Curiosity Killed The Cat

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You and Chrollo enjoyed his homemade meal silently. No words were spoken as Chrollo analyzed his first sense of strange curiosity. Chrollo had always been curious about many things but his stomach sank deeper when it came too thoughts of curiosity about you. He was puzzled and shut out reality to think. You sat there staring down at your slow moving fork while he ate contently without even making eye contact with you. It was safe to say you thought he was strange, but not strangely. Everything was just so very puzzling.

"I think I should probably head back to my room now" you said adjusting yourself in the seat. You could barley get up and when your knee hit the wooden floor, the sound drew Chrollo back from his thoughts.

"Shit Y/n, let me help you" Chrollo said as he quickly rushed over to your side, his manners were outstanding. He didn't have any intention behind wanting to help you, he just respected respect.

Chrollo placed your hands on his broad shoulders as he grabbed your waist and slowly brought you back up.

"Let me take you back to your room" He said abruptly.

"I think I can-" Chrollo cut you off as he boosted you into his arms. He threw you over his shoulders and started walking to the door.

"This is a bit excessive don't you think" You said rudely.

"Take some help for once Y/n, besides you couldn't even stand up by yourself, quit being stupid." Chrollo said as he continued walking. He seemed a very patient person, but not when it came to delays. You constantly denying the simplest of help was a delay.

"Someone's in a mood" you said teasingly to try and lighten things up, you felt bad for rudely putting down his kindness.

"What kind of mood?" Chrollo asked intently. His attention bolted as you asked this and you noticed greatly.

Uh did he not take it as a joke? he seems serious, more curious then intimidated.

"No I just meant you seem kinda cranky, but I should've been nicer instead of dismantling your help. So just forget about it" You said truthfully.

"Oh well alright then" Chrollo said confused sounding.

"Thanks for this, and the meal too. your pretty good at cooking. I cant even remember the last time i've had a homemade meal like that, any homemade meal at all actually." You said without thinking, your mood turned down. But he didn't seem fazed.

"Oh, your welcome it wasn't anything special" Chrollo said quickly. He didn't really know how to continue normal conversations properly unless he was asked something. There was always some kind of debate going on in his head for him too bother with building a real conversation.

He continued down the hall still holding you thrown over his shoulder. He was psychically a lot stronger then he seemed. Chrollo grabbed the doorknob to your room and it was locked.

"Do you have a key?" Chrollo asked.

"Uh yeah it's in my pocket" you said startled as Chrollo stuck his hand into your back pocket looking for the key. He grabbed it without thought and opened the door.

"Watch your head" He said while ducking down a little in the doorway so your clumsy self wouldn't bang your head. Chrollo slowly brought you back down from his shoulder and latched his hands on you so you wouldn't fall. You looked in his eyes as he brought you over to your bed, he seemed so kind but his eyes were still empty. Once you had sat down Chrollo smiled and nodded his head towards you, implying that he's done. His back turned and started walking towards the door.

"Thank you again" You told Chrollo.

He turned around swiftly and stood in the doorway.

"Lesson number 1 Y/n. Stop saying thank you. Training starts tomorrow even if your still bed ridden." He smirked as he slowly turned back around and out the door.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now