Another Tea Pot

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The bed was creaky and hard. The mattress and pillows hadn't been soft like the ones at heavens arena, this was the first sleep you've gotten in an actual bed since being in his bed. Nothing that you had smelled of him, you were honestly terrified at the thought of forgetting how he smelled, or how his smooth voice sounded. Days of despair were here and you were scared that they wouldn't ever leave.

Starring up to a ceiling painted with cracks, you thought about the man in the shadows today. He had a very ominous feeling, something your curiosity would go wild to find out.

Maybe I should approach him? No it'd be stupid to take chances like that Y/n, it'd be better to observe if you even can. You'll probably forget about him by the time you end up in York New City, but if I see him tomorrow then I might just have too.

You got slightly excited thinking about your chances of seeing him, his presence was already very strange and you'd hope he be something interesting. It didn't take you too long to realize your excitement, this hurt you. You hated realizing your feelings while they occur, anytime any good feeling came about it would sink back down to emptiness ever since Hisoka. But the more you caught these feelings that means the more they were there, So it's progress!

Your eyelids fell heavy.

The sun shined so brightly through the tiny dust covered window. The room illuminated to bring out all of its noticeable flaws, you've been in worse conditions so you weren't complaining. You got up with a groan and washed your face with the water you filled up last night. You got dressed and went downstairs into the tavern. You were wearing a maroon tank top with a brown leather jacket and black shorts, you wore a nude bandanna around your neck for protection from the sand, and the high black leather boots Hisoka once gave you. The tavern smelled of cinnamon and beer, it wasn't very busy but they did serve free breakfast for those staying at the motel up above. The same quirky looking bartender from last night was working.

"Hi miss, what can I get you this morning?" he said nonchalantly.

"I'll take some eggs and two cups of coffee please" You said with a disdain smile. Hisoka always said all the caffeine you drank wouldn't be good for you later on. It was so strange to think he didn't care about you at all when he would say things like that. Everything was strange now.

Your attention drifted entirely when you saw the two men from last night descending down the staircase, but the man in the shadows hadn't accompanied. He must've been upstairs, but the two blondes walked out of the tavern. Your curiosity was about too curse you.

He's definitely upstairs, maybe I should go look? No Y/n That's stupid and so invasive. But his aura, it was too alluring not to pass up, I felt so magnetically drawn to it. I have to see what's so special, I just have too.

You slide slowly away from your barstool and headed upstairs. You motioned your weight to each step so there would be no noise when walking up the wooden stairs. Once you reached the top you couldn't figure out which room was theirs, so you walked past each door using Zetsu.

Door 1, hm nothing, Door 2, still nothing, Door 3, something.

This had too of been it, the presence of nothing felt identical to the one from last night. This was the room.

Oh gosh uh what do I do? Um should I knock? No that'd be stupid, well it's not like I can just storm in. This is so weird why am I doing this. Okay deep breath Y/n. Trust your intuition, it's leading you to this door, so i'll open it. Okay universe wish me some fucking luck.

You brought your hand slowly up to the doorknob, you placed your hand on the doorknob, you turned the doorknob.

"OOH SHIT" You said out loud as you fell face first onto the ground. The door had opened immediately before you could open it, the strength was insane. You had fallen straight forward into whoever's room this was.

"Um are you alright miss?" A mystifying man looked down and said to you. You hadn't even seen his face yet while you were slowly bringing your clumsy self up from his floor. You swooped around and almost fell again after seeing his face.

This man is the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He radiated such peculiar kindness, it was almost contagious. But in a way he came of as darkness too. But he himself was breathtaking. Big grey eyes, hair as black as the night sky, slick backed to perfection, Skin as pale as snow, bones carved like ivory. Wow.

"Yea I'm sorry I must've got the wrong room" you said incredibly awkwardly trying to cover up the fact that you were hardcore stalking him. You started walking past him out the door and then his cold hand gripped your wrist. You looked down at his hand grabbing yours and shot your eyes back up to his.

"Oh I don't think you did, but please, tell me your name?" He said smoothly. It was almost like you could trust him, giving out your name wasn't smart, but he felt so weirdly comforting.

"Uh it's Y/n" you said notably per-cautiously.

"I watched how you took down that man last night Y/n, it was quite impressive. You bloom with strength" He said kindly, his voice was so soft and trusting. If someone like Hisoka had said what he just said to you it'd feel almost threatening. The way he said it was far from worry., at least you thought.

"Oh well thank you I guess, can I ask what your name is?" You said politely trying not to cause in trouble with someone who could be much more dangerous then he appeared.

"Chrollo Lucilfer" He said with ease.

"Well i'm sorry for barging in Chrollo" You said flustered.

"Don't be. Join me for some tea?"

"Well uh okay" you said with some confidence in the unimagined scenario you had gotten yourself into too.

He directed his eyes and head to a couch for you to take a seat on while he prepared a pot. You sat down gently and crossed your legs mannerly. His eyes traveled your legs and examined your thighs as you looked around the spacious motel room he had. He thought graciously about you, he wanted to see you move like he had the night before.

The tea pot went off and the whistle was loud, you haven't heard a pot of tea whistle since, well that first technical time you'd been with Hisoka. That day was such a high, he was so intimidating but in the best ways. Your attitude is what made that happen, you've seemed to almost have lost it, especially here and now with Chrollo. Why were you so flustered?

Chrollo walked over with a pot of tea and two cups, he sat down in the armchair after placing the tea on the table. He leaned over and poured himself and you a glass, his eyes stayed focused on yours when he brought himself back up sitting straight. It sent you shivers, the expressionless eye contact he made was terrifying but exhilarating all at once.

"So Y/n, indulge me, what brings you to Evans county?" he said slowly.

"I'm on my way to York New City, I have some business there"

"Ah, as well for me it seems" he said with the tiniest smirk.

Why does this feel so, so not like me? I've never acted so nice I guess. I'm usually so much more intimidating, he's just so mysterious. Definitely attractive but that's not what sets him apart. He's got a scarf around his forehead, he's just something else. I want to know what. I'm never gonna be able to figure that out if I keep acting like this.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now