Expect the Unexpected

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"There's an upstairs and downstairs to each side of the barn, you need to finish both before we do. Let's get started" Chrollo told everyone.

"'Phinks and I will take the upstairs" Shalnark said as he began climbing the rickety stairs.

Chrollo waved in agreement as he grabbed a bucket full of cleaning supply's and put it in the middle of both sides of the barn.

"You ready Y/n?" Chrollo asked as he reached out a broom to you.

"I guess" you said to him in annoyance. All he did was smile at you, it was warm but sadly still empty.

You walked to the far corner of the barn and started sweeping away as quick as you could, in 7 minutes you had the whole floor sweeped. When you rushed to put the broom away you saw Chrollo had already been done. He was throwing Hay-bails and his muscles moved so gracefully. You stopped for a second as you noticed a tattoo of a spider on his forearm. You had a flashback to when you had been with Hisoka. He had a cloth of a spider tattoo in his dresser and you had once asked him what it was for, he told you he didn't want something permanent but liked the design.

Must've been a really popular design if Chrollo had something so similar.

You shook the thought off like nothing and got back to work. You started stacking the hay on your side of the barn up in the corner. Luckily you had a bit less then Chrollos side so you finished around the same time he did.

The heat was blasting and the sun was shining through the cracks. You only had a few more things to do before you could go upstairs.

Okay Y/n mental checklist. You need to scrub the stalls and the walls, then you need to board up theses cracks. Easy.

It was not easy. around 20 minutes into scrubbing the dirt filled stalls and walls your arms felt so weak. You looked over to see Chrollo not even breaking a sweat, you'd been keeping up with his pace and you ahead of him just by a bit.

Another 20 minutes went by and you had worked your ass off the finish the bottom of the barn. You ran upstairs while Chrollo was still working on the walls. He watched your pain ridden feet sprint up the stairs. He had already been pleased with your resilience.

When you reached the upstairs you stopped and threw your hands on your knees. Your breathing was faster and your heart rate soared.

This is the worst training ever. I hate cleaning. God I cant stop panting. Breath Y/n.

You looked up and saw the upstairs of the barn.

You've got to be Fucking kidding me.

The upstairs was covered in strands of hay and the roof was practically falling in on itself.

You leaned over the railing from the upstairs and yelled down to Chrollo "Fuck you Chrollo! do you see how much of a mess this is?"

Chrollo looked up at you.

"Hm get back to work Y/n" Chrollo chuckled at you from below.

You weren't really that mad. Even though you had to do unbearable amounts of cleaning in a short span of time, you felt content. Hisoka wasn't rushing around in your mind, and you didn't really feel that lonely. Things were looking up in the most unexpected way.

Just as Chrollo said, time to get back to work.

It took you 15 minutes to sweep every single strand of stray up, it was excruciating. Your backed ached and your legs we're almost numb from the overwork. You still had to fix the roof and luckily so did Phinks and Shalnark on the other side, and now they had Chrollos help because he finally finished downstairs. He wasn't going to let you win and this you knew.

Now you had to figure out how to fix this damn roof. You needed wood and something to get up there. You sat for a second and thought about the challenge presented. a thought came to mind and you rushed down the stairs.

"Hey where are you going?" Phinks looked over the railing at you and asked.

"Don't worry I'll be back in a sec" you said running out the door. You ran around to the side of the barn.

Yes! I was right, I knew I remembered something off over here.

You grabbed the wooden panels leaning up against the barn and carried them up the stairs and went away with the hammer.

30 minutes passed by.

You swiped your head of sweat and took a deep satisfied sigh as you finished the roof. You leaned over the railing with your eyes closed and yelled "IM FINISHED!"

"Down here Y/n" Phinks yelled to you. You opened your eyes and followed his voice.

Th-they were playing cards... Did they finish? No no no. No that's not fair.

"We've been done for quite awhile now Y/n" Shalnark told you. Chrollo didn't even look up from the pile of cards he was holding closely between his eyes and his hands.

"Your kidding what the fuck!?!" You yelled down to them.

Phinks and Shalnark laughed and Chrollo wouldn't even look at you. You frustratedly sat down on the bottom of the stair case with yours arms crossed as they played their stupid little card game. You sat there in silence for an hour as they played their game.

Phinks and Shalnark got up and headed out the barn.

"Where are they going?" You asked a blank Chrollo.

"To get your stuff" He said without looking at you.

"You can't be fucking serious about that" You said in utter anger.

"Why must you be so difficult Y/n. Of course I was serious, do I need to make myself even more clear?" Chrollo said intimidatingly.

"No" you said with rage.

"Come sit down then, i'm sure your tired" He said with zero eye contact once again.

You walked over to the seats and sat across from Chrollo while he shuffled some cards. The cards. Flashes and bright lights started fogging your vision. You could see him, and his cards running against you. You could see him sitting their shuffling them just like Chrollo had been doing now. Your breathing went fast and your heart was beating it's way out of your chest. Chrollo shot his eyes up towards you when he heard your rigid breathing. That night flashed into your head and you reached down and felt the scarred "H" carved into the side of your chest.

More Flashes. More Hisoka. Then it was black...

AUTHORS NOTE: Please leave me some Chrollo cannons you'd like to see in the story!! I need some more ideas!! Oh and thank you for 17k reads that's insane!! leave votes and thank you all for the comments filled with support, much love.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now