Be Careful For What You Wish

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Hisoka was gone. Chrollo was gone. You sat alone in the empty vast room, the silk bed sheets rubbed against your thighs. The silk was cold as it touched you, the coldness spread.

Tiny drops fell from your cheek as you hid your head in your knees. A circle of silk grew dark as a pool of tears sinked into the bedsheets. Your whimpers were silent as you sat alone. You felt like a tree falling in an empty forest, no one around to hear, no one around to save you.

Your body ran with worry, desperately hoping someone would be back soon. The loneliness grew dark in the wake of learning what it truly feels like to lose someone you love. You prayed hard that you wouldn't have to experience that again with Chrollo. More tears fell as you thought back to the first time he told you he loved you. You felt blanketed in petals as you thought back to the first time he'd touched you. Your skin felt warm for the few minutes you could reminisce in the moments with him.

The words first brought another thought to your mind. First. Was him. Hisoka was the first you loved and he showed you pain. It seemed like love and pain was an endless cycle. A circle forever spinning. Your pain would come. Your pain with Hisoka had faded in the arms of Chrollo. Your pain with Chrollo was yet to come around the fateful path. Like a hallway you couldn't escape from, an endless path of fear of love from the pain that stood lingering.

You sat, crying, and holding yourself tightly when no one else could. Dark thoughts flooded your mind, telling you the life of solitude was the only one you could survive. You cursed your mind for showing you these images of you leaving the one you loved. Thoughts were chaos. Thoughts could manifest into reality. Thoughts are inevitable.

"I wished for the pain to go away, I wished hard up to the stars, pounding my fists against the ground I wished for that. Why can't you grant me that wish? Rid me of my pain" You whispered up to the blank ceiling as your back crashed onto the silk bed below you. The tears dropped sideways, falling on your earlobes like dew drops. Your words were heard once then, they were heard now. All but ignored your wishes had been.

You had sat solemnly, thinking and staring blankly into the nothingness the ceiling held. Until a vibration went off on the bedside table. A beeping of your phone sent noise into the silent room. You reached quickly out to grab it, hoping you'd receive a call along the lines of 'I'll be back soon'. This wasn't that. A notification slide against the screen, the message reported urgent news to the cellphone carriers of York New City. Out of curiosity you pressed the notification, the top line read 'Terrorist organization known as "The Phantom Troupe" killed by guards at the Southern Piece Auction coup'.

Your heart stopped. Your finger scrolled down the page. Your fingertip made contact with the picture of Chrollos corpse before you could visually acknowledge what you had seen. Your body shook to its core. Your teeth clenched. Your eyes widen as they slowly started progressing pools. Your brain couldn't process what you'd been seeing. But then it did, and the whole world stopped to hear your screams. You let out shrieks of agony as your body stayed still. Your cries stayed unheard as you thought you'd been all alone. Like a tree falling in an empty forest, with no one to hear.

However, your screams were heard, by an assistant to the one who desperately wanted to protect you. The slender man descended down the hallway to your room with silent steps. His long black hair wavered in the wind as he approached the screaming sounds. His holed eyes felt nothing as his ears bled from your painful wails.

The doorknob turned slightly but set of the creaking noise of the metal. Your eyes shot up in desperate hopes to see Chrollo strolling through to hold you in his arms. Instead your mourning eyes met with eyes of darkness.

A look of confusion painted over your face. The man walked in silently and threw something that was to fast for your blurred eyes to catch. Your mouth parted to speak to the man but you were cut off by the wincing of pain that shot off in your left arm. Looking down to see a brass needle sticking out. Before you could look back up, the world fell black as your back fell trapped into the arms of the mysterious man who had now stood behind you.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now