God of War

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The next mornings sun rose from the ground. Everything was desert, but far in the distance you could see the city's skyline. The bright orange outlined the buildings and the sun shined through the slits between the sky scrapers. Something so subtle was something you'd had always looked past, the beauty that living beings experience every single day of their short lives. How lucky...

The sun would outline him like that.

You shook your head and your thoughts went to a place you had been trying to escape.

"I need to let him go" your breathing slowed and you told yourself this out loud alone in your room.

"Let who go?" Phinks asked as he bursted in.

"Phinks what the fuck?!" you said pulling your blanket up trying to hide your habit of sleeping in your underwear.

"You don't need to cover up around me" Phinks said trying to flirt but it just came off creepy.

"Can you just toss me that T-shirt?" You said while rolling your eyes and pointing towards the white shirt laying over top of a wooden chair.

"Yeah, here" Phinks said as he tossed the shirt to you. You quickly out the shirt on and slowly got out of bed.

"Need a hand?" Phinks asked quite gently. Your first thought was to say no, but then you remembered what Chrollo had told you last night. You took a deep sigh.

"Yeah, that would be nice" you told Phinks. He was definitely surprised, he knew how headstrong you had been in only a short span of knowing you.

He grabbed your right hand and you grabbed his shoulder with your left. He slowly stood you up and your knees didn't cave.

"Hey look I'm standing!" You cheered excitingly looking up at Phinks with a smile.

"I think you got it Y/n, does it still hurt?" Shalnark asked while standing in your doorway.

"When did you get here? we were about to leave" Phinks glared at Shalnark.

"Well you took too long so Chrollo told me to see what the hold up was, but I was talking to Y/n, not you Phinks" Shalnark said purposely provoking Phinks. You chuckled under your breath a little, Phinks eyes darted to yours as his grip on your hand tightened. Your laughter died immediately.

"Yeah it hurts but it's bearable" You said blankly.

"Okay we'll let you change then" Shalnark said.

"If you need any help let us know" Phinks said again, creepily.

Shalnark hit Phinks' shoulder as they walked out the door and closed it shut. You started to change into a cropped black tank top and some black sweats. The outfit was good for agility and free movement, but you looked down to your somewhat limited legs and doubted you'd be doing any of that today. You braided your hair and threw it over your left shoulder.

You headed to the door slowly, walking was still difficult but you were proud of your progress so far. You took a long breath as your fists tightened around the icy door knob.

Time to go..

"Took you long enough" Phinks said jokingly.

You smiled warmly at him and continued walking down the hall to the stairs.

"Where are we going?" you asked as Phinks and Shalnark lead you outside.

"We're heading to where you're going to train silly" Shalnark told you.

"Um alright" you said as they lead you down a desolate road in the back of town. They walk took at least 30 minutes until one glimpse of a building came. It was a rundown abandoned barn in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

"Here we are" Phinks said as he slid open the half broke barn door.

"Finally you've arrived" Chrollo said with his hands crossed. You gazed him up and down as he stood their in perfection.

Oh My Goodness. Wow. Today is gonna be great. He stood their shirtless with black pants on, it was undeniably hot but gosh his choice of well less apparel made it even hotter. His slender hands were covered in dark rings and that same bandana lay around his forehead.

"Y/n?" Chrollo said loudly. You snapped back to reality and stoped blatantly staring at him.

"Yeah?" you focused in on Chrollo. He walked slowly towards you.

"How are your legs? Was walking all the way here alright for you?" He asked gently.

"Yeah it was okay, it's manageable so i'll be fine" you answered reassuringly.

"Good i'm glad" He said as he turned his back towards you and the others. He viewed the mess of the barn behind him and clasped his hands together.

"Now, for your first day of training, your going to clean this barn. You'll get some help though, us three will be doing this half, and you'll do that half by yourself." He said slyly, Shalnark and Phinks both turned their heads and chuckled at eachother.

"What's the catch?" you said with a annoyed glare and your arms crossed.

"How do you know their is one?" Chrollo smirked and went on provoking you even more.

"Chrollo I'm not stupid, and I know how training works" You said while rolling your eyes at him.

"Roll your eyes at me again, I dare you" Chrollo snapped at you with another sly grin.

You smirked deviously at him, this was fun for you and you'd make him realize it too. You let out another annoyed groan with your fists tightened. Chrollo noticed and let out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" you asked angrily.

"Nothing. Now for the catch, like I said before, your going to clean that side of the barn but you have to do it faster then we clean this side. If you fail to do so then you'll have to stay here until your training ends." he demanded.

"Like stay here? like sleep and everything?" You asked fearfully.

"Yes" he said blankly.

"Oh your crazy if you think that's happening" You yelled at him.

"You will, I command it, is that clear?" He said seriously.


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now