The Joker

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I hate you Hisoka.

Your despising look of temptation eventually caved in. Hisoka seemed to read your mind entirely and stood up immediately as you took your first step to him.

You pushed yourself onto him, you kissed him vigorously. His velvet lips fell into yours like you'd been forged for each other. His tongue traveled through your mouth and down your throat in the roughest of manners.

Hisoka's hand slithered its way down to the handles of your hips and pushed you up against the countertop. Things were happening so fast you couldn't think, everything fell blurry but the senses inside you gravitated in thrill. His large hands grabbed your ass and picked you up to set you down on the counter. His left hand traveled quickly up your neck as he slammed your head into the cabinet. The pain made you moan. It was pleasurable.

Now sitting on the counter still violently making out, his right hand was gripping your upper thigh. Slowly traveling to your hips as he messed with your panties. Pulling back the tight strap and letting it go, the sharp burn made you tingle. You couldn't say no, but did you want to?

You slowly tilted your head up taking Hisokas lower lip with you in between your teeth. As you bit down slightly harder, he suddenly stuck his fingers in you. You let out his lip from your trap and scrunched your face as he thrust his fingers in and out of you. The suddenness left your body trembling as his fingers caress your most vulnerable spot. When you finally open your eyes all you can see is his devilish smirk. He starts picking up his speed, seeing if you could take it. He becomes irresistible as you grind yourself up against his hand. He knows how to please. Three fingers inside of you as he uses his thumb to stroke you, taking advantage of all your pleasurable spots.

The build-up becomes explosive. You've never been with somebody as good as he was.

Holy hell I'm gonna cum.

Your moans grew louder as you came closer to bursting. Hisoka's dead amber eyes looked into yours as he saw you edge. Chills flooded your body and your mind went blank, only focusing on the extreme amounts of pleasure this joker was giving you. The moaning turned into a scream as you let yourself out all onto his hand. He was just as satisfied as you. He took his hand out slowly, bringing his cum soaked fingers to his mouth. He dragged his tongue along them, taking all of you in.


His hand is still around your neck. Hisoka brought himself to your ear and whispered "You gave into me Y/n. I knew you would"

The statement took you completely off guard as your walls built right back up. Your soft pink cheeks turned exceedingly red as your blood boiled.

He just ruined this whole fucking thing. He's right, I gave in. I'm not going to let him off that easy, I need to make him give in to me and deny him. God, why does everything have to be such a sick twisted game?

"Your right, but at least let me return the favor," you said as you reached your hand down to his huge bulge. He smirked. This sent you hopping off the counter and getting down on your knees. You dragged your hands up under his shirt to feel his flawless torso. Dragging his white baggy pants down, his manhood was exposed.

Its. Fucking. Huge.

Grabbing it by your hands, you started shifting your tongue all over his tip. Your full lips pressed onto his dick and you started taking him in. You could hear the moans gravitating from Hisoka up above. You started twisting your hands in opposite directions, using what you had to give Hisoka the extreme pleasure that he gave you.

That's it! I know how I can get back at him. This is one of the most bitchy things I've ever done...but he deserves it.

Deep throating his dick, you started charging your aura into your touch. You were a manipulator and your ability was being able to take away the 5 senses to anyone as you chose, you had to have touched them to use this Nen ability though and it only lasted for a certain amount of short intervals.

Soon enough Hisokas's expression turned into confusion. He wasn't feeling any of it anymore. Your mouth on his dick felt like nothing to him. He jumped to realize you had something to do with this. He grabbed your wrists, standing you up and pushing you against the kitchen wall.

"What the fuck did you do to me y/n?"

Your wet lips curled slowly into a mischievous grin.

"FUCKING ANSWER ME!!" He screamed.

You moved your head close into his ear and whispered "You gave into me Hisoka, and I denied you"

His face grew red but he was maliciously smiling right back at you. His obsession for you skyrocketed at this moment when he realized how much fun he would have when he killed you.


That's all he has to say!?! fine?! I hate you even more Hisoka.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now