Stage 3

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From stone to petals had your armor turned. Delicate fallen flowers now covered you in protection. But unsurely enough, petals wither. Winter comes, and life grows cold, infertile, dead.

The stars grew brighter as the pressure of your foot on the pedal increased. Your knuckles buckled tightly to the steering wheel. The shaking seemed to stop the faster you went. Barren ground and concrete road were the only thing in sight, while a raging city stood to your back.

A straight shot to the mountains... Although your decision could be fatal and complete failure, your gut instinct was propelled to those lingering mountains. The intestines lining your stomach felt magnetically pulled to them. Then your pretentious thoughts decided it was the most logical place to take someone you'd kidnapped. The cover from the city was unshakable, and the distance was mere.

You'll be right Y/n. He'll be there.

The doubt felt claustrophobic. The caving walls and the ponding sounds of war drums racing with your blood as you raced to him. The car's speed was gaining dangerously.

Everyone else had left the hideout. Probably on a hunt for themselves.

The crippled letter was lying on the passenger seat. A note of determination. Determination to know, driven by denial and anger. The bargaining would commence with the confrontation of the note.

Your breathing felt rhythmic, following a dooming hum. Your back was arched forward, your hands gripped down to the steering wheel, like you'd been bicycling on an incline. It was nauseating. The adrenaline felt like a bad high.

The lights were dwindling down the lonesome expressway. The stars twinkled gently, but a bright light shone from two blimps traveling through the sky. They were headed for the mountains.

Ten minutes before take off,

The chains wrapped around his ivory skin weren't as chilling as he'd thought them to be. His grin slowly faded when the image of you painted across his mind. His thoughts were set adrift, he wondered how worried you must've been. He wondered about your heart, was it beating too fast? He wondered about your reaction, if you had seen his sad letter. He wondered if you hated him, he smiled in reassurance at this thought. He'd wondered if you were safe right now. He wondered if you'd been in his arms, for comfort.

The small being named melody sat in wonder too. She heard this 'evil' mans longing heartbeat. A heartbeat that sang a sonnet of love. His heart was pure when his mind wondered about this mysterious love, she thought. Her kind heart wrenched, in a feeling of sorrow, and disbelief. Her thoughts drew a picture of sympathy, and perhaps redemption for this man who was about to be punished. But then her eyes and ears traveled to the screeching sound of pain in Kurapikas pounding heart. She remembered the sounds of agony the chained man had put the Chain User through. The sound was unapologetic, and mercy should not be found, this she reminded her self of, for her friends sake.

Then his cell phone rang. The sudden audio jolted her with a tight flinch. The tension had never been so loud.

Kurapika yelled in a unsuspecting manner, "Hisoka!"

Silence ensued. Chrollos grimly eyelids quickly dashed to sound of that name. He spoke again.

"What are you doing here?" Kurapika asked as he ran to the blimps window, spotting Hisoka walking across the lowly light hanger.

"Bastard!" He yelled.

A few more seconds passed. Kurapika bled pearls of sweat, and his eyes raged red. He looked like he was in contemplation. This was confirmed when he grunted in agreement and hung up the phone.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now