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"Phinks?" You questioned as your body slowly progressed in a sitting position.

His eyes looked mockingly to you, "Yup, now get up." He responded as he tugged the white bed sheet off your slightly exposed figure.

"Turn around!" You screamed at him. He had already turned away while slightly glimpsing the underwear you wore while sleeping. He cursed himself at his impulsive actions and awaited your next awkward command while facing the wall.

His mouth scrambled an apology, "I'm really sorry I didn't-"

You sighed loudly as you rubbed your temple, "Just shut up, go to the top drawer and hand me something."

"Here!" Phinks threw a men's white dress shirt behind his shoulder over to you. His eyes stayed peered ahead of him, his temptation to look at you began to wain as he noticed some
of Chrollos belongings on top of the dresser. I'm not here to gawk at her, I need to distract her.

The shirt he threw landed a few inches away from your tucked knees on the bed. You pulled it swiftly over to you, only to notice the familiar fabric of the shirt you hadn't thought you kept. You ran your delicate fingertips over the clear buttons, you folded the hem where the collar sat, straightening out the old shirt that had lost its valuable scent from the soft summer rain. Finally after a pause of inspection you buttoned the shirt on and got off the satin bed. Your feet nimbly walked over to Phinks as he stood, still cluelessly facing the wall. Although your footsteps were soft, Phinks caught notice and turned around.

He stared you up and down, although you loved his Boss, he was the first to lock eyes on
you the day before you meet. He was astonished by your simple beauty, how your slender thighs gaped under the oversized shirt.
He enjoyed the way your hair looked in the mornings, how it was curly and straight in all different places. But his wondering eyes vanished as you began to speak.

"Where's Chrollo? And why did you wake me up?" You pouted, his eyes were still dazed from his longing thoughts. His focus redirected immediately when he heard the words Chrollo.

"Uh we've got things we need to do today."
He said shyly as he reached to scratch the back of his head.


"Just go get ready." Phinks' expression finally fell back into his creased glare through his eyebrows. He watched you from behind while you strutted into the bathroom.

You reached the bathroom, the air was heavy and warm. Slight fog was still grazed over the mirror and glass shower door. Wonder how long ago he got up? And how did I not hear the shower running? Whatever, if he used all the hot water i'm going to kill him. Your thoughts wondered aimlessly without beginning to touch the reminiscences of the conversation that happened last night. Your arms gently lifted the abundant amount of hair you had into a jumbled bun that sat on the top of your head. Your modest hand reached out to the running water, the warmth immediately charged your tired cells. Gently, you stepped into the calmness of the running drops. They first adhered to your back, where they traced the contoured frame of you behind.

Warmth betrayed by the sun reflected across his complexion as he ran carelessly through the silhouettes of piled rubbish. The free boys chased each other, tossing a bare book high into the air. The breeze was light as it ran like a chariot through the twines of their youthful tresses. The laughing of the boys seemed to release the trauma filled fates destined within them and the lost they lived with. But they did not fret in this moment of precious childhood, in this moment where a dream was achieved. The one dark haired boy ran wildly in front, with book in hand as his bright black eyes gleamed forward. He climbed his way up top the pile of garbage and reached an orange blindness, a view in reach, of the horizon ahead. Where the line of the bulging sun reached earths middle ground, where you could meet your dreams. He stood, flourishing the sense of pride and hope beneath the stance of the child with aspirations far beyond achievement.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now