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You could feel the warm sun on your skin before you opened your eyes. You felt so peaceful that what happened last night didn't even come to mind. As you slowly woke up you started rubbing your eyes and you saw someone sleeping at the end of your bed by your feet. Instincts kicked in and you used tons of strength to kick the person off your bed. A screech came from the person laying on your bed as they hit the ground.

"What the fuck Y/n?" Hisoka said as his face turned red.

"Oh fuck, i'm sorry, I didn't know it was you." Your breathing seemed heavy from relief but slightly panicked from the frightening face plastered on Hisoka.

You quickly hopped off your bed and ran to Hisoka who was still lying on the ground. You reached out your hand to help him back up. Slowly, his cold hands reached for yours and he smirk grew right before he took hold of your hand and jerked you to the ground. Before you knew it, you and Hisoka had completely switched places, but instead of standing above you Hisoka was on top of you holding your hands above your head. Your panic soared at the switch of position, but it wasn't like you to let him see your worry. You looked at him slyly in hopes to regain confidence, but his excitement only soared.

"You've been quite naughty lately, first I had to save your life and now i'm getting thrown off beds? Seriously Y/n your such a pain." Hisoka snickered at you.

His velvet sultry tone created a mindless tingle throughout your duplicate feelings towards him. So, instead of responding vocally, you arched your back against the ground bringing your breasts closer up to Hisoka. He clearly noticed your physical signal as his eyes drew down to your exposed cleavage. You watched his eyes trace the smooth exposed contours of your chest. A flame of pink grew in your cheeks , he watched the heavy movements of your chest inflate up and down. The certain connection between you too skyrocketed further than it ever had, so did the tension.

Hisokas gripped tighten around your wrists, squirming was pointless now. His lips drew closer in to yours, but he was only teasing you as he swerved them to your ear. He started biting at your earlobe and this sent chills down your spine and the tingling kicked in immensely. He whispered into your ear "Are you ready to let me in Y/n?"

"Yes, now fuck me already" you said quite loudly, not even realizing what you had really just asked for. You'd been weak in the fight against temptation, but that burning sensation of his mouth moving so closely to yours ceased your inner warfare.

Hisokas amber eyes grew exponentially, almost to the point were you became a little scared. Hisokas smirked grew and his movements became swift and forced. Hisoka flipped you over where you laid flat on your stomach against the cold wooden floor. He pushed your ankles towards your thighs so your butt was arched up in the air. He appeared in the kitchen to grab a piece of rope and quickly appeared right back behind you. He took the rope and aggressively wrapped your wrist together behind your back. Hisoka tore your pants apart to shreds and ripped open the back of your shirt. He took his time sliding your panties down with his teeth hooked on the strap. His mouth traveled down your pent up thigh with the strap, his lips delicately slide across your skin like a feather. Soon after your panties were off he swiftly unbuttoned his pants. You couldn't even see his dick since your face was pressed against the cold wooden floor. A hard slap to the ass made you jump, the excitement made your blood boil. Your body went hot as your body was begging for him. His presence made your body go berserk. He wasn't slow...he dived himself right into you and moaned aggressively while beating himself faster and faster into you.

Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. I'd never been fucked this good. He wasn't holding back anything, this was the best high i've ever felt. I stared screaming with pleasure. I was about to cum and so was he, after at least ten minutes of completely wrecking me he was finally going to finish, I was holding back to wait for him, trying to at least.His moans grew louder, he started screaming now, yelling at me saying he was almost there. Hisoka swung his head back with one final deepening thrust. Then the release happened. Full blown fucking release. My nails dug into the hard wood floor while I was gasping for air from the indescribable euphoria.

"I'm gonna go get some breakfast for us" Hisoka said after quickly pulling out of you. It's like he was completely unfazed by the events just now. I hope he's actually getting breakfast, not just running out on me.

"Can you at least untie me before you run off?" you said panting catching your breath, while still in the same back breaking position he'd gotten up and left you in.

You could feel his smirk as he turned around to see you still tied up, he walked over without a word and bent down into a squat in-front of you while you held your tense neck up to him. He leaned in and gently kissed you, biting your bottom lip and he took himself away. To your surprise your hands were free, he must've taken them off while you were lost in his lips. As you got up he was already walking out, you were standing there, buck naked while he turned around for one more look, the hallway outside your room was packed and you knew at least 5 men saw you completely vulnerable. One of them even whistled in the split second the door was wide open for. This brought more eyes and more attention on your naked body. Hisokas eyes darted at the men, his glare was soulless and almost made you tremble even though it wasn't directed at you. Hisoka slammed the door and you heard a scream and then a smash into the wall across your hall. You looked through the peephole and saw the man who whistled sitting there, unconscious, bashed into the cement wall.

Hisoka!!!! God what a possessive freak. That was his fault for leaving the door open. Back to common fucking sense Y/n, did you seriously just fuck Hisoka?! And liked it?!? I've never felt so much self hate before. All this fucking hard work of teasing the shit out of him and you gave him what he wanted. Your gonna regret this and you know it.

You got dressed into a black tank top and nude lounge shorts. You sat down still conflicting with yourself over what just occurred with Hisoka. He definitely wore you out, you almost fell back asleep until he bursted back in.

"Did I fuck you that good that your already falling asleep on me?" he asked.

"No, don't be ridiculous Hisoka!" You jumped from your slumber, awkwardly stumbling the lies you'd just told him.

"God your right Y/n of course I fucked you that good, what was I thinking? Questioning my abilities just now?" He said with no shred of disbelief.

"You have to be the cockiest person i've ever met, anyways i'm starving what did you bring me?" Hisoka was always bewildered by how suddenly your furious tone would turn so causal, this time excited.

Hisoka smiled, he didn't smirk or grin, he smiled at you, a real smile. He liked your strangeness and confidence, he liked the way your tone would change, he liked you teasing and calling him names, he noticed himself liking you a bit too much. Your eyes widened at the foreign sight you'd seem. He caught you staring in disbelief at his smile and he quickly drew it back into the usual grin. Your loving smile drew back into a causal look to not let on your disappointment of losing his smile just now.

Would this work? Is he good?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now