he sat there just looking at you sleeping while he gently stroked your hair.

Hisokas POV

What am I doing? Holding her like this? Loving her? This wasn't me and I don't know how I've actually managed to fall in love, it was the one thing I never thought possible. She was so dark and hidden when I first met her, look at her now, she's the only warmth I've ever had. I know i'm selfish for still being here with her, I don't know if i'll actually be able to leave her. The troupe was dangerous and Chrollo has been my goal for so long, for some reason I can't give up that goal, my addiction to power keeps feeding itself. I tear myself apart everyday but there's nothing I can psychically do to stop it.

I keep repeating my mistakes, but is leaving her for her own good really a mistake? No it's the right thing to do. I can't burden her with myself and my struggles, I can't be that selfish, I can't let her be my weakness either. I have so many enemies that she truly would never be safe with me. God why is this so hard to figure out?

The sun set and blended into the darkness, Hisoka held you in his arms until you had woken up. His strong arms held you tight and all your worries faded as the two of you just sat there together. There was no awkwardness in the silence between you, it was peaceful. The both of you could never imagine life without each other again but that life would soon come. Hisoka hid every speck of guilt he had, it was completely eradicated from anything you could sense. You turned up to Hisokas head, the two of you sat up together and you slowly kissed on his jaw. After awhile he slid your lips up to his own with his finger under your chin.

"I've got an idea" you said after pulling away from his lips with thrill in your eyes. Fear but excitement about what he might make of your idea.

"What is it?" he said raising his already arched eyebrows in suspicion.

"Pull out one of your cards please" you said in a babyish tone.

Hisoka fluttered a card between his fingers and tilted towards your open hand. You grabbed the card and straddled yourself on top of him. Sitting on top of him you felt his enormous man hood grow within his pants. You drug the card up Hisokas abs and brought it to the left side of his chest, right where his heart was. You took the card and drew a small "Your initial" deep enough to release a drop of blood. It slowly rolled down his chiseled torso, before it could reach his v- line you took your tongue and licked the velvet droplet while running your tongue all the way back up him. When you brought your head up, you slowly licked your lips while staring Hisoka dead in the eye, Hisoka shifted a little in the bed while you did this. Hisoka grabbed your neck faster than sound, he jerked you right back into his lips. He kissed you roughly and you could tell he was extremely pleased by your show of affection. Hisoka hoisted your waist and shifted you down beneath him on the bed, he fluttered out another card with his fingers while still vigorously kissing you.

"My turn" Hisoka said as he brought the card up to the left side of your chest, he didn't use precaution and dug into you much harder then you had to him. More then a drop fell out of the "H" carved into your chest. The blood was hot and ran down your breasts quickly. Hisoka used his mouth to maneuver the blood slowly spreading down. He got excited as one of the drops fell straight on your nipple, he dragged his tongue over it slowly making your back arch from the pleasuring discomfort.

"That's all for tonight" Hisoka said as he brought his head back up to yours, he was definitely tired you could tell but it was surprising he stopped so quickly.

"Your such a tease" you said provokingly.

"Your one to talk Y/n, but tonight I just want to hold you my dearest, give me that at least?" he said with sadness in his eyes, but hid it within his comforting tone.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now