Three Souls

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Your eyes slowly opened to the emanate rays of sun beaming right at you. You yawned slowly while pushing yourself up on the bed. Turning to the side, you spotted the clock on the hotel nightstand, its hands pointed at 12 and 6. Your body plopped back down into the stiff sheets and you shut your eyes. It was too early to get up, but that had been a reoccurring thought for you lately. The past month, no matter what time it was, it had been too early. 'Maybe that's just depression' you groan at the thought. The sudden loud knocking at the door interrupted the thought. You groaned again, "Go away!"

The knocking continued.

You huffed loudly as you turned your head towards the door. "I'm still sleeping, idiot."
No response, just more obnoxiously loud knocking.

You let out a fuming sigh as you stumbled sleepily out of the bed. Your hands gripped the seam of the oversized shirt you'd been wearing, pulling it down as far as you could. The knocking continued as you walked towards the door. It turned into a slight little tune instead of the generic knock, which irritated you even more.

Opening the door to a face just as irritated you saw Hisoka.

"I told you I was still sleeping." You said stubbornly.

"You weren't if you were responding." He responded.

"Alright, bye!" You said sarcastically as you shut the door. His foot landed right in between the doorway, blocking the only way to make him go.

He pushed the door further back, prancing right into your room. You were too tired to try and get him out. You threw your hands up in defeat and walked back towards the bed. Crawling under the covers you looked over to him and said, "Make yourself at home, douchebag."

"Hn. So crabby" he snickered while clicking his tongue.

You fell back asleep, only to be woken, again, by a screeching whistle.

"Hisoka! What the fuck?" You sat up and yelled. He wasn't in sight though. You got up and walked to the kitchen to make that obscene whistling stop. He had a teapot on the stove. You walked over and turned the knob of the stove, the whistle slowly waned. You turned around to see him standing against the wall. He grinned, "Doesn't this bring back memories?"

You rolled your eyes, your mind traveled straight back to the moment he referring to, you almost chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but watch the shit you make next time."

"Liar." He hummed as he walked past you.

You followed after him and saw him fall onto your bed, where you were planning on returning.

"Get up!" You stomped over to him.

He sat himself up on his elbows, his eyebrows curled deviously, "Mm no. You can join me though if you'd like."

Now you were furious.

"Okay. Fuck this." You succumbed and walked over to your backpack and gathered some clothes and a towel. His eyes became glued to you, watching your slender exposed legs flex as you stormed into the bathroom. Your hips swaying, the t-shirt tightening around your waist, revealing a perfect outline of your bodily side profile. He smirked and drew his eyes away.

You quickly drew yourself a shower. The steam settled the entirety of the bathroom. As you stood with droplets drooling down your face your throat grew tight. The heat was clustering inside your throat, plunging the breath away that was keeping you alive. Your chest heaved with panic, a sudden overflow of despair and desperation. Your body slid against the shower walls to the cold tile floor.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now