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You walked over to the lounge chair in the corner of the room and sat down; your hands cradled the back of your head while it lowered down. The bedroom door was cracked open and you could see pieces of broken glass scattered on the floor. You understood why Hisoka was angry and you couldn't blame him for getting so upset. That outburst was nothing; he was controlling it even in that moment.

You had two options: sit there and feel guilty, maybe even cry like you usually do, or, you get up and do what he asked of you. Find the exorcist. 'Seduce him', you recalled him saying. You laughed out loud at the thought, seduce him? Like I could ever. I just went through a soul crushing break up (literally). Secondly, I look absolutely horrendous. But he's counting on me to do this...

You took a deep breath in and got up. First things first was finding something to wear. You walked over to your bag and unzipped the small suitcase. You started shredding through the suitcase like you were a beast with talons sending clothes flying through the air like bloody ribbons. There was absolutely nothing you could possibly wear to 'seduce' anyone. Your entire bag was made up of clothes you used to train in. You groaned out loud in defeat. Hisoka set you up for a mission impossible. Maybe I could DIY something. I definitely need something with cleavage and all I have are fucking sport-bras.

You looked over to your left at Hisokas black duffel bag. Maybe he has something I can tie up and throw on. You had been desperate and it was worth a try. You crawled over to his bag and unzipped it. You didn't care if he got mad that you rummaged through his stuff. This whole plan was his idea and if it required some invasion of privacy then that's his fault. You started carelessly pulling apart his delicately folded clothes. All he had was low profile basic clothes. Until you caught a glimpse of something red at the bottom of his bag. You shrugged out from under the pile and squealed with excitement when you realized what it was.

It was the most gorgeous, satin, red dress.

Except it was yours.

A soft, sad smile came over your face when you realized the dress was yours. It wasn't so long ago you realized when you had worn it last. You remembered that night like it was yesterday. Hisoka had gifted you that dress out of nowhere. It was a few days after you and him had first had sex and you thought that would be the last of him. Just an unforgettable hook up with the most intimidating and mysterious man you had ever met. And then, out of nowhere, he showed up at your door with this dress in a little black box. He took you out to dinner and you remember fawning over him all night. It was the first night you had actually felt it. Love.

"At least he kept the dress," you sighed aloud as you got up and headed to the bathroom.

Thankfully the bathroom had a blow dryer. You turned on the sink and began to dampen your hair. A quick and easy blowout was all you had time for. The extra volume framed your face nicely. You slipped on the dress and it wasn't as flattering because of the weight you had lost over the past month. You had let yourself go and were finally seeing the repercussions now. However, the dress still fit in all the right places. You were almost ready until realized you still needed shoes. You couldn't go out with sneakers on.

You ran over to Hisokas bag. "For fucks sake Hisoka please tell you have heels stashed in here too". You tore through his bag at least three times and there were no heels. You swore under your breath and felt like tearing the dress off. Until Hisoka bristly opened the door.

"Looking for these?" he said nonchalantly.

You let out a sigh of relief as you got up and ran over him, "You're a saint, truly"

"I've been called many things before and 'saint' has never been one of them" He said lightly.

You chuckled a bit, "how'd you even get these on the boat?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now