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Your eyes opened slowly as you heard someone's voice calling your name. The faded voice started getting louder as you opened your weary eyes. Everything was blurry and your eyes still felt glued to each other. You took a long blink and opened your eyes to see his soft white skin, dark grey eyes, those lips. Your heart fluttered as he placed his hand to the side of your face. His hands had been cold and searched for warmth within your flushed cheeks.

"Y/n," He said calmly, directing your attention to your surroundings.

"Are we here?" You asked innocently as your eyes darted to the window. The car was parked outside an abandoned warehouse. Your eyes peaked even farther as you leaned more towards the window. Your eyes searched for other members, but they only found Phinks and Shalnark. You sighed with relief, you had been nervous to meet them, you especially didn't want them to meet you straight as you woke up.

"Yes but no one here yet," Chrollo said smoothly as he moved your face back towards his. His eyes retreated from yours as he looked down to your neck. The black band you wore was the only thing Chrollo called 'truly precious'. Until he met you.

His hand grabbed the chain as he gently pulled your lips closer to his. He kissed you hard as he savored every moment. Chrollo was trembling on the inside, fearful that his fears would become a reality. What he didn't know was those fears would come in an entirely different form.

His lips released from yours and you rushed your arms around him. You hugged him tightly, taking in his warm embrace. Chrollos mouth was directly next to your ear as you hugged him tightly. He took the strand of hair coving your ear and brushed it behind.

"Shall we take this inside?" He whispered lovingly. Your grip on him released as you leaned back and nodded. Chrollo got out first and opened the door, he held his hand out for you as you got out of the car. The wind howled and your hair blew in all directions. The whistle of the wind echoed throughout the dark buildings that towered over where you stood. The cold air struck your skin and sent chills down your spine. You shivered out of habit and Chrollo stood beside you and noticed immediately. He started taking his robe off and wrapped it around you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started walking you inside. You'd be distracted by looking up in the late night sky at the bright stars. As Chrollo walked you swiftly into the building your view of the stars suddenly cut off. Your legs stopped when you couldn't see the stars, you looked to Chrollo.

"Wait" You halted.

"Y/n it's freezing out, what is it?" Chrollo said rushed.

"Take me to the roof, please?" You asked him with begging bright eyes.

"If you grab a coat I'll take you up there." Chrollo gave into your silly request.

You turned around to find Phinks and ask for your bag, but you saw it sitting down by the doorway with the rest of the bags. You rummaged as fast as you could through the bag and grabbed your coat. You took off Chrollos robe and handed it to him while you threw on your coat. Your face was so set on going to the roof that Chrollo dared to refuse you. The two of you walked upstairs as Chrollo held your hand all the way up. He pushed open a big metal door that faced against the harsh wind. There was barely any light except for the moon which created a light blue cast over the crackling concrete roof of the building.

"Chrollo come here?" You asked as you sat down in the middle of the rooftop. He obliged and walked over to sit down next to you. The building showed a view of the flashy lights from the city.

"Is this the view you wanted to see?" Chrollo asked kindly.

"Not this view"

Chrollo looked at you with a confused expression. He was certain you wanted to see the city, but you grabbed his arm and laid him down next to you. You pointed your hand up to the sky.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now