Y/n's Truth

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The two of you got dressed again. Chrollo suggested that you kept practicing your Nen techniques, so you did. All day you and Chrollo wasted the time away practicing moving the water through its molecules.

"Now let's try something harder" Chrollo told you.

"Don't make me stick my hand in dirt please" You said as his eyes traveled to the untouched pile of dirt. He laughed as you said this. Everytime you spoke his heart lit up, this was all new to him and he didn't know why he felt so strongly towards you. He knew it wasn't exactly normal to tell someone "I love you" after only weeks of knowing them, but Chrollos gut told him better to say it now. His gut told him not to waste anytime, and to take the chance. His gut was right in the end, but nothing ever stays the same.

"You don't have to stick your hands in the dirt, but try pulling something out of it. Search out for the hydrogen molecules and get them out."After telling you to do so you pulled your hands out and shut your eyes. You focused on inserting your Nen into the molecules, then you used Zetsu to envision the Nen infused molecules trapped in the dirt. Once you could clearly see the specks within the dirt you tried pulling them out. Soon enough you had a drop of water as large as your fist that circled above the pile of dirt.

"Y/n you did it!"Chrollo turned to you cheerfully.

"I told you I would" you smirked towards him.

"One more practice okay?" Chrollo suggested.


"Try separating the drops and putting them back on top of the dry dirt" He told you.

You nodded in agreement and got back to work. Soon enough the tiny drops were separated and you began placing them down on the dirt. You looked over to him to see him smiling at you. He was proud.

"Cmon let's head back" Chrollo said as he got up and reached his hand towards you. You grabbed it and pulled yourself up. The two of headed out the barn doors. The sun was setting by the time you'd left. Chrollo watched you as you walked out of the barn. The setting sun was right behind you and he watched your eyes plastered in front of the beautiful painting the sky had made on this lucky day. Chrollo finally felt something, and it was warm, his skin wasn't cold, his head wasn't racing, everything was calm when he was with you. Then Chrollos eyes wondered downwards, his eyes ruined the moment as he stared at the "H" craved on the side of your chest. It was small but his eyes took to deep of a notice.

"What's this?" Chrollo asked moving the strap to your top sideways a bit more, revealing the scar. He brushed his soft thumb over the wound.

Your eyes went into a panic, your breathing went heavy.

Fuck. That stupid scar. Should I tell him? No. But I should. Fuck.

"It was from someone from my past" you answered.

"May I ask what happened?" He said as his eyes looked back into yours.

"I don't want to talk about it." you said with ease but yours eyes told a different story of pain.

Chrollos eyes saddened from your sentence.

"It doesn't matter anyways, I have you now." You said as you reached your hand out to his jaw. He watched you for a moment blankly.

"We need to talk Y/n, about my troupe." Chrollo told you.

"Should I be worried?" you asked slowly.

"No, well, i'm not sure, but it's better for me to tell you the truth" He said hesitantly.

The two of you walked back to town in silence.

"Let's stay down here and grab something to eat while we talk" You suggested before Chrollo made his way to the stairs.

"That's fine"

Chrollo placed his hand on your lower back and walked you to a booth in the corner. The same both he'd been in when you first walked into this tavern. The two of you sat down across from each other and Chrollos fingers intertwined with yours against the wooden table top.

"So what is it?" You asked directly.

"The troupe. Well my troupe. We're named the Phantom Troupe, i'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, I hope you haven't so I get the chance to explain." He said worriedly.

Your mind wondered. You'd hear that name before. The Phantom Troupe. It took you a second but it came to you. You remember watching the news a few years back and hearing about a massacre of an entire clan. You fingers slowly inched back from Chrollos.

"I've heard it. Explain to me" You said with hope it wasn't true.

"I'm not going to lie to you. We haven't done anything good. We're thieves, murders, you name it, we've done it." Chrollo pleaded to you.

"Chrollo, it's alright, I've done things I'm not proud of, I've killed, but if we, continue, I don't want that for the rest of my life." you told him honestly.

"Y/n, your right, all I want is you, but we have one last job. The Troupe is the only family I've ever known, but, I want you."

"Just one last job, while you're with me at least?" You asked.

"Yes, and I don't plan on leaving you, so make it one last job forever." Chrollo said truthfully

"I have one condition." He tells you.

"What is it?" you asked hesitantly.

"Tell me about 'H'" he said as he pointed back towards your chest.

"Why?" you asked defensively.

"Y/n, just tell me, I've seen your suffering the entire time you've been here, is it because of 'H'?"

"Yes, I don't even want to say his name from my lips. But 'H' and I met not too long ago, and things lead to another, and I fell hard. But then I found out about his lies, I confronted him and told him I was done. Then I regretted it all, so I pleaded with him to take me back. H-he, he lied about everything, I-I wa-was, just, a, a, toy." You began to tear up. It still hurt to unleash the words out loud.

"Do you still love him?"

"I don't think I could ever not, but I despise him after everything. He broke me to pieces for his own enjoyment. But i'm putting it in the past, I have too. And now...well now I have you right?" You said as you reached your hand back into his.

He gripped it tightly as he took in the words you said.

"Always, till the day the sun doesn't rise anymore, i'll be here with you" He said with his soft grey eyes staring straight into yours.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now